ForumsThe TavernDo you think being a mod would sound fun?

212 24462
2,074 posts

Well, okay. You know that there are those people who spam the site (Don't comment on that, Cen). You know tere are people who are always yelling at the mods, etc. But is it really that bad? You still get to have a fun time on ArmorGames, and the users who use AG well respect them. So do you think it's really that bad?

  • 212 Replies
2,739 posts

the mods are always saying ow bad thier jobs are.most of the time mods are right or correct so killersup bets that it is not the greates job in the world.tons of work and then ya don't get paid.sombody got to pay for the internet and no pay hurts.still though mods get some repsect and can delete comments,lock forums, and ban users.but being a mod is still prolly not the best thing.of course if a admin offered the job to killersup he would take it in a heartbeat.

181 posts

i would want to be a mod, if i was asked. this site needs them, and i would do it. also, as a mod you are excepted on a new level, and im not really excepted anywhere in real life, that's why i come here. Also as a mod you get to hear the news, and get to make the site better. if asked i would become a mod to help AG improve. i have been playing this site for years without an account.

181 posts

sorry, didnt finish that.
the mod team seems like a place everyone tries to get to at one point, everyone envy's. i am not envied in real life, and i do want to be. life as a mod seems great, helping new people because we were all there at one point. I would love to be a mod, and i have no idea why you guys would not want to be one.

2,739 posts

i would want to be a mod, if i was asked. this site needs them,

you need to be extremly active,need to be here atleast a year, and armor games doesn't need another mod.they just appointed freakenstein a mod in the summer of 2011 and killersup rad somwhere that they don't see the need to appoint a new one. you also have to be eighteen or over or else you don't even show up on the to be moderator list.seeing as how you are new,low rank,your post are somtimes acurate the chances of you being a mod anytime soon is must also have a extremly good knowledge of the rules and must also be very good at spelling.thats the information that killersup has read about and picked up from the forums and reading conversations.
13,344 posts

Becoming a mod is like becoming the pope. You can train for your entire life to meet every single expectation at the perfect moment and then some, and then you hope you get selected out of the hundreds of other people trying to get it; or, you could enjoy your life and realize that there are better things in life than having power and influence over millions of people you don't even know.

2,739 posts

there are better things in life than having power and influence over millions of people you don't even know.

really? killersup wonders what it would be like without all of his minons.nah! the throne is where killersup shall stay!

when somone wants to be a mod this is the saying that must be said.:when you want somthing then it will never be,but when the worries are gone and it is forgotten then it shall possibly come true:.-killersup
1,388 posts

Being a mod sounds like a lot of fun. But a lot of responsibility too.

30 posts

It would be fun while I was online but it would be too much pressure. I'm sticking to the games.

1,322 posts

No one ever notices that I never post in these threads except to say something stupid. Mostly because no one ever seems to notice that I'm actually on. *ninja mod*

Silly Gantic, everyone knows that you are always there looming just beyond our sight... >_> always vigilant, always watching, always ready to omnom a spammer. Some even say you're part computer (which would explain the ever presentness).
125 posts

So I just finished reading all of this thread and from what I can tell, being a moderator is exactly the same as being a regular user except you get to make a huge ammount of jokes about moderation and lose a slight connection with the community.

Personally, I see moderators as just sophisticated users that can help you and overall have a good personality.

As for being a moderator? Probably not. The time I spend on forums is huge enough already and it wouldn't be worth it.

5,823 posts

i would totally be a mod if i could, but i'm only 13 and i have to be at least 18 to be a mod and if it wasn't for that i would have tried to be one myself, i already try to do their job sort ofm i often tell people that they are posting in the wrong forum that the comment had nothing to do with the game etc. so yeah i would like to be a mod

13,344 posts

I'm sticking to the games.

What games? This is a forum, not some gaming site.

but i'm only 13 and i have to be at least 18 to be a mod and if it wasn't for that i would have tried to be one myself

If you have to "try" to be mod material, it shows that you clearly don't have the natural ability to be one and therefore you will not be considered for the job.

That, and the fact that nobody likes a backseat mod; especially one who is clearly trying to prove something.

i often tell people that they are posting in the wrong forum

How does that help them? They've already made the thread, and they don't have the ability to move it anywhere else. It's still a perfectly good thread, so why contaminate it with "dis shud be in teh flash gamez forum"-type comments? It can still be moved by the mods, who are perfectly capable of using their own judgment when it comes to thread placement. All it basically does for the user who posted the thread, though, is point out that they failed, which can sometimes end with that same user quietly stepping away from the forums altogether.

Now, if a user has made a duplicate thread, there's no problem with redirecting them to the correct thread, as the duplicate will eventually be locked or deleted anyway. But once someone has posted a link to redirect that user, there's no need to post in the duplicate again before it gets locked. "Dis shud be l0cked"-type comments are about as useful as ejector seats are in a helicopter.

There have been little to no instances where a mod has said "Thank you, random forum user! If you hadn't pointed out that this thread needed to be locked, it would have never crossed my mind!"
5,823 posts

you have to "try" to be mod material, it shows that you clearly don't have the natural ability to be one and therefore you will not be considered for the job.
when i said tried i meant submit myself as a candidate
1,627 posts

"Dis shud be l0cked"-type comments are about as useful as ejector seats are in a helicopter.

I literally ROFL'd...

Being a mod would be...interesting, and I think it'd be an experience. However, I wouldn't really want to be in control of millions of users.

1,361 posts

Well... I don't think "fun" would be the right word! It would be a productive use of my time, and it would not be boring at all, but making a commitment to help run a site this huge isn't exactly my idea of fun! xD

Though it would be nice if someone would clean out the game comments regularly. There are a lot of people out there who submit very short comments that aren't at all specific to the game! Some of those people are even in the top 100, or near it.

Showing 136-150 of 212