New Game: Flight

Hello ArmorBlog!

Firstly, I have to apologize for  being MIA for so long! It’s my last year of university so things were a little tough these past few months, but it’s alright now! I’ve just finished a new little game just in time for Christmas. This one is called Flight and you throw a paper plane across the city, earning points and bonuses that you can use to upgrade your plane. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the concept! (Yes, there was the hedgehog, then the penguin and the turtle… Now it’s my turn :D)

Here are some screens:

Throw your paper plane across the city.
Throw your plane across the city.
Loads of fun upgrades and achievements to get.
Loads of fun upgrades, achievements, and customization!

The game is going to be out next Tuesday (14th of December). Don’t miss it 😀


PS: BEFORE YOU ASK! Sinjid or Sonny 3 is still in development. It’s not ready yet, but it’s coming along really well. Just play this one while you wait, and I’ll work as fast as I can 🙂 I’ll give you guys a sneak peek soon ^^