That is a VERY close-minded view. The chances of that are practically zero. It's also slightly conceited. I am a Christian, but who am I to say God didn't make other beings too? Why make the universe so big if you're not using any of it except one small planet?
Second, I believe there is life on other planets. But, they are not likly to be very inteligent, probably some bacteria or plant life, but its likly. The fact that the universe has billions of planets means that even if its one in a trillion chance, then yes, there is probably life on other planets.
Look at it this way. The UNIVERSE means Single Verse. Knowing that there are multiple demintions, and that there is MOST LIKELY more "universes" out there (which is gramatically incorrect), then that means the UNIverse contains EVERYTHING. Every dimention, every planet, solar system, galexy, everything that ever will be and has existed. The thought that in those infinite dimentions, and multiple verses, and billions of galexies with millions of soler systems with so many planets in them, how can there NOT be life? Scientists say "Oh this is too cold to support life" "Oh this is too hot" It might be too hot or cold to support OUR life, but who's to say there isn't a planet out there with life that doesn't NEED oxygen, or THRIVES in the cold/heat, or doesn't NEED water. Unless you've inspected every square inch of every planet/asteroid/ROCK out there, then you can't say "There is no life, stop asking about it."
Scientists say "Oh this is too cold to support life" "Oh this is too hot" It might be too hot or cold to support OUR life
I always found that extremely annoying, but in there defence, they can't look for life they don't understand, but then again, they are looking for life in a place they don't fully understand.
It might be too hot or cold to support OUR life, but who's to say there isn't a planet out there with life that doesn't NEED oxygen, or THRIVES in the cold/heat, or doesn't NEED water.
Scientists say "Oh this is too cold to support life" "Oh this is too hot" It might be too hot or cold to support OUR life, but who's to say there isn't a planet out there with life that doesn't NEED oxygen, or THRIVES in the cold/heat, or doesn't NEED water. Unless you've inspected every square inch of every planet/asteroid/ROCK out there, then you can't say "There is no life, stop asking about it."
Not quite, considering there are bacteria and small organisms that thrive in Antarctica, one of the coldest places on earth. Scientists classify places based on the characteristics of life that we have discovered, I admit there are organisms that probably don't need to adhere to this set of guidelines, but at the moment its easier to just look for life based on those characteristics.