This dabate has been argued since the begining of time, through out the ages, there hasn't been a clear, absolute answer, untile now... choose your side! Armor Games will be voteing for what they prefer, dogs or cats!
The Rules 1.Choose your side, dogs or cats. 2.Use one or more reasons why (dogs or cats) are better.
The adorable, cute, and cuddly animal with the most votes, will be crowned Armor Games Most favorite animal!
First of all... tis topic should have been posted/started in the Tavern instead of the Popular Media Forum Chata... it's not a form of technical entertainment when having a discussion about animals!
To choose the side... I used to like dogs, simply because I was heavily allergic to cats! I literally banned them from my life... but as time passed and I grew older, I kind of out-grew my allergy and started to be able to live alongside of them, co-exsisting so to speak!
And when my GF dropped the bomb on me that she had a cat and I should know that it always came first... I made my descision to see how far it could go! The allergy is all but completely gone now and her little ball of furrrr is more into me than she was with her boss-lady, much to the dislike of that boss-lady! LOL
After a while of living with cats, you notice how smart, cunning and sneaky they are! All on a much higher level than dogs, so it's sufficive to say that cats are not only cuter than dogs, they are also WAY smarter!
I would have to pick cats for many reasons, one cat's are lazy and don't bother you like dogs XD, secondly they can stay on your lap without giving you any problems and lastly cats are a-lot more agile than dogs and can outrun a dog quickly XD.
I would have to go with Cats I have two myself, and they are always friendly to me and don't bother me as much as my dog. They are a nice pet to have around have a unique personality.
I know people that have cats and dogs. I am more of a dog person. They are more fun to play with and have more energy. Most cats are really lazy and just have you there to feed them. Dogs will love you though.
I don't think cats are more intelligent than dogs and vice versa. If you play a lot with them when they are kittens and puppies, you will develop their intelligence and social skills. All the animals I had were very smart but not as smart as the dog I have now. It's a Lhasas Apso and he watches TV sometimes for more than 10 minutes, recognize certain commercials, knows many words and is very sneaky and fun at the same time, he's a good house guard, he also like to sunbathe even when it's above 90F (30 something C). :O My choice is DOG but it's just a personal preference.
Dogs are more loyal and caring whereas cats seem to stay out of your way and only come for food but dogs stay and if you treat them right would fight for you.
Dogs are loyal, caring and loves everyone! Dogs are in the police as police dogs, firemen rescue dogs, search and rescue dogs, attack dogs ,see and eye dogs, and more. I only like cats when there kittens and when they get older they get boring and mean, as for dogs they stay cute, and cuddly forever, my dog is a bit old, but she acts the same since she was a puppy! She loves being petted and played with.
I would have to vote for dogs on this one. Dogs are definitely more loving I guess, but I would still have to pick up their poop and walk them. But overall cats seem more of a nuisance and less of a loving pet. I have not had either pet, but a dog would seem better. Also, instead of walking a dog, I could just take them running with me.
Guys mostly like dogs, but girls mostly like cats. Well Im a guy that likes cats. Yes dogs are guarding your house from strangers and they mostly do what you say I know. But cats. Cats think they are gods and they teach you how to be more responsible, they are like living comedies that make you laugh and happy no matter what happens. When you go to sleep the cat comes to you and sleeps on your body. I mean isnt that sweet?
Im just saying that CATS are a little bit better then dogs. So my vote is cats.