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ForumsWEPREvolutionism or creationism

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24 posts

im just opening this topic so that people can have a NICE, FREINDLY place to talk about their beliefs, i Myself believe in evolutionism

  • 1,486 Replies
618 posts

ev·o·lu·tion·ism (ev'?-loo'sh?-niz'?m,)


A theory of biological evolution, especially that formulated by Charles Darwin.

Advocacy of or belief in biological evolution.

1,714 posts

It was a correct term, but it has long since become a way to make evolution seem like a religion and has nothing to do with accepting evolution.

240 posts

The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about

Yeah genius. I KNOW. You have shown time and time again that you reject the ideas of evolution, yet you know NOTHING ABOUT IT.

You are proving my point exactly. Don't you read what I say?

Anyway thanks for the support
4,871 posts

I'm a theistic evolutionist; way to know what you're debating against.

Do I need to remind you for a third time that I was joking?

240 posts

I'm a theistic evolutionist; way to know what you're debating against.

Do I need to remind you for a third time that I was joking?

You are still arguing ABOUT evolution.

And yes, you should always say when you are joking. Otherwise you always just seem to look ridiculous. Are you always joking? What comment were you joking about?

You make all kinds of ridiculous claims, how do I know which ones are jokes?
618 posts

It was a correct term, but it has long since become a way to make evolution seem like a religion and has nothing to do with accepting evolution.

WOW! That user-written wiki-article is indeed biased! The unbiased version is from the dictionary, so obviously 'evolutionism' has EVERYTHING to do with accepting evolution.
1,714 posts

Notice how their explanation of evolutionism is not what evolution is.

Also not evolution.

Says the same as wikipedia.

Creationist author.

Creationist author showing no knowledge of evolution, or the science behind it.

"the debate between proponents of evolutionism and creation scientists", You still think its a correct term?

9,462 posts

Nothing will shake my belief that god was ultimately responsible

This is truly closed minded of you.

Anyway your talking about abiogenesis not evolution.

The law of biogenisis states that no life can come from non-life. Evolution requires this. Spontaneous generation has never been observed.

The law of biogenesis has since been discredited. We have created the basics for life to arise from non life using methods that could accrue naturally.

Natural selection only gets rid of harmful characteristics, it does not make new ones. Diversity is actually lost. No better material is coming in, so no new species can come out.

Wrong again otherwise we wouldn't have things like downs syndrome. We also have examples of new species arising (see two quote replies down)

"Rarely, if ever, is a mutation beneficial to an organism in its natural environment. Almost all observable mutations are harmful: some are meaningless, many are lethal."

Three strikes your out!

Most mutations are benign. Some are harmful, but the harmful ones will often be weeded out through the process of natural selection. Some are beneficial, if the mutation does benefit the species it get's passed on and spreads. What is beneficial is defendant on the environment. If the environment changes so can what is beneficial.

Seriously show me ANY evidence for macro-evolution as this debate is going no where you say it's true I say it's not so prove it now!

Macroevolution; changes at or above the level of the species

Speciation; the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise.

observed speciation

Evening Primrose (Oenothera gigas)

Maize (Zea mays)

There have been discovery of new species of cichlids (five I think) forming within 400 years after being separate from the parent stock.
(we can determine the speciated cichlids parent stock the same way we can determine any parental decent)

So evolution explains how the earth began?

biological evolution has nothing to do with the formation of the Earth.

How the earth began? The big bang? How all the matter got there? It has just always been there?

Not exactly. That is what got the ball rolling on the universe but if we are to focus on the earth in particular we would be looking at the interaction of gravitation forces exerted from our sun.

It has everything to do with the fact that abiogeneis is impossible due to the probability of it occurring.

Come on now this argument has already been mooted.

So now your going to tell me that microevolution leads up to macroevolution; microevolution has nothing to do with changes in species and therefore they are completely different.

Changes in a species is exactly what microevolution is.

Microevolution; the occurrence of small-scale changes in allele frequencies in a population, over a few generations, also known as "change below the species level".

The last, oh three pages or so I've been testing your ability to have any sort of a debate with someone who believes in Creationism as this is the point of the thread. You failed; bad.

LOL, I thought you were being a bit to much like a d^%& there.

Well I hope my replies have been a bit better. Then again I gave you that video to being with.

Nice move.

I think we need a new Evolution vs. Creationism thread. This one has not only been derailed completely but has an error in the title.

We pretty much do have one.

Advocacy of or belief in biological evolution.

As the wiki article points out this is moot.
"In the modern scientific community, the term is considered an anachronism and redundant since the overwhelming majority of scientists accept evolution, and so it is not used."

Again as the article points out this use by creationists.

"The Institute for Creation Research, however, in order to treat evolution as a category of religions, including atheism, fascism, humanism and occultism, commonly uses the words evolutionism and evolutionist to describe the consensus of mainstream science and the scientists subscribing to it, thus implying through language that the issue is a matter of religious belief. The basis of this argument is to establish that the creation-evolution controversy is essentially one of interpretation of evidence, without any overwhelming proof (beyond current scientific theories) on either side. Creationists tend to use the term evolutionism in order to suggest that the theory of evolution and creationism are equal in a philosophical debate."

Which is exactly how you and others have appeared to have used the term.
618 posts

As far as I remember, you pointed out a long time ago that Wiki isn't used as a source in debates on AG. So for definitions you of all people should be consulting the dictionary. Which is how evolutionism is being used in this debate, as "Advocacy of or belief in biological evolution."

overwhelming majority of scientists accept evolution

No one here's a scientist, so it's not redundant to use. Besides, there are scientists who are Christians, and whom don't accept evolution. So that's the bias I was talking about with Wiki.
384 posts

We were created to evolve.

1,989 posts

We were created to evolve.

No I think their asking were we created or evolved from apes.

I believe we evolved. I don't know what exactly we evolved from but I am pretty sure we evolved from something.
1,714 posts

The lesson from that story is that no matter how much evidence is thrown at you evolutionists, you aren't going to admit that Creation is the only logical answer. Evolutionism is a stupid theory that was created as a way to ignore God, the Bible, and the truth.

I can't even begin to say how close minded and ignorant this is. For starters there is no evidence for creation. Evolutionism isn't even a correct term(notice how it is used). It is not a way to ignore God, as a good number of people who agree with the Theory of Evolution don't believe in God, same goes for the Bible. As for truth, only time will tell.
240 posts

Hey don't respond to NoobsforDummies. No one can really be this close-minded and stupid.

He's obviously just attempting to Troll us.

And if he is really that dumb, don't try to have a conversation with him

618 posts

@Mav - That's really mean. You shouldn't call people trolls or dumb just because they don't agree with you. It's a really good analogy. But it's missing one thing.

The doctor goes, "See you're bleeding, and you said dead men don't bleed." So the patient goes, "How closed-minded and stupid of you! I'm odviously not coming here no more cause your just trying to upset a dead man! Good bye!"

4,871 posts

Hey don't respond to NoobsforDummies. No one can really be this close-minded and stupid.

He's obviously just attempting to Troll us.

And if he is really that dumb, don't try to have a conversation with him

You have two choices at this point argue against him or leave I don't care but don't flame him for what he believes.
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