OK, I swear this is the last post. I usually don't do this!
I believe that's called ad hominem, and it's not cool.
Yes it is. I'm an atheist, and I feel insulted to be told I can't use such a name because apparently it has religious connotations that I have ''gone'' against.
That is incorrect. Animals that mate with there own gender are not really the same gender.
Any evidence? As far as the evidence I have given is concerned, scientists worldwide have stated such animals copulating with each other, of the same sex. Unless of course you mean having a penis now is being female, and having a vagina is being a male.
In a difficult environment animals will switch genders. The only animals that do that a "unisex" which means they aren't male or female. Or, they are "bisex" which means they can be a male the first day and a female the second. Once this switch has accured the animal usually stays that gender.
I am well aware that animals switch gender, but out of the 1500 animals listed, only a small minority can. Unless you're telling me elephants, giraffes, penguins, dolphins, lions and swans can switch gender.
In biology, hermaphrodites are generally invertebrate animals. None of those I have listed above is an invertebrate.
Furthermore, if you have actually read up before posting, you would have found out that most of the animals that can undergo a sex change are fish like clownfish.
See, when God created the Earth he was thinking. Those birds can impregnate themselves because of hormones. Humans make both male and female hormones. In the males the male hormone out-weighs the female hormones and vice-versa. These female birds can get themselves pregnant by increasing their male hormones and thus they can fertilize themselves. This also happens with those aquatic shrimp, Sea Monkeys. As you can see, God had a plan for everything.
A) I find it hard to believe you can actually claim to ''read'' the Almighty's thoughts. That smacks of egotistic behaviour and assumptions to me.
B) Male hormones are different from sperm. Male hormones are things like testosterone, which does not contain genetic material such as that in sperm.
Testosterone is the male version of sex hormone, secreted mainly by testis (also from adrenal cortex, though in very small amout). It contributes to the sex characteristics of male and essential for spermatogenesis.
Semen is the fluid that is released through the penis during orgasm. Semen is made up of fluid and of sperm. The fluid comes from the prostate, seminal vesicle and other sex glands. The sperm are manufactured in the
testicles. The seminal fluid helps transport the sperm during orgasm. Seminal fluid contains sugar as an energy source for sperm. A female animal cannot suddenly develop testicles unless it is one of the aforementioned species that can undergo sex changes, a minute number.
Conclusion, testosterone and sperm although related, are COMPLETELY different.
So I suggest you read up on your basic science before coming back. How about that?