Melee 1. Knight: Standard swordsman, basic techniques. Simple character 2. Padalin: High Attack & Health Slow Speed & Attack Rate 3. Barbarian: Insanely high attack and Attack speed. Low health & Movement speed 4. Rogue: Medium attack, High attack rate & walking speed Medium-Low Health
Ranged: 1.Archer: High health. Like a medieval archer with Chainmail 2.Ranger: Same archer from the last castle. he was my fav 3. Skirmisher: Like a roman centurion type character. Throws Javalins High Health & Attack, bad Attack speed & walking speed
Magic: 1.Elemental Mage: Elemental based spells Medium low health medium high attack, medium speed, high attack speed 2.Arcane Wizard: WAAY high attack low health low attack speed, medium walking speed 3. Shaman-Healer: Heals people. Explanation needed? medium health high attack speed, low walking speed. low attack 4. Necromancer: A bit ironic.... Like the Necromancer from Kingdom rush. Summons a squad of melee Skeletons High attack low attack speed waaaay low health
These are all my ideas. please comment and give more
no prob bro....... n by thr priest idea i meant ur heavens light thing. Nice thinking there! n i have posted a comment on louissi's blog but its "awaiting moderation"! he is not active for a long time....
I think we need to consider that Louissi is dead, no one has been able to contact him for ages and no news has gotten back to us about any games being developed. I'm joking by the way, but seriously, do we even know if a sequel is being made or is all this just wishful thinking?
Oh and if the link that ARJUNO71 isn't working, go to Louissi's profile page and the link is there.
Instead of the hero disappearing when a player drops out, i think the hero should stay and be able to be controlled by the remaining players. Cause no one likes it when the castle is on 200 hp and then the mage drops out.
Perhaps when they disappear they could boost a trait. EXAMPLE Warrior's Drop out/Death trait: Damage boost Ranger's Drop out/Death trait: ROF Boost Mage's Drop out/Death Trait: Mana and health Recovery boost