The Adventure Pals Demo

When you’re friends with someone, you share everything. Cool hats, lunches, alibis when the other person shows up sweating with a shovel on your doorstep at three in the morning. Well, The Adventure Pals consider you an honorary pal, and so they’re sharing a demo for their upcoming indie platforming RPG adventure with you. Why, that’s almost as nice as a giraffe ride!
The Adventure Pals is currently in funding on Kickstarter following a successful Steam Greenlight campaign, and while it won’t be out until early 2017, you can play some of it right now! The game is being created by Massive Monster, whose massive talents you may remember from Give Up 2, and the original Super Adventure Pals. Thanks to the support of cool buddies like you, The Adventure Pals is nearly halfway funded as of this writing. Play The Adventure Pals demo, and help us spread the word and make this campaign a success, for the intrepid hero, noble giraffe steed, and sentient pet rock inside us all!
Want to stay up to date with The Adventure Pals? Check out the official website to sign up for updates, and follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and of course, help us spread the word about The Adventure Pals Kickstarter campaign!
- Download The Adventure Pals Demo for PC
- Download The Adventure Pals Demo for Mac
- The Adventure Pals on Kickstarter
Writer: Dora Breckinridge / Dora has been writing about games for the better part of a decade, and playing them for even longer, using the glow of the monitor to keep her warm in the frozen wilds of her native Canada. Her website is here!