We all know that global warming is when the sun rays get trapped underneath the excess carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, causing the sun rays to bounce back off it and stay in earth causing the temperature to rise. What do you think about it? Do you think that it is real? Or just a media hype?
james, get your head out of the dirt will ya. your looking like a strick religous guy. but then 1 that keeps spamming in a topic in wich he said he doesn't care about 50 times.
if you don't care why your posting?
First of all, how the hell does everybody know my real name? Second of all, I care about other people's opinion plus it opens up a window of opportunity for a good debate, which is what we're doing right now... The thrill of a good debate is exhilarating, isn't it...?
If you want to be a selfish person yes, it's not your problem. However, you should care that what actions you are doing will affect the lives of generations to come and should try to make it better for them, not worse and say, "I'll never meet them."
Like I said, "I do not care".
They also thought that mercury and lead were fun to play with...
They are fun, but highly toxic. Or at least mercury is and lead is mildly toxic but if it builds up in the bone marrow, you can get lead poisoning. Still not nice... Still Hg is a liquid transition metal and it is hard to not want to play with it but you can't because of its high toxicity.
This is called "natural selection." And that shows you my sense of humor.
No, that's via breeding. Whichever animal has the best ability to survive gets to **** the female animal and have offspring so that the species may evolve eventually. The humans stayed the same, just got smarter is all...
The same people who advertised doctors as smoking more Camel cigarettes.
No, that's intelligent. The doctors and pharmacists and shop keepers made more money. But then the scientists put a stop to that and told the whole world that smoking would kill you. Not that everybody cares. If lung cancer seems like a long way off, it isn't going to scare you all that much even with a minitaure photograph of a pair of smoker's lungs. That have been damaged by smoke inhalation and you cough a lot because the epithelial hairs get clogged up with tar and you cough to try to bring it up, but it is stuck so you end up with a permanent "smoker's cough". Not nice when you get lung cancer and die a slow death...
Global Warming is real, because the earth has warmed a few degrees Fahrenheit in the past few decades. However, this isn't 100% humanity's fault.
Everybody knows that...
Ice core samples have shown that the earth goes through 'hases', such as an ice age, then a very warm age, which we are increasingly entering in to. Its like a climate tug-and-pull session. Sometimes its ridiculously cold, others ridiculously warm, for tens of thousand of years at a time.
Thank you for that statement. That helps the topic along. I already knew that, but not everybody does. So your contribution to the topic is a good thing.
So technically, this isn't our fault. However, we are definitely speeding the process up. So if we were to work on our CFC emissions, we would slow the process, but not stop it.
I would give sources, but I was taught that.
Again helpful and possibly some other people other than me knew that...
Ice caps are melting faster. Even though sometimes it is really cold all of a sudden.
That's because the warming of the Earth is causing the clouds to form differently and this is leading to weather extremes. Therefore it can cause clouds that can blow in and cool places down instead. But overall the climate is steadily climbing upwards even though the immediate weather is worse in either direction. Then the polar ice caps melt and the sea level rises from both the melted ice and the warm sea causes the particles to gain more energy so the spacing in between particles in the sea so it rises with temperature. Then low-lying lands like Holland disappear beneath the new sea level. And, like I said, I don't care because I'll be dead by then and I ain't having no kids, therefore it does not affect me. **** the rest of the human race, because as long as I'm okay, I don't care about the rest of humanity; I don't have that stupid notion to protect my species because I'm too cold to give a **** about them. Haha.
He's right, partydevil. Back to the topic, I feel that global warming, while a daunting subject that many people don't want to address, it is there. With our population hitting 7 billion and rising ever so quickly, there is little we can do. We can't exactly mass genocide humans, now, can we? I think that we can delay it for an amount of time by improving the way we get power, (Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, etc) making it cheap so it can be used widely. We can stop the icecaps from melting if we make clean power affordable. Then we can use it.
We can't exactly mass genocide humans, now, can we?
We could, but we won't because of "ethics".
(Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, etc)
The problem with them is intermittence and low efficiency and power output, therefore we invent nuclear fusion which we perfect in 20-50 years time. That means that all of the problems are solved.
No. First, Nuclear Fusion is again, a good, viable option. It produces a ton of power. One thing though, is that not all problems will be solved. Think of this. More Energy equals better healthcare, technology, farming, higher standards of life. So, More Energy equals more population. More Population increases the amount of carbon dioxide produced. We all know what that means. Humans will never stop multiplying. I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, we just need to find a way to support large amounts of people without polluting the environment too much.
You want nuclear fusion? That is very hard to make and handle. Though not too bad I suppose if the factories where its made is kept a good enough distance from civilizations.
You want nuclear fusion? That is very hard to make and handle. Though not too bad I suppose if the factories where its made is kept a good enough distance from civilizations.
Yes, and they are going to have it perfected within 20-50 years. Then we'll have a virtually limitless source of energy... Hydrogen; the most abundant element in the world. Apparently they are going to superheat hydrogen until it becomes a plasma and then they are going to fire the atoms of hydrogen; the isotopes dutirium titrium and they are going to contain the superheated plasma inside an electromagnetic field and they are trynna figure out what to make the walls out of. Tungsten is good but too heavy and so can add too many impurities when the neutrons from the fusions reactions hit them and knock atoms off. And they'll have robots to replace the wall panels when the neutrons knock the atoms and cause them to become radioactive. The place will be completely sealed with lead to stop the radiation escaping. No explosions means no chance of a nuclear fallout, so no danger whatsoever unless the whole thing falls apart which it shouldn't after they've perfected it...
So yeah the physicists are thinking of ways around the difficulties which apparently should prevent the need for fossil fuels and so when they run out we'll have hydrogen.