Any thoughts/concerns on iran. they sentenced an American to death today and we confirmed they are working on nukes at an underground location. Should we do anything to stop them? or just let them be?
OH MY GOD !!!! THIS IS FUNNY !!! you guys really talking about iran !!! and you guys think if there is a war iran has a chance !!! LOL LOL LOL LOL !!! i live in iran ! i am a iranian !! YES I WILL DEFEND IRAN IF THERE IS A WAR ! I WILL GIVE MY LIFE BUT REMEMBER IRAN IS VERY WEAK IF USA ATTACKS !!!! and oh RUSSIA IS ONLY AFTER HIS OWN INTRESTS not to be ally with us ... i am sure and china !! they are not that dumb ... and there will be a war and i insuring ya !! so for that if i died or something (LOL) i say my farewell now ... anyways like i sed iran no chance war USA ahemmm ... i mean whole EURPOE AND USA and ...
why? what is the glory of battle when you know your gonna die?
Anyway I hope it won't get this far, but with people like the Mullah or Ahmadinedschad, you should anticipate the worst. And the Mossad isn't really making things better (assuming it is involved)
They are similar, but not quite the same. Nationalism is saying your country is better than all others. Patriotism is being proud of your country without the whole we are better thing.
They are similar, but not quite the same. Nationalism is saying your country is better than all others. Patriotism is being proud of your country without the whole we are better thing.
lol your saying that the usa doesn't think they are better then the rest? hahahaha xD you made my day xD
your probably right to but then usa is full whit nationalists and not petriots xD
partydevil, I know that you have a business that has US branches. If you hate us so much, then why expand there? Oh only hate us if we're not buying your goods/services, otherwise you're happy to take our money.
i hire some people sometimes. i pay them. i create these jobs in the usa because my clients want to.
for the same reason i went to congo during their civil war.
my clients want business there. so i have to do so aswell.
i'm open for all cultures and i know there is alot of diversity. i know when i use a general terms that there are alot of exceptions whitin these generals. but that doesn't take away how the mayority acts.
in this case, americans always say proudly they are petriots. they also have a high stand of themself and how much greater everything is in the usa.
taking the differenses of patriotism and nationalism. would set most of the americans in the box of nationalists.
then i find it very ironicly that they are so against nationalists in history (and present maybe, dunno term doesn't get used much anymore i guess) while they are nationalists themself. xD
my friend if all the world would think the same as you ... god knows if we even had a countery !!! i am a iranian ... but the great defence of the spartans against the persian army ... i am sure you know about it ... all of the die but lot more survived cause of their lives !! just think ... a little my friend ... if i dont die for my countery than who is ?? is this better than being a slave of a countery ... (of cource i love america or ... but i dont like my countery get destroyed cause other counteries ... of cource i hate the government to ...)
IRAN is a theocratic goverment so whatever the aytollah says they do if aytollah wants to set up nukes they do it no questions asked not saying they do have nukes tho