ForumsWEPRGlobal Warming

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274 posts

We all know that global warming is when the sun rays get trapped underneath the excess carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, causing the sun rays to bounce back off it and stay in earth causing the temperature to rise. What do you think about it? Do you think that it is real? Or just a media hype?

  • 107 Replies
9,439 posts

the earths average temperature has been rising ever since about 30 years after oil and gas was discovered.

Odd fact
Petroleum was discovered thousands of years ago.
3,371 posts

Global Warming is just like the theory that the world will end in 2012 IT'S A FAKE GLOBAL WARMING = CRAP!

Can I ask you something? Do you trust national geographic?

Because they say its real.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke


I live on an island which gets flooded just by rains :S So if it's a fact or at least possessing enough data to make it realistically possible, it might cause quite a stir here.

27 posts

GLOBAL WARMING IS A theory it is not real people.....


Faking Natural Disasters To Boost The Economy

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I've seen conspiracy nuts but this one takes the cake.

Explain to us how you can first fake a disaster, and then boost the economy with it. Go on.

27 posts

OK global warming was a hoax it was send to everybody in the house...

do your research bro because Global Warming is a economy booster!!!!!

9,439 posts

Global Warming is just like the theory that the world will end in 2012 IT'S A FAKE

The difference is that 2012 is pure speculation because it hasn't happened yet and is baseless (or based on misinformation because people don't realize that the Mayan long-count callendar repeats similar to the way our own does and is going to end its 13th cycle next year). There is plenty of data to show that the temperature overall has risen in recent history. There is just not enough data to show if it is simply a natural occurance or not.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

OK global warming was a hoax it was send to everybody in the house...

Again, what in the world are you speaking?

do your research bro because Global Warming is a economy booster!!!!!

I did do a research paper for it, and have presented much evidence in the thread if you cared to look for it. You on the other hand just make assertions and then tell others to find evidence.

Well, I believe that you're either just a troll or someone ignorant who tries to hide his mistakes, unless you can give us evidence that global warming is an active conspiracy and hoax designed to boost the economy. Which means, refuting the mountain loads of evidence scientists have come up with, AND present credible government documents that show it's all an economic conspiracy.
37 posts

heat temperatures will rise no snow and people will start to say what happen to those other years when snow use to fall everything seemed natural
they try to raise awareness right not but people don't listen. It's pretty sad people can't put stuff in a trash can to save the earth.
It's disappointing

37 posts

oh and people who say its a hoax, its not
get some common sense cause global warming is happenin'

5,129 posts

OK global warming was a hoax it was send to everybody in the house...

do your research bro because Global Warming is a economy booster!!!!!

oh my care bears...
is it me, or are people getting more dumb by the day?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

oh my care bears...
is it me, or are people getting more dumb by the day?

The latter seems a more fitting answer.

Oh, and if it was an economy booster, jolly good job it's doing, look where in the world we are now.
539 posts

My argument in another thread of the exact same title less than a week ago:

The scientific community has a vested interest in interpreting the data it collects as some huge building problem simply because it secures their funding for more study. I don't know whether they are interpreting the data correctly, whether there is a direct correlation between solar flares and the temperature variation of the earth or for that matter whether the CO2 theory is correct, but the political answer in my country has been to increase taxes. That's about their solution to this so-called problem. Take more money.

Meanwhile environmental issues such as coastal erosion are ignored and receive no funding, causes houses to drop off the edges of cliffs... but that doesn't seem to matter to politicians.

Is it not a possibility that if the globe is warming that it is an entirely natural event that we as a species can do nothing to halt or alter? And if that is the case, wouldn't it be more prudent to put time and energy into resource management to enable nations to at the very least enjoy the time we have left on earth, or figure out coping mechanisms for the end game?

In addition, why is the focus not on resource management? Surely even if the global warming theory is true, resource management would reduce the use of fossil fuels and concentrate on renewables. If the governments of the world concentrated purely on the fact that resources are not finite, most people would understand that wouldn't they?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

In addition, why is the focus not on resource management? Surely even if the global warming theory is true, resource management would reduce the use of fossil fuels and concentrate on renewables. If the governments of the world concentrated purely on the fact that resources are not finite, most people would understand that wouldn't they?

Lots of research is being funded into renewable energy sources, but it's cheaper and hence makes more sense for economies to run using fossil fuels at least in the short run to generate profit.
3,437 posts

GLOBAL WARMING IS A theory it is not real people.....

If it global warming is a theory then it is real and a credible scientific field of research. Therefore you sir would be incorrect in your vague unfounded assumptions.

Now for my two cents.

I belive that global warming is a credible threat to our future and that we must provide better care for out environment, however, I am aware that the Earth's climate moves in cycles of cold and warm periods. Now according to research we are speeding the process up. However, there are several conflicting, credible reports on that matter. My personal stance is that yes we are creating an impact, yet it is nothing on such a drastic scale as some may claim.
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