The Adventure Pals Contest!

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with savoring things one by one, but some things in life are just better when they’re paired with something else. Pineapples and pizza. Long car trips and loud music. A new house and no lingering dark corners for ghosts to hide. When it comes to us here at Armor Games, however, right now we’re all about two things in particular… the newly launched Kickstarter for The Adventure Pals, the massive follow up to the hit online platforming RPG Super Adventure Pals, and giving away great prizes and swag for it.
For the unaware, the plot of The Adventure Pals revolves around trying to rescue your dear old dad from a despicable villain who wants to turn him into a hot dog. What better way to sensitively address this, we asked ourselves as we sat around sagely stroking our chins, than with a contest about making and eating tasty franks?
THE GIST: You have from now until August 5th to submit your best, most creative, and ideally weirdest hot dog recipes. Be imaginative! Mustard might be fine, for example, but what about a succulent turkey dog with cranberry relish, stuffing, and gravy? Does a hot dog taste good with Nutella and a bun rolled in cinnamon sugar? Who knows! Just don’t get too hung up on making them deliberately gross, because from August 5th to August 12th, they’ll be voted on by the community. The six top scoring dogs will then be made and sampled by us, and the most delicious will take home the top prize! To enter, just post your recipe on this official forum thread, and everyone who takes part will get a merit to boot! Who doesn’t like gold stars?
THE PRIZES: The lucky grand prize winner (1) will not only get a digital copy of The Adventure Pals when it releases next year, but they’ll also get a sweet giraffe hat to adorn their head. The five (5) runners-up will also win a digital copy of the game, and each a special The Adventure Pals giraffe t-shirt, which I can personally attest to looking lovely on torsos. … I mean… my own torso. Not, like, random torsos lying around. … which… I don’t have. Um. Moving on.
THE RULES: One entry per person, and all entries must be original. (No lifting recipes from Alton Brown. I’ll know.) Also, not a rule, but an important consideration; since the hot dogs will be made by us and tasted, think twice before adding hard-to-source ingredients. Kangaroo dogs may potentially be delicious, but they’re probably difficult to get hold of. Winners must be able to give out their mailing address to receive their physical prizes. Delivery of The Adventure Pals game will be made digitally upon completion in early 2017. Get hype! Hyper! Awww yeah, now you’re an Adventure Pal!
Want to stay up to date with The Adventure Pals? Check out the official website to sign up for updates, and follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and of course, help us spread the word about The Adventure Pals Kickstarter campaign!
Writer: Dora Breckinridge / Dora has been writing about games for the better part of a decade, and playing them for even longer, using the glow of the monitor to keep her warm in the frozen wilds of her native Canada. Her website is here!