Available Now: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Codename Entertainment, creators of the clicker-hit Crusaders of the Lost Idol, are joining forces with Wizards of the Coast to bring you Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. Idle Champions is a Dungeons and Dragons strategy game that brings together several D&D characters from a multitude of media sources into a single epic adventure.

Treasure and renown await you, gather champions from every corner of the Forgotten Realms, uncover ancient artifacts and maybe find some friends along the way. With constant updates of official Dungeons and Dragons adventures, balance updates and events coming regularly; the world of adventure is now only a (few several) clicks away!

The call to adventure reaches everyone differently so, how do you want to do this?

You can find out more information about the game on the Idle Champions home page, or give the game a try yourself on Armor Games. Check out the Subreddit for guides and connect with other members community.
Follow Armor Games on Twitter for more news about other upcoming games, and Idle Champions for further updates on the next leg of the adventure.