I think that intelligent life does exist, just not in this galaxy. I would post more and my reasons but I would end up with the award for the longest post ever written on AG . . . :/
Technically no we are not they've found germs and things like that out there
ALH84001 ( . . . I remember that off by heart :|) aroused some newsworthy dogma stating that the rock contained proof of extra-terrestrial life in the form of fossilized nanobacteria. Thousands of scientists began conjecturing that this was the first concrete evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
However it's argued that RNA could not exist in such tiny nanobacteria, and that the cellular organisms that were discovered on the rock could be a earthly contamination, and to this day the argument continues.
Besides from ALH84001 I cannot think of anything that gathered so much excitement about extra-terrestrial life. But it remains that there's no definitive proof that they were extra-terrestrial nanobacteria.
It might sound outrageous but think of all that needs to occur. You need one hell of a reaction just to create 'organic' acids and proteins. To then ontop create life forms from RNA is just beyond imagination. Some people that I've met are on the opposite spectrum, saying that its quite normal for us to be alone. They believe the chances of anything else being around are .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% (or whatever).
Valkery, I doubt the length of any of your organs relate to other life forms.
And just because its "TEH UNIVERS0RZ!" -- so vast and possibly never ending doesn't change much. I've always felt we are alone.
We aren't alone. Get used to it. Because for one, I pity all the fools.
I pity the fools who still beleive we are the centre of our galaxy, the centre of life. We have to share the stage, get over it. We obviously aren't alone. There has been planets already with life found on them. I will admit, NOT intelligent life, but life nonethe less. And who knows, we'll probably encounter some new race, when eithier we go travelling and achieve long space flights, or if they come to us. Eithier way, it will probably be bad if you look at it.
Im not saying there will be a alei ninvasion, but if there was aleisn who came to our planet, could travel the lengths of space at a moments notice beforew we could even possibly think of making anything to do that, then we are basically screwed. It would be like the Europeans colonizing North and South America. They would probably find our race primitive, savage, and arrogant. So they'll probably think were better off dead, and which we probably are. Whatever the case, thats not the qeustion.
I already answered it. We aren't alone. And if you don't beleive me, there has been fossils found on mars for one, REAL fossils. So its a proven fact.
However, will we meet life besides our own in our own lifetimes, or even our own era, probably no chance in hell.
And for me, I honestly don't want to. We have been on this planet ourselves, and we have proven how much of a bunch of arrogant, and sadistic race we can be to ourselves, and our home planet. Now take a another race, that is forieng to ours, probably have problems of their own, and deosn't give a rats a$$ about our planet, I think it's better off we are left alone.
If we think we're alone that shows just how primitive we are. There is life out there FACT. There is probably intelligent life out there also but humans are just too stupid to accept that.
It's not a fact, but merely a hunch. We've seen planets that can sustain life yes, but actually see other life in motion? No. And NO, it DOES NOT have to be just intelligent life. Why can it not be just regular ol' animals like we got, except built like what the planet sustained?
Freakenstein, I'd be happy just if I saw an organic blob. The odds of it happening are impossible to me, though. Just because the universe is big means nothing. Should the last Fish on earth believe there are other fish out there because there's a ton of water around it? Maybe, maybe not. Definitely not something proven enough to argue about, there's got to be more proof.
Finding planets that can sustain life is one, but we aren't really sure of that. We haven't sent life there. Some planets we've found we aren't 100% sure about that. I know there is one planet [Numbers and All] who knows how far away from us that is predicted to be as far away from its sun as we are ours with the same radius. Possible water, too. Is that to say that if you sent something down there it would life? What if the place is stuffed with Carbon Monoxide? Idk, but with all the stuff the universe has to offer there are just too many questions. I don't think it can be justified by 'OMG ITS SO BIG OUT THERE SO THERE MUST BE ALIENZORS'
I don't think it can be justified by 'OMG ITS SO BIG OUT THERE SO THERE MUST BE ALIENZORS'
Agree with that, Armed, but there is a bit more proof.
Many primitive societies (Aborigines, Mayans, some African tribes etc)have paintings depicting "Astronaut Suited" people, and space outfits had probably not been thought of then. Also, conical skulls have been found in Mexico. Mysterious, no? They ain't fake.