Well a lot of people have been telling me evolution is real. They give me the most craziest surreal 'facts'. Has anyone discovered any fish with legs? Any humans with gills or fins? If you put all the pieces of a watch into you're pocket and shake it around for trillions of years, will it ever become a watch? Is there but one possibility? Or if you completely dismantle a chicken and a fish, and put it into a box, shaking it around for trillions of years. Will it ever become a fish with wings? or a chicken with fins? :l
if you deny evolution, and your not willing to watch the video. then there is no hope for you =)
This video is absolutely ridiculous, and I am sure that all serious scientists, whether atheist or not, would agree. To be quite frank, I only watched the first minute or so, and could not stand to watch the rest.
While there is indeed extremely strong evidence for evolution, we have no formal proof for it. Indeed, we have no formal proof for ANYTHING that is not mathematical: the theory of relativity, the Newton laws, etc. are all theories and cannot be proven to be valid. Denying any of them may be illogical, but does not imply you have to deny the others. After all, humans are all subjective and not bound by strict behavioural laws(thankfully). We are entitled to make subjective judgements on all matters. While others may consider our judgements to be illogical/against common sense, they cannot actually prove our judgements are wrong.
Note that I am not denying evolution. As a matter of fact I personally chose to believe (and I insist on the world BELIEVE) that it is true, and we have indeed evolved. However, I also believe the universe was set in motion by an external force (before the BB). But these are beliefs, requiring faith.
The only thing we can prove rigorously and assert without having to resortto faith and belief is a mathematical truth. Talk to a mathematician if you don't understand what I mean, they'll be overjoyed to explain
While there is indeed extremely strong evidence for evolution, we have no formal proof for it.
Aside from direct observations of micro-evolution, empirical evidence, mountains of proven hypothesis...no, it's not proven at all.
the Newton laws
Yeah. You're right. Inertia isn't proven. That's why when you turn in your car you don't feel anything. Right?
Denying any of them may be illogical, but does not imply you have to deny the others.
They all went through the same process to become a scientific theory and the same method was used to determine their validity. If you deny that evolution is baseless, you must also deny everything that science has found since the inception of the scientific method.
As a matter of fact I personally chose to believe (and I insist on the world BELIEVE)
The word belief implies a lack of concrete evidence and that something must be taken for its word, aka faith. This is not necessary. We have demonstrated how evolution works, have the evidence to back it up, and have observable evidence. Belief is not necessary.
This video is absolutely ridiculous, and I am sure that all serious scientists, whether atheist or not, would agree. To be quite frank, I only watched the first minute or so, and could not stand to watch the rest.
good that you can make a conclusion about the entire 9 mins after only 1 min.
but since it it normale i wont read the rest of your post either because i think EVRYTHING you write is ridiculous. based on this 1st bit you wrote down. (it's exactly the same as what you do whit my video)
While there is indeed extremely strong evidence for evolution, we have no formal proof for it.
What do you mean? All of the evidence is formally proven. Unless you and I have different definitions of the word formal. Evolution is proven, I'm a little confused on why you don't trust all the evidence we have for it.
This video is absolutely ridiculous, and I am sure that all serious scientists, whether atheist or not, would agree. To be quite frank, I only watched the first minute or so, and could not stand to watch the rest.
Considering the first minute hardly touches on any actual examples of what is being denied, I will have to consider this a fail on your part.
While there is indeed extremely strong evidence for evolution, we have no formal proof for it. Indeed, we have no formal proof for ANYTHING that is not mathematical: the theory of relativity, the Newton laws, etc. are all theories and cannot be proven to be valid.
The reason why we don't consider a theory proven is because ti has to remain falsifiable so that we can make testable predictions with it. This is one of a theories strengths and does not effect it's validity in any way.
Denying any of them may be illogical, but does not imply you have to deny the others.
Well yes you can end up denying other as aspects from the creationist claims. For example the implication of a universe that's only 6,000-10,000 years old leaves one having to deny the physics behind how we are able to see light from stars much further away than would be allowed for this age.
We even see the creationists here denying many of the things being pointed out in that video, such as vestigial organs and transitional fossils.
Note that I am not denying evolution. As a matter of fact I personally chose to believe (and I insist on the world BELIEVE) that it is true, and we have indeed evolved.
Very well, but it's not required of you or anyone to believe in it for it to be valid.
THERE IS NO FORMAL PROOF FOR CREATIONISM EITHER. And we've seen how creatures develop to suit their environment, and evolution seems a tad more likely than: A deity creating everything yet only belonging to two religions, belittling other religions.