ForumsWEPRRacial Stereotypes

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539 posts

I know this could be a touchy subject, but I mean this thread to be more about learning about each other than anything else.

I'm English and I'm genuinely interested to learn of the racial stereotypes about the people I live and work around.

Please note, whilst I'm welcoming posts about racial stereotypes, I don't mean racial insults. For instance, a racial stereotype where I am is that those in the south of the USA tend to be less tolerant than those in the north. It isn't insulting, it is almost asking a question.

Fully appreciate that the mods may view this thread as a step too far.

  • 97 Replies
539 posts

Well, this actually seems like it's kind of fun. But wouldn't it be more at home in the Tavern or something?

But it's a serious subject. We're discussing racial differences and stereotypes and it has a bearing on other political and world issues.

Americans are all gun-carrying beer lovers who ride horses, and we live off welfare because we are dumb and fat.

I'll be honest and say that we are told that Americans are overweight, but the fat seems to be reserved for the south of the USA, likewise the gun-carrying. As far as beer-loving, I think that applies to most of Europe, the UK and the USA.

That's true. The Germans would have no tolerance for mistakes, except that they never make any. Same goes for the Swiss

Stereotypical Germans here are beach-towel placing, workoholics, but I happen to know a few Germans who are in fact beach-towel placing, workoholics.

As for the Swiss, they are perceived here as neutral to everything and against cars.
1,627 posts

As for the Swiss, they are perceived here as neutral to everything and against cars.

You forgot that they hide everyone's money XD
539 posts

British are all stuck-up, terrible chefs with horrible dental hygiene who love to drink tea and eat crumpets, whatever crumpets are.

I love crumpets, and crumpets are just crumpets. Better when toasted.

I'm a horrible chef, my idea of chicken pasta surprise (as my wife discovered) is corned beef with pasta, the surprise being there is no chicken.

I hate tea, but love coffee and alcohol.
539 posts

You forgot that they hide everyone's money

True, but the same could be said for the Cayman Islands.
3,386 posts

That's true. The Germans would have no tolerance for mistakes, except that they never make any. Same goes for the Swiss.

That made me laugh.
You forgot the part about how we're all extremely religious. xP

I totally forgot because I was staring at the crosses on the wall above the computer.
158 posts

No gun, beer, or horse (I DESPISE HORSES). I have above-average intelligence (for my age and country), am average weight and height (for my age and the 85% percentile), and I don't live off of welfare. :3

I think that stereotype is more aimed towards Southern states (Tennessee and Texas) where obesity rates are high and the drop-out (of school) rates are higher.

I've never heard that before. :S

They knock on my door, ride their bicycles everywhere, book of Mormon in hand, and they have billboards and advertisements everywhere... I'm more terrified I might run into one than I am of getting robbed at gun point. ;.;
9,504 posts

The Polish, when in combat, can win when severely outnumbered and outclassed.
The Swedish are beautiful people who excel at music, the new fad being Power Metal with vocals high as the sky.
The Spartans love doing naked gymnastics. Time tense fail.

3,386 posts

I think that stereotype is more aimed towards Southern states (Tennessee and Texas) where obesity rates are high and the drop-out (of school) rates are higher.

Thank Goodness you didn't say Alabama.....
No gun, beer, or horse (I DESPISE HORSES). I have above-average intelligence (for my age and country), am average weight and height (for my age and the 85% percentile), and I don't live off of welfare. :3

Well if we shall list off what we are in America...
I don't own a gun, but I do own knives. I don't drink beer often. I don't own a horse, but I love horses. I refuse to admit my IQ score because it pisses me off it can be THAT but I still have to do work for school. I'm below average in weight D: And My family is pretty well off, so no welfare here either
26,390 posts

But it's a serious subject. We're discussing racial differences and stereotypes and it has a bearing on other political and world issues.

My apologies.

I love crumpets, and crumpets are just crumpets. Better when toasted.

I seriously have no idea what crumpets are. Are they like muffins?

Getting into the American thing a bit more...
People from California are dumb, pot-smoking hippies who think they're better than everyone else.
People from Utah are ultra-conservative Mormons who also manage to be polygamists.
People from Texas are shotgun-toting rednecks who loooove the death penalty.
People from New York are slick, greedy businessmen.
People from the South are uneducated, ultra-religious Baptist backcountry hicks.
People from any of the states between Illinois and Colorado(except for Texas) are simple farmers.
People from Montana are cowboys.
Black people love fried chicken, watermelon, and basketball.

People from Mexico are poor and uneducated. They either work for drug dealers, are drug dealers, or live terrified of drug dealers.
People from the entire continent of South America all get lumped together. They are poor, hyper-observant Catholics. The women cross themselves all the time.
Cubans and Puerto Ricans are all saucy and excellent dancers. Cubans have the best cigars in the world.
Belgians make awesome chocolate, and even better waffles. They often get confused with the Germans, since their flags are somewhat similar.
Irish and Scottish people get lumped together. They're all lucky, easily-angered redheads who are always drunk and/or drinking.

They knock on my door, ride their bicycles everywhere, book of Mormon in hand, and they have billboards and advertisements everywhere... I'm more terrified I might run into one than I am of getting robbed at gun point. ;.;


Anyone ever read this article? Warning: foul language.
266 posts

How about Detroit is a completely run-down hell hole with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and constant shooting?
How about anyone form Detroit, the Detroit area, or Michigan in general are all poor laid-off auto workers or gangsters?

Anyone who's actually been to Michigan can see how beautiful this place is, but a lot of people won't touch us with a 10 foot pole because of Detroit stereotypes.

2,413 posts

People from Texas are shotgun-toting rednecks who loooove the death penalty.
Great stereotype. Yeah, my dad has a shotgun, but we're not no **** rednecks (Ya see what I did there?). And we don't LOVE the death penalty, we "like like" it.

People from the South are uneducated, ultra-religious Baptist backcountry hicks.
Take out the uneducated, ultra-religious, and the Baptist backcountry hicks and you got me.
3,386 posts

People from the South are uneducated, ultra-religious Baptist backcountry hicks.

Do I look like an uneducated, ultra-religious Baptist backcountry hick?

Texas is part of the South, simply because it is.

And since I'm pretty much the only girl from the south (that I've met) on here, I will give my stereotype of the Southern States.

Tennessee: Bear lovers who live in cabins and have shotgun weddings all day long. They are also bred to sing Country.
Georgia: Black people who love cornbread, kool aid, watermelons, and fried chicken.
Florida: Old people and Horatio.
Alabama: Hypocritical idiots (I only say this because I'm from here) who love them some deer meat.
Mississippi: All farmers.
Louisiana: Whiny people who know how to party.
10 posts

Blacks- Love grape kool-aid, fried chicken, and stealing peoples TVs

Asians- Love doing math, they all know karate, and can speak fluent Chinese/Japanese, oh and they all own a sword

Rednecks- Have sex with there cousins, Drink alot, think all brown people are terrorist, and they hunt there own food

Hispanics- never where born here becouse they hopped over the border to get here, and can pack 40 people in a car that sits 4 people

Muslims- They all want to blow up America, they all know how to make bombs, and they hate the president

Irish- They drink alot, beat there wives, and have jobs as blacksmiths

English (U.K)- They all fight dragons, live in castles, and were great heros once untill they took an arrow to the knee.(LOLz)

These are all ones i have heard. I dont belive any of this but think its funny how people come up with this ****

653 posts

I have a true story on racial stereotypes in action. My Grandfather worked at General Motors and I went to some GM get together with him. Well, the old guys got to talking about the old days and one started talking about this old rough mean Englishman who use to do the hiring at GM back in the '50s or '60s. Well he started talking about how he got hired by him because his last name was Czechoslovakian. The Englishman said "Czechs are hard workers" and put him on the factory floor even though he was an electrician. He said the Englishman wouldn't hire Poles because they were lazy. He went on and started talking about how when a black person tried to get a job the Englishman said they could have a job if they could write their name on a piece of paper with a pen and read a newspaper. Well the paper was wax paper and the newspaper was written in Chinese. One of the black guys was too smart for it and went to the NAACP but they just paid them a few thousand dollars and they went away.

138 posts

oh wow...sheesh Asians are smart thats like a no duh, Mexicans are violent and do drugs, black people are poor and cuss a lot, Germans are Nazis, everyone who lives way up north is an Eskimo, and the people from Texas are rednecks with guns...thats a bit...annoying

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