We all know that global warming is when the sun rays get trapped underneath the excess carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, causing the sun rays to bounce back off it and stay in earth causing the temperature to rise. What do you think about it? Do you think that it is real? Or just a media hype?
I don't know if you'll be able to find it...I made a topic a long long time ago entitled "Al Gore is a Terrorist" - or something along those lines. It was a really entertaining discusssion :P Probably more than a year ago now lol
Anyway, acid rain and deforestation are tied to global warming, acid rain is caused by the emissions of factories that also cause the hole in the ozone, and deforestation takes away trees that can absorb greenhouse gases.
I'm just saying that acid rain is a much more direct threat from our greenhouse gas emissions than a slight warming trend that may or may not be related :P
And deforestation is more of a problem due it causing flooding and the loss of rare species than it is for causing global warming IMO :P
My point is that I feel there are much more urgent environmental matters than global warming.
The more urgent environmental concerns are often quite easy to sort out as well. We have a problem in this country of coastal erosion, and being an island, land isn't something we can take for granted. All it would take is for the wave barriers to be renovated and maintained, but they're ignored in favour of so-called eco towns.
Ironically, if the CO2 theory was found to be correct, these eco towns are the most damaging things that could have been thought up. They are miles from anywhere meaning that car ownership is almost a must, they are built with huge amounts of concrete (a large contributor to the CO2 argument) and aside from anything else, the power needs of the communities wouldn't be consistent as they rely solely on wind turbines.
I have a pet hate of land-based wind turbines, but perhaps that is for another thread.