If a species had developed in a similar way we had and not gone through a Dark Age, that could put them hundreds of years ahead of us.
This is laughable. Their civilization could have started eons before ours and be less advanced or much later and be much more advanced. The Dark ages lasted a relatively short time and would not make a whit of difference in the long run.
31 use a spellchecker so that we have to guess at you intellect instead of it being so blatantly obvious.
Another point Id like to say, it also depends alote on there way of thinking. If they strive to know things, or if they make up things to explain how things work as the human race has done. If they just strive to know, then they will most likly be ahead of us. If they make things up, then it is likly that they have maney riligions and have gone threw dark ages.
This is just silly. The start of their civilization, brain capacity, and resources would have a bearing on advancement, not if they were or were not religious. And religion is in no way responsible for the Dark Ages. I find your post demeaning to all theists and you should respect the belief of others at least a little. It was after all the Monks that preserved the knowledge during the Dark Ages if you would remember. Their religion could be what propels an existing alien race to advancement.
This is just silly. The start of their civilization, brain capacity, and resources would have a bearing on advancement, not if they were or were not religious. And religion is in no way responsible for the Dark Ages. I find your post demeaning to all theists and you should respect the belief of others at least a little. It was after all the Monks that preserved the knowledge during the Dark Ages if you would remember. Their religion could be what propels an existing alien race to advancement
Riligion had a major effect on the Dark ages. And yes, I have horrible spelling, but what does that have to do with debating? And once more, those were just examples. In that sentince I was pointing out if they think they know everything, thus don't study it, then they may be behind. If they know there is more to know, then they may be ahead in some arias.
Its rather pointless to argue with 11 year olds who are too lazy to use a spellchecker. Regardless please read up on the fall of the Roman Empire.
The collapse of the Roman Empire that had been in decline for a very long time after the barbarians invaded was THE cause of the dark ages. Without the monasteries that remained centers of knowledge we would be even less advanced than we are today.
As far as 'aliens' go, yeah, there might be some other life forms out there. After all, our galaxy is extremely large. But, we most likely will never know, at least not in our lifetime.
This is my exact comment. Except, some people have had the chance to meet aliens, but noone believes them.
i think that we are not alone. i have read that martians could not be on the surface of mars, but in it as tiny specks of life. if they are, we shouldn't worry about them because they pose no threat. if we went to war against them their guns we be the size of a pin head
Although I'm Muslim, I was looking at a slideshow of some interesting old Christian paintings which showed strange flying objects. In the same slideshow, I saw a Chinese drawing of a spaceship. Also, several conical, alien like skulls have been unearthed in South America. Not to mention ancient drawings of spacesuit wearing creatures in places as far apart as South America, Africa, Europe and Australia.
I myself would like to do a study to find out how many of the UFO abductees are actually in cults.
I agree with this. An investigation into how many crop circles are man-made would also be nice. People who crate hoaxes and fake stories discredit the theory of E.T life by making it seem non-serious.
However, I also agree that we should keep an open mind about Alien life. We don't even know everything about our own planet, and there are so many mysteries remaining, that dismissing alien life outright would be foolish. There has been documentation of alien life-forms and spacecraft in the form of art throughout the ages. This should be taken as evidence, or at least incentive for further study.
I agree with this. An investigation into how many crop circles are man-made would also be nice. People who crate hoaxes and fake stories discredit the theory of E.T life by making it seem non-serious.
Documentaries of Crop circle makers are VERY interesting.
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