ForumsPopular MediaWhy make a sequel?

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Something that bugs me about films at the moment is everything seems to have to have a sequel. Pirates of the Caribbean would have been just fine as a one off film, but 3 sequels followed it, each getting progressively worse.

Now it appears it is Blade Runners turn...

For anyone who hasn't seen it, it is an early '80s cult classic film based on the exploits of a lawman who hunts rogue androids. It brought Ruger Hauer to our screens along with Harrison Ford and Daryl Hannah. For the time the special effects were brilliant, the story was one you could really get into and the climax to the film was unexpected.

But a sequel? Why? The film ended, well I won't tell you the end in case you haven't seen it, but lets just say it didn't lead to a sequel. 30 years on, they haven't found a writer, they have no idea what the story will be and they have no cast lined up, but they announce there will be a sequel.

Not all films need or deserve a sequel. What next? A sequel to 300? 301 - The Revenge of the Persians?

Anyone else think this is weird? Or do you have another film that had a sequel you thought wasn't needed, or one that did need a sequel but it was never made?

  • 65 Replies
4,710 posts

The first avatar (Blue people) Wag a great movie... good effects true... but there was no story to it... Besides the way it ended told us that a sequel is coming... I even heard a person on the radio say that making another movie for this was pointless.. I have to agree...

it haves a story. humans want a rare mineral, natives have their city above this rare mineral, army wants to move them away to get this mineral and if they wont move the army kills them, a soldier wants to protect the natives, humans get forced to leave this planned and the soldier gets his soul transfered to a synthetical made natives body.

the moral: if someone haves something that the humans want to have you can be sure that the humans kill them if necesary to get what they want.

202 posts

The Lightning Thief was an absolutely atrocious movie, but if they make a sequel, it should be banned.
Not that the books were exactly genious either.

210 posts

There is a 4th Bourne Movie coming out and its not with Matt Damon??? or GreenGrass they r gonna ruin it completely, and yes i know its not about Jason Bourne (WTF)

430 posts

Sequels are very simple to understand.

Movie makers simply want to make money. If a movie makes even a decent amount of money, it automatically gets a sequel if the producers think they can get a decent amount of money out of it. That is only reason sequels exist, otherwise Transformers, The Matrix, and Iron Man would not have received sequels because they were great stand-alone movies.

28 posts

Alot of sequels should never have came out but thats just big business, when a movie does well the director and producers want to make another instantly and usually do so they put more money in their pocket,ruining great movies.
as far as a movie i would like to see a sequel of it is probally another Mortal Kombat just because i love the series and there is alot more characters that could be introduced making for a really cool movie.
also they made way too many aliens movies and jaws movies

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