ForumsThe TavernDo you think being a mod would sound fun?

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2,074 posts

Well, okay. You know that there are those people who spam the site (Don't comment on that, Cen). You know tere are people who are always yelling at the mods, etc. But is it really that bad? You still get to have a fun time on ArmorGames, and the users who use AG well respect them. So do you think it's really that bad?

  • 212 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Or because it's the only place to talk to Cen.

3,386 posts

I lol'd at that reply to the thingie with the pictures and things.

Yeah. Cen. Are you here? Now? :'(

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I think it's early morning for the people in the Land of Pastries.

3,386 posts

No excuse!
People there must get up early to make the Pastries, no?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

No excuse!
People there must get up early to make the Pastries, no?

Cen lives on tea. And beer if his pics are accurate.

Just a question. What time do mods usually get on AG when they do?
13,657 posts

Just a question. What time do mods usually get on AG when they do?

It's 9 in the morning here. Well, half past, almost. I woke up around 9 o'clock.
Generally AG is the first thing I go to when I turn on my computer, and my computer usually get turned on before I get breakfast (in case I have breakfast).

I wouldn't mind the responsibilities. I feel like I've been in the backseat long enough to understand the ways of the front seat, even though those in the front seat would probably disagree with that statement.

Well, to be honest, you are mainly caught on two other things: You don't seem particularly helpful and after your last rebellion, I don't think any of us would feel that great working with you, especially when at least two of us apparently shouldn't have been modded and your very public opinion on our inability to give you merits.
But who knows. We are a tiny team, it might change.

What is it about these threads on moderation that tickle the interests of so many users and modsies, when the rest of the threads are somehow left almost entirely unscathed by everybody?

This topic is kinda fun, and it gives a good chance to either make up random stories, or actually tell what we go about doing.
Not to mention it is a perfect place to complain about some of the things we have to do, because I am an ungrateful *******.
And the other topics don't have people discussing, they have people stating opinion and leaving it at that.

Yeah. Cen. Are you here? Now? :'(

Hello, Moon.
People there must get up early to make the Pastries, no?

I am not particularly good at baking.
Hence becoming a librarian, not a baker.

Or because it's the only place to talk to Cen.

Technically my art thread would possibly be better for small talk, so this doesn't go off topic on the moderation part of it.
So, talking besides moderation questions and comments should probably go there.
13,344 posts

You don't seem particularly helpful

I have to disagree with you there. I've helped many a user in my time here, especially in the past few months (disregarding December. I'm rarely online in December).

after your last rebellion, I don't think any of us would feel that great working with you, especially when at least two of us apparently shouldn't have been modded and your very public opinion on our inability to give you merits.

Wasn't that at some point during 2010?

I've helped so many people over the course of 2011, yet I'm still judged by something I did in 2010?

I don't even know why I bother with this place.
13,657 posts

I have to disagree with you there. I've helped many a user in my time here, especially in the past few months (disregarding December. I'm rarely online in December).

Hence the "seem". I don't say you aren't, just that it doesn't look that way.

As for the other, mods have great memories when it comes to someone that pose as a problem. We are naturally paranoid, it seems.
Also, it might change. We haven't discussed new mods for a while because we have been busy, so who knows what might happen when we do.

And I don't know why you bother with this place, I think that is pretty much up to you. But if you only stick around to become a mod, I think you ought to take some time to get your priorities straight, because it's not that great.
13,344 posts

Hence the "seem". I don't say you aren't, just that it doesn't look that way.

I haven't been online in a while, so that isn't much of a surprise.

On the other hand, my period of inactivity may have been the most helpful thing I've done in a while.

As for the other, mods have great memories when it comes to someone that pose as a problem. We are naturally paranoid, it seems.

Better than mine, it seems. You guys tend to hold things against me that I don't even remember doing.

Sounds more like a grudge than paranoia.

And I don't know why you bother with this place, I think that is pretty much up to you.

Because I don't have a life. Even my periods of inactivity here are spend on my PC.

But if you only stick around to become a mod, I think you ought to take some time to get your priorities straight, because it's not that great.

If I had any priorities in the first place, I wouldn't be here, now would I?
13,657 posts

I haven't been online in a while, so that isn't much of a surprise.

Could be it. Then again, I only tend to notice people that annoy me, so I might have missed out on it all.
Which is probably a good thing, because then you are not one of the people linking to the help page and assume you did well.

Sounds more like a grudge than paranoia.

Nah, we are just really, really paranoid. Like tinfoil hats paranoid.
Especially since ShintetsuWA.

Because I don't have a life. Even my periods of inactivity here are spend on my PC.

Well, that sounds like a mod life, that.

If I had any priorities in the first place, I wouldn't be here, now would I?

Perhaps not, perhaps not.

Well, all I can say is keep it up an cross your fingers. I think we will be needing more mods in AGv3 anyway with all the new stuff they will be implementing, so if there is any sanity left in us, we would probably need to get a bigger team together than those three and a half/three quarters or however much it is, that we currently are.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Like tinfoil hats paranoid.

Artemis Fowl much?

Especially since ShintetsuWA.

How dare you speak AG's You-Know-Who's name!
13,657 posts

Artemis Fowl much?

Well, he actually have people out to get him.
And elves and fairies and trolls and...

How dare you speak AG's You-Know-Who's name!

I thought that was Starscreamer?
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I thought that was Starscreamer?

I thought Shin was the original sinner? I have missed out on stuff......
13,657 posts

Well, Shin was the almost-mod-oh-look-plagiarism-and-lies of my time.
I think Starscream(er?) was one in the beginning of the site's time, but I don't even think I got the name right...
Either way, mods are paranoid, because it is easy to lie and play a role on the internet, and then wreck chaos.

13,344 posts

Then again, I only tend to notice people that annoy me, so I might have missed out on it all.

Most likely. My helpful posts usually aren't memorable unless you actually need help with the particular subject in question.

But that is true with the majority of posts that are deemed helpful.

Nah, we are just really, really paranoid. Like tinfoil hats paranoid.

I'm a problem in the same way that a senile old man is a problem. I can disrupt the peace once in a while by stating my opinions, and occasionally smack someone with my cane, but I can't and never actually do any damage.

Think of it this way: if I were to be banned from AG forever, I wouldn't have any place to go when I got bored of everything else on the vast network of interwebity.

Well, that sounds like a mod life, that.

It gets worse. If I run out of things to do on my PC, I randomly search things on Google until I find a page that strikes my interest. Even when I could and should be sleeping (like now, because it's 4:20 am).

I think we will be needing more mods in AGv3 anyway with all the new stuff they will be implementing

A more complex site probably will call for a larger team. Who is to be picked for this team is up to you people.
Showing 76-90 of 212