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53 posts

Any thoughts/concerns on iran. they sentenced an American to death today and we confirmed they are working on nukes at an underground location. Should we do anything to stop them? or just let them be?

  • 90 Replies
2,487 posts

akeman, I'm just fine if iran gets a nuclear program, but only on the principle that they do what they promised to do from the beginning. the only problem is that there is so much tension in the ME.

Obama is just doing the best he can from the situation, dealing with people of different cultures and government types requires a more diplomatic approach. trying to intimmidate them now would just make things even more tense. if anything, obama should let them build their nuclear program, while telling them that if one missle is built, he will send troops in. sometimes, just the threat of sending troops is enough to change things.

I'm more curious though as to why israel and palestine hasn't just assimilated into one nation. if they become just one nation, then that will eliminate a lot of the problems. this is on the belief that the palestinians will be given equal treatment to the isrealis of course.

I know that the previous paragraph just made me look uninformed, but we all know that's what needs to happen to end a lot of this trouble.

Punisher, jew's aren't the invaders. in fact jews came to that land before muslims, and lived there for quite a while. if anything, they are the forsworn. dedicated to the old ways.


14,991 posts
Grand Duke

We're nt denying that there were Jews in The Palestine but any informed person would k ow that that they were a tiny minority. Furthermore most of the Jews arrived only a few decades before the Partiion so is it really fair to say that it's their homeland compared to millions of Palestinians who had already lived there for generations? In that sense Punisher is right, you can't dump boatloads of people on a place where their ancestors have lived thousands of years ago and then claim they have somehow more right to it then the people already living there.

1,627 posts

However, even when Hamas proposed ceasefires, Israel rejects them.

However, even when Israel proposed reasonable peace treaties the Palestinians reject it.

Israel's rejection of the Hamas December proposal reflected its preference for maintaining Israel's primary leverage over Hamas and the Palestinian population of Gaza -- its ability to choke off food and goods required for the viability of its economy -- even at the cost of continued Palestinian rocket attacks.

Why would Israel ever enter a ceasefire with Hamas? They have broken their word in the past, and that is what let to the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip in 2009.

I'm more curious though as to why israel and palestine hasn't just assimilated into one nation. if they become just one nation, then that will eliminate a lot of the problems. this is on the belief that the palestinians will be given equal treatment to the isrealis of course.

Because as has been stated before, the Palestinians are not necessarily happy with having a country, they want to push Israel into the sea.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

So even when Hamas wants peace Idrael refuses it? I can see why the Palestinians detest Israel, an Israel that doesn't want peace but war.

The deal itself was not fair because it entailed annexing parts of the West Bank without vompensation. Furthermore Jerusalem would still largely be in the hands of Israel, and because of te displacing that Israel would not dismantle all settlements within such a short time. We have debated this before and the blame cannot be put squarely on either side but on both sides.

I'm tired of giving recent surveys that show most Palestinians only want peace an I refuse to do so again with you rehashing redundant points that most of then want Israel wiped off.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

If you want to continue the Israel debate, dig up the old thread.


Would be good if Iran allowed more UN personnel in to check on the sites.

297 posts

like the name iran sounds means it's dangerous
i actually am scared about iran
with their bombs and there working at a nuclear bomb
(not surely but people thinks it)
*hears a sound in the air*
*i go hide in a shelter*

2,487 posts

like the name iran sounds means it's dangerous
i actually am scared about iran
with their bombs and there working at a nuclear bomb
(not surely but people thinks it)
*hears a sound in the air*
*i go hide in a shelter*

I don't see how iran's name = dangerous, but the fear of iran is only partially justified in the U.S. Iran isn't going to build a bomb, simply because the concept of M.A.D. is used to prevent the consequences of nuclear wars.

besides, even if a bomb is built, they won't fire it because they know that just threatening to launch it is enough to both state their point, while having all of the countries in the U.N. swarming on them like hornets who just got their nest kicked.

I can honestly say that if I hear on the news that iran has a nuke, I won't be scared (partially because of where in the U.S. I live, and also because threats of using a nuke is usually hot air).

2,487 posts


It would be good, but Iran, like many other countries, won't allow that because they fear the worst will come out of it.


53 posts

Iran should deffinetly let the UN do inspections, I feel that that would reduce an extremly large amount of pressure between them and America. Also the name Iran doesn;t sounds "dangerous" just by the name itself. we are fearful of countries that poses a threat but the name itself is not dangerous. If you said the word Iran to someone who had no idea what was going on would not be like o **** it's Iran there so dangerous

1,482 posts

Not gonna stumble into the Israel thread.
But as for Iran.
They have tough language, sound scary, are probably led by a pack of crazy people, etc.
Still doesn't scare me the slightest. Aside from the fact that they do not have a bomb yet, I do not believe anyone would just go off trigger happy. We can't expect ourselves to be the only people worthy of having nukes forever.

I'd be in favor of hearing them cut from the UN/other peace organizations, but I would not be in favor of any military intervention from my country to stop Iran from doing whatever the hell it is that they are trying to do.
I hear a bunch of people say 'sanction, sanction!' on TV, but that will just agitate an already agitated regime, and when they are so close to their goal, I do not think a few month's time of a bad economy will kill them.

Lastly, our idea of wanting to block the Strait of Hormuz to stop Iran from blocking it sounds terrifying. That could actually result in war. In the US, we would consider blocking our ports an act of war. Why do we expect Iran, a country we frequently label as dangerous and erratic, not to do the same?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I'd be in favor of hearing them cut from the UN/other peace organizations, but I would not be in favor of any military intervention from my country to stop Iran from doing whatever the hell it is that they are trying to do.

If you cut them off from the UN, that's cutting off one more political lifeline that can still restrain them. And why should Iran be cut for issuing threats and potentially making WMDs when other nations have committed far worse crimes by invading other nations?
1,826 posts

Take a look at this report

1,627 posts

Ha, much of what Iran says about its military capabilities is bluster. They also claimed that they would send ships near US waters. We're still waiting for them...

421 posts

I think iran is not a friend of the US. Rather, it is an enemy.

1,714 posts

Take a look at this report

On top of what zakyman said, the US has pretty good defenses for stopping missiles and plains.
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