ForumsPopular MediaWhy make a sequel?

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539 posts

Something that bugs me about films at the moment is everything seems to have to have a sequel. Pirates of the Caribbean would have been just fine as a one off film, but 3 sequels followed it, each getting progressively worse.

Now it appears it is Blade Runners turn...

For anyone who hasn't seen it, it is an early '80s cult classic film based on the exploits of a lawman who hunts rogue androids. It brought Ruger Hauer to our screens along with Harrison Ford and Daryl Hannah. For the time the special effects were brilliant, the story was one you could really get into and the climax to the film was unexpected.

But a sequel? Why? The film ended, well I won't tell you the end in case you haven't seen it, but lets just say it didn't lead to a sequel. 30 years on, they haven't found a writer, they have no idea what the story will be and they have no cast lined up, but they announce there will be a sequel.

Not all films need or deserve a sequel. What next? A sequel to 300? 301 - The Revenge of the Persians?

Anyone else think this is weird? Or do you have another film that had a sequel you thought wasn't needed, or one that did need a sequel but it was never made?

  • 65 Replies
14,745 posts

I'll be short about this... the one and only reason the movie companies have to make a sequel to a movie is ONE factor only and it's something that's a HUGE drive for our current kapitalistic community worldwide...

Money... Money... Money...


1,766 posts

Movies that are good usually have people that want a sequel.

People = Money
High demand = A lot of people
High demand = A lot of money

13,657 posts


That was one bad rant. You need more raeg.

Of course they are going to make more to get money. You wouldn't want to work full hours without getting paid either, would you? And obviously, a sequel means more of the same actors, which leads to some kind of proper employment to them as well.

What I like to believe, at least in some cases where it is obvious the producer and directors care, is that they do it to tell a story. They want to tell you a story about this hero, doing these things and getting through all those troubles to get out on the other side. And that the story might not be done the first time around.
Of course, this is probably not true for the majority of movies (and books), but you still have to have some sort of internal urge to do what you do and enjoy it, instead of just the monetary motivation, otherwise the movie, book, cd, whatever will fail. If a creator doesn't care about what he creates, obviously few others will care about the created either.
Or I might just be an idealist.
9,439 posts

You wouldn't want to work full hours without getting paid either, would you?

If you truly enjoyed what you were doing, then you'd be fine with it. Like volunteering to help the elderly or the homeless. If someone has a story they really want to tell, they shouldn't feel they need money in return.
14,745 posts

That was one bad rant.

Ahm... does the fact that I made an angry face when I wrote that count? =/

Well... let's just say that in my opinion and beliefs, and in the light of the topic of this thread, this movie was intended to be a 'one-timer' at most, simply because the story has a beginning and it clearly ends in the movie, without any open ending making for sequel opportunities that is... =)
4,710 posts

If you truly enjoyed what you were doing, then you'd be fine with it. Like volunteering to help the elderly or the homeless. If someone has a story they really want to tell, they shouldn't feel they need money in return.


Well... let's just say that in my opinion and beliefs, and in the light of the topic of this thread, this movie was intended to be a 'one-timer' at most, simply because the story has a beginning and it clearly ends in the movie, without any open ending making for sequel opportunities that is... =)

thats it, some movies are good as 'one-timers' and dont need a sequel. but some sequels are awesome. i enjoyed the matrix-trilogy.

14,745 posts

thats it, some movies are good as 'one-timers' and dont need a sequel. but some sequels are awesome. i enjoyed the matrix-trilogy.

Slightly going off track here... but to oblige in this...

The Matrix trilogy was probably intended and written as a trilogy to begin with, never a one-timer with an added sequel and later on the third chapter.
It's clear that the first movie leaves the viewer behind with questions and an open ending, which then is further elaborated in the second movie and concluded/explained in the third and last one, so... it was a clear trilogy from the beginning!
22 posts

Pirates of the Caribbean must have sequel such an epic story and movie and every great movie hit deserve a sequel.

4,710 posts

Pirates of the Caribbean must have sequel such an epic story and movie and every great movie hit deserve a sequel.

then they MUST make a movie with some adventures of the kids of harry potter! joke, not every great hit needs a sequel. if it had an end and everything was telled, why make a sequel that makes no sense? the bad guys got killed, the good guy rescued the world so why making a sequel if there is not anything left behind? three reasons: money, money and...i forget the last one but it begun with a m and rhymed with honey...

11 posts


5,856 posts

well Johnny dept signed a contract before the first pirates of the caribean was made the contract was for three movies so that's why they two sequalls anyway and I'm pretty sure what I said was true but I wouldn't bet my life on it(not that I would bet my life on anything else)

896 posts

All I have to say, is that if they make a sequel to inception..... I'm going to kill myself. I know some people might want to know whether or not the top tipped over in the end or not. But that movie was still absolutely perfect and should not be ruined with a sequel.

53 posts

Sequels are a big risk to do, unless its a kids movie that had a good start like Shrek. Basically, it can go either terrible, okay, or better than the original. I think every director wants to be consistently successful or something. There's also a bit of egothat gets in the way sometimes.

9,439 posts

All I have to say, is that if they make a sequel to inception..... I'm going to kill myself.

ikr. Half of the movie was explaining the movie, so all the loose ends that would spin into a sequel were tied, except if the ending was real or not, which dosen't matter because the point was that Cobb didn't care.
709 posts

The first avatar (Blue people) Wag a great movie... good effects true... but there was no story to it... Besides the way it ended told us that a sequel is coming... I even heard a person on the radio say that making another movie for this was pointless.. I have to agree...

Now transformers on the other hand.. HAD A STORY TO IT

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