As we all know, the section on top of the Armor Games Website had Armor Games logo and a bunch of empty space, now it has the AG3 symbol and my profile account is listed there. Is this a update for AG3 or is this just a update?
I cant see my account each time i press profile it ends up as edit profile. how do i get to my profile
The profile button leads to the control panel. For now, do one of the following to access your profile:
1) Click your username in a post or comment you made. 2) Type in the following URL, replacing insertusernamehere with your username:
Why are all my various point stats so severely spaced, while the game thumbnails are so huge you can't even see their titles? Will these things be fixed or are these intentional changes?
We have indeed launched a new header today, feel free to leave any quirks or comments and I'll monitor this thread and relay the information. Also, check out the spiffy new search functionality!
We have indeed launched a new header today, feel free to leave any quirks or comments and I'll monitor this thread and relay the information. Also, check out the spiffy new search functionality!
I would like to say, it looks good and very clean. But one thing. I can't click on anything from the profile's drop down menu in my iPad 2.
This is great! I also noticed the different looking text in the little box where you type. Seasonal armatars are here. That is the second best thing to happen to me all day. No, maybe third best.
4 years of the standard corner layout and already I'm used to this toolbar. I can safely say this is the largest update I have ever seen since I've been here.
Even the Halloween armatars are back. Oh the nostalgia of when I was a new user with only 5,000 forum posts. I assume there will be an armatar contest in the near-future?
[quote=Ferret]We have indeed launched a new header today, feel free to leave any quirks or comments and I'll monitor this thread and relay the information. Also, check out the spiffy new search functionality![/quote]
The new look throughout the website is very smooth I must say. Although the header through me off a bit. It just seems like the alignment of the links on each section seems a bit misaligned. For instance the links in the green part are aligned right with a good bit of space left, while right below it the links are aligned left.
Here's a poorly MSPaint-edited image to explain what I think it should look like.
It might seem a tad strange. Maybe it's just me and my need for things to be all nice and centered.