ForumsWEPRDo you have a religion?

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So, uh, yeah, the title pretty much says it. Lots of topics turn into religion debates, so this is meant for that. Mine is Atheist. Feel free to oppose, but I'll oppose your post, too.

  • 356 Replies
9,462 posts

Why would anyone want to accept the concept that no matter how decent a human being you are, you're still classed as a sinner until you're redeemed after death?

Why would a battered wife want to think the abuse they get is their fault? It plays on a number of emotional points to keep them coming back.
5,129 posts

If forgiveness was automatically given, why would there be a place for purgatory or hell?

to spread fear and cause illiterate people to listen more closely to what they had to say.
aka to draw attention to them.

if i remember right then god is all forgiving, right? or only all forgiving and loving during those 3 days?

I'm not saying anything makes sense at all, but Catholics are automatically sinners the day they are born and they are sinners the day that they die

now i wonder, what is the catholic version of "the purpose/meaning of life" when your ****ed anyway =S xD
539 posts

Why would a battered wife want to think the abuse they get is their fault? It plays on a number of emotional points to keep them coming back.

True, but despite staying in an abusive relationship, the wife feels resentment which builds over time. The wife may well blame herself, but at some point in time she will realise and what she does about it is unpredictable.

Equating Catholics to battered wives though, I'm not sure we'll get away with that, even based on the emotional emphasis. Catholics are kept in a perpetual state of guilt. Guilt for the death of Christ, guilt for living a life and guilt for wanting more than they have.

The majority comes from the church and as we know, the church radically altered the original scriptures to suit their own gain. It doesn't pay to have homosexuals in the religion as they don't bear children, nor contraception, as it prevents procreation. The churches goal was to have as many Catholics roaming the earth as possible and it did that by altering a series of stories which probably were quite reasonable at the time.

An interesting side effect of the Roman Catholic church though is that the more knowledge is spread through the internet and the media, the faster the numbers diminish. Churches are struggling because the world is gradually waking up to their dogma and realising that freedom isn't about someone telling you whether or not to wear a condom, whether or not family planning is a good idea and certainly whether or not you have to attend a building and give money to an already bloated organisation.

There is nothing wrong with being a Christian, believing in God and following a path you believe, but I think it is about time that the church realised it has outlived its time and there will be no future generations willing to donate to an institution that has tried to control the masses with lies, deceit and dare I say, a false God.

If there really is a God, does that God command that man gives money to another man in order to worship? Does God insist that man must follow the rules of a book written by another man? Would God condone the butchering of people throughout the ages in his name? Spanish Inquisition anyone?
9,462 posts

Catholics are kept in a perpetual state of guilt. Guilt for the death of Christ, guilt for living a life and guilt for wanting more than they have.

This would be just one reason I think the comparison works so well.

Here's a whole video on how the two match up.
Set Yourself Free

The churches goal was to have as many Catholics roaming the earth as possible and it did that by altering a series of stories which probably were quite reasonable at the time.

In some cases the stories may have been just that, stories.

For example how the Jesus narrative so closely resembles an altered version of Homer's Odyssey mixed with other influences.

If you want to watch through the arguments for this, here's the first part.
Excavating The Empty Tomb (beyond a reasonable doubt) PART 1

There is nothing wrong with being a Christian, believing in God and following a path you believe, but I think it is about time that the church realised it has outlived its time and there will be no future generations willing to donate to an institution that has tried to control the masses with lies, deceit and dare I say, a false God.

I think my issue is more on the reasoning why.

Would God condone the butchering of people throughout the ages in his name?

Isn't that part of the basis of Christianity? (Jesus)
3,371 posts

Equating Catholics to battered wives though, I'm not sure we'll get away with that, even based on the emotional emphasis. Catholics are kept in a perpetual state of guilt. Guilt for the death of Christ, guilt for living a life and guilt for wanting more than they have.


I can understand the rest of your post.

Isn't that part of the basis of Christianity? (Jesus)

Do you mean that it is hypocritical because Jesus said not to kill and the church said to kill in the name of Jesus? Because if that was what you meant, then I agree.
9,462 posts

Do you mean that it is hypocritical because Jesus said not to kill and the church said to kill in the name of Jesus? Because if that was what you meant, then I agree.

I was referring to how in Christianity we are expected to accept Jesus's human sacrifice. This is a brutalization and slaughter of a person that is foundational to the religion that the God of that religion condones given that was the whole point of his existence.
4,710 posts

some thoghs i want to share. the answers from the christian girl are funny sometimes while the questions of the atheist girl are good questions: Atheist Girl vs Christian Girl

well, even if you do good things to raise your karma to get rewarded, you will not know how or when yoiu get rewarded. same goes for bad karma.

That's the religious belief. You don't really know when you'll be rewarded or punished for your actions, but you know it'll come.

sorry if i said you will be rewarded/punished. i think we should do good things to eachother just to help and not to get a reward.

if it would be so easy to get to heaven just by praying and believing, then whats with all the inquisitor? they killed in the name of god.

21 posts

I really don't have a religion, I just haven't decided yet. I dont really like some of the catholic beliefs even though my family is catholic. I think that it probably took multiple gods to create the universe. The point being, is that men were created in god's image, and we became like god, yet god rules over us, sounds like a monarchy to me, which disagrees with the natural order of life that Catholicism presents to us. I do believe in democracy, but I also believe that life has classes in them

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I think that it probably took multiple gods to create the universe.

And what made you think that?

men were created in god's image, and we became like god,

In his image, but not entirely like him, i.e we aren't omniscient. But yes, people have argued that religion enforces something like a celestial dictatorship where we are bound by fear and love out of fear for a Supreme Being, or we will burn in some fiery place for eternity.
52 posts

I am roman catholic

5,129 posts

I really don't have a religion, I just haven't decided yet.

i'm sure that people on this forum can give you enoufg info so that you can make a decision. but for that to happen you need a open mind about anything that your parents and maybe other people have throw in your head.

I dont really like some of the catholic beliefs even though my family is catholic.

that your family is catholic doesn't mean you have to be catholic aswell.
when in your family people do suicide. then it's not your duty to suicide aswell. it's your own life whit your own path to take.

I think that it probably took multiple gods to create the universe

christianity says that their god is perfect ad is able to do anything and more of which you can think of.
having such god in mind means that he can create evrything on it's own.

The point being, is that men were created in god's image, and we became like god, yet god rules over us, sounds like a monarchy to me,

any religion i can think of is a hierarchy.

I do believe in democracy,

their is no democracy in any religion.
in a democracy evry1 has the same amount to say about the subjects.
a religion does not want you to think freely. religion wants you to only think inside the box they have created. and when your going to think outside the box then you are in anticipation already wrong. and they will never listen to you.

but I also believe that life has classes in them

9,462 posts

religion wants you to only think inside the box they have created. and when your going to think outside the box then you are in anticipation already wrong. and they will never listen to you.

Well... I can think of at least one religion.

"All my followers should not accept my teaching out of devotion or faith; but rather through investigation and experiment." -Dalai Lama
5,129 posts

darn that hinduism/budhism. they always have other (beter) sayings then the other mayor religions xD

btw you know wich dalai lama has said that?

9,439 posts

btw you know wich dalai lama has said that?

He was quoting the Buddha, but it was the 14th one. link (it's at the bottom of the page).
9,462 posts

btw you know wich dalai lama has said that?

He was quoting the Buddha, but it was the 14th one. link (it's at the bottom of the page).

Yeah it was the 14th one.

If I remember correctly I got the quote from here.
Buddhism: The last honest religion? Entertaining Q&A with Dalai Lama
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