I hope you haven't fallen for this age-old trick and actually clicked on the link. However, if you have, welcome. This is where ideas, plans, and dreams are built. (More to come)
I have loads of these stories about the secret race and Henry Griffith (which I only wish I could be as bad arse!) that have been cropping round my head for the past 8 years, changing and developing so I would be happy to know what you think.
@BritHennerz I like the way you and Hitler recognize each other before you rid the world of him. I also like the Berserker reference to describe an elite melee troop. The whole story sounds great until you make the V television showanalogy of the one who appears to be human... You just made me put the story down, or play another game, etc.
I have no idea if yours is an original story but great job if it is and kudoos for keeping it going for 8 years. I have difficulty holding a thought for eight hours.
Need not worry. I'm still a few steps behind you in the imagination department.
Actually, it's more like a few cliffs.
Ha,ha, thank you for the encouragement. I feel better now.
I have no idea if yours is an original story but great job if it is and kudoos for keeping it going for 8 years. I have difficulty holding a thought for eight hours.
Well, I have trade secrets that I will share with you if you like for about 200 USDs for a memory enhancement thing.
If you were able to create ANY kind of icecream, what would you create (keep in kind you'l be eating this cold)
Vanilla. It's the only kind I know how to make (sort of, with the right equipment).
If I were to create a new flavor, I'd create caramel flavor. No, not vanilla ice cream with caramel swirls. That's been done oh so many times. No, I'm talking pure full-on caramel ice cream with none of that sissy vanilla base ice cream to dilute it. This would also work with maple syrup or butterscotch. Why maple syrup ice cream is so rare is beyond me. There's no way it couldn't be delicious.
But it doesn't matter anyway because I can't even eat ice cream.
Or how about a green tea ice cream? But I feel like that has been done
Right now I'm in an old basic armless swivel office chair with an awesome massage chair behind me (just got it 2 weeks ago on an epic sale). What would be the best chair ever?
Just warning, this question could get some really explicit answers.
I guess the best chair would be a cup chair with speakers built into the headrest and a air conditioner built into the sides of the chair, also it would have a icebox as one arm (with cushioning on top of course) and a outlet built into the other one, and of course it'l recline and have massaging capibilities.
If you were able to create ANY kind of icecream, what would you create (keep in kind you'l be eating this cold)
The Jelly Belly idea was good and would be a huge hit with kids. I also like Ernie15's caramel idea and agree that it should be minus the vanilla dilution. I wonder if coconut, mango or kiwi flavors have been done? I'm not talking ices, yogurts or sherbets. I also mean just kiwi, not kiwi and strawberry and the same with the mango because I think Ben and Jerry's has mixed mango with something else? I'm not sure because I don't eat theirs.
I would make a cobbler series that would be just cobbler since vanilla with cobbler has been done in restaurants throughout the South. Only fresh, in season fruit and berries would be used.
@ Ernie15 I really shouldn't eat it but I've cut way back.
Ikea has probably already made it but my favorite chair would be like one I saw in an antique shop just cushier. It was a tall back hardwood chair with deep wings like something you would see in a very old church that the priest, pastor, etc would sit in. Mine would have Celtic vine carvings on it and the back that faces out would have a huge tree carved on the upper half so that the lower half would be nothing but leather stuffed with goose down. It would have surround sound speakers, deep heat massage and a reading light 'cause that's what I would use it for. The perfect "time out" chair.
Just warning, this question could get some really explicit answers.
Don't worry, I want explicit answers. Unless of course, they really go off the deep end...then...
What would be the best chair ever?
The best chair ever? I want a good chair. Typically one with a back and legs. Possibly armrests. It would be nice if the chair weren't too heavy so that I can't move it easily. It would also be nice if it weren't too light, so that I don't float off in it. I'd also like it if the chair wasn't flimsy. I'd hate to be me sitting in it when it collapses.