Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.
And I am not ignorant nor is my son. He's a teenager and I'm positive that teenage boys tend to get awkward with homosexuality topics.
What does that matter what you think of your "son." (If it truly wasn't you posting that horrific comment.) What matters is what he posted, and he is clearly an ignorant homophobic.
What does that matter what you think of your "son." (If it truly wasn't you posting that horrific comment.) What matters is what he posted, and he is clearly an ignorant homophobic.
I suppose the other possibility is that he was trolling. Not exactly a step up though.
He's a teenager and I'm positive that teenage boys tend to get awkward with homosexuality topics
depends on what they know about it. if they don't know ****, then they only get to know what they see on tv and in school about it. wich is a compleet wrong vision on homosexuality.
I'm pretty sure since I'm a father of 2 sons all in High-School, I know more about the teenager experience.
i suggest you to talk whit your boys about this subject so they don't get the wrong view of homosexuals. (or you dislike them aswell then plz. do not talk whit them about it xD)
Um, what's that? Not really sure what you're talking about.
a male dressed in woman clothing.
btw not all transvestites are gay. most arn't to be real. but people think they are. why? i dunno. when you get to know some you will also understand their way of thinking. and it has nothing to do whit being gay. (for most)
Did I say all teenagers? No. I said teenagers tend to be awkward with it. I'm pretty sure since I'm a father of 2 sons all in High-School, I know more about the teenager experience. I was once one and my sons tell me about a transvestite in their school.
Blimey, you must know more than everyone else then! Two sons? Two whole sons who are teenagers! And, not only that, you used to be one yourself! Cor blimey... what are the odds of that?
I've got 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter, one of which is a teenager. If he'd written what you claim your son wrote on here, I wouldn't be on here arguing the point with all of us, I'd be having a word with my son.
Kids are amazing.. they really are. They develop, they grow and they give you so much more back over the years, but it takes input and effort to get there. My kids aren't perfect, far from it, but they are like sponges for learning and appreciating what we have.
If you kid is spouting rubbish on internet forums though, is it just the kids responsibility or the parent? Should the parent be excusing their kids bad behaviour because of their own ignorance? I certainly wouldn't.
1st few year (untill they can fully speak sentences) they are realy asking evrything you got from you. then from 5year old till teenager (13/14) it's good and happy times. this is the time you will get the most joy from your kids. their just unknowing and it's very much fun to see them learn new things. teenager (14-19) they are awfull, there is almost nothing you can do right for them and they will handle you like trash also. this is the time you will get the least fun from them. then when they have been growing up they get their own friends own living place own family own LIFE. you will hear less from them you will see them less. (how i know this... i also got brothers and sisters that all 3 have kids. and ive seen them grow whit all their phases)
i simply don't want to wast loads of money on 1 kid that might be fun for only 14 year or so. when i also spend it on myself and my girl to have a good lifetime ourself. it toke me long befor i found a girl whit that same idea. and i'm happy i eventualy found 1 that is also for much fun to spend time whit.
i guess we are dropping away from the topic.. move on my gay friends. who is against? ^^
Oh and I'm new to this community forum, how is everyone?
I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking. And Mazel Tov on your wedding.
Kids are amazing.. they really are.
Unless of course, they are ignorant SOBs who make posts about how homosexuality is vile and that they aren't "homophobic as long as one doesn't come near me."
Generally, that is just guys being perverted and immature.
Do you mean those guys who think it's okay when women do it, but not when men do? Or do you mean regardless of how they feel, the fantasies are immature?
Do you mean those guys who think it's okay when women do it, but not when men do? Or do you mean regardless of how they feel, the fantasies are immature?
If that is truely their fetish, than that's their thing. But the people who say it's okay with women but not men, and joke about it with their other guy friends, that crosses the line into immature. And that is why I included
homosexuality should be accepted in both forms, or we are just hypocrites for allowing one but not the other in society (also, lesbian reality is waaaaaaaay different than what the fantasy describes, and I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain why).
to soldier: welcome to the debate thread, gratz on the engagement, and be sure to know what you are talking about before you post.
to the guy who claims his "son" made the homophobic post: tell your "son" that what he did was rather stupid, and now because of it, we will always consider you troll for the post (the quotes are there because I still don't believe your son posted it).
to the guy who claims his "son" made the homophobic post: tell your "son" that what he did was rather stupid, and now because of it, we will always consider you troll for the post (the quotes are there because I still don't believe your son posted it).
meh... even if it WAS his son. is it not his fault? it is his fault until he actually talks to him. which surprises me he didnt say he talked to him after he posted such a comment. wouldnt surprise me if he is one of the parents who would be angry because you said something and not because of what you said.
kind of like: "you are right. but that doesnt mean you can say it."