Hello and Welcome to the "Summer Tournament of 2012 Colony Tournament" forum page
I would like to start a summer tournament for this year. I plan on starting all of the organization now since in past experience I have learned that if I wait to much longer everything will fail.
Now then, the first order of business will be to decide whether to have a 2v2 or 1v1 tournament. My vote goes towards 2v2 this year even though more planning will be involved to making this work.
Secondly, we will need to decide if it's going to be set up in groups (ABCD, EFGH, IJKL), stages (AvsB+CvsD=AvsC), or just have everyone plays everybody(AvsB, AvsC, AvsD...).
Third, should we come up with some requirements such as beat a player or group of players in a game? Or beat computers? Or win in a weekly scheduled pre-tourney entry game?
After all of that is figured out/even before all that is decided we need people to sign up. If we can't get enough people to sign up there's no tournament anyway.
Leave comments down below if you have questions/concerns/anything else. My profile is also a place I will check if you need to contact me.
I think the Turni is going to be sweet, but how do we sign up? Do we just post on ur profile or do will u hold times of the day to put in an application in colony? Well, i vote for 2vs2 battles.