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ForumsForum GamesCount to 100: Games Chat

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11,891 posts

The original "This Thread is Currently About" is back! Yes, it's Count to 100!


1. Count by ones from 1 to 100 in 100 consecutive posts according to the Core Rules.
2. Restart the count from 1 after:
a. a Moderator (or an Administrator) makes a stopping post (post without counting) if users and Knights are counting..
b. a user or Knight or Warden makes a stopping post (post without counting) if Moderators and Administrators are counting.
c. breaking a core rule, spamming, or cheating.
d. reaching 100.
3. Announce why you restart the count so other counters don't get confused.
NOTE: For the time being, Moderators are allowed to help Users count, so as long as the other rules are observed you do not need to restart the count if you see a mod count. However, if a Moderator makes a stopping post, i.e. a post without counting (not the same as a non-count post since they're technically different teams), it is considered an interruption and the count will restart.


No mistakes. A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100, save for exceptions noted.
No double-counting. No counter may count two consecutive numbers.
No back-to-back counting. No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.
Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
Okay: P1 P2 reset P1 P2
No editing. No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows on a count, the attempt is forfeit.


No "spamming". Please don't post only the number and please don't post gibberish, either.
Multiple one- or two-word counts may also disqualify a count.
No "cheating". This shouldn't need to be said. Counting to 100 doesn't count if you cheat.
This is an exercise in teamwork, not rule bending.
No "spoiling". Don't mess with the count. Posts should start with the correct number.
Posts with no numbers should be ignored. See also: No non-counts.
Posts with intentional mistakes should be ignored.
No "spilping". If this is your first post in this thread, please post "I'm new and here to count to 100!"
No non-counts. No counter may post without a counting number or make a post without bolding that number if that counting number is not at the start of the post.

Please refer to the complete set of rules for additional information and examples of what is valid or invalid.
Please also check out the discussion thread for new gameplay or rule proposals or general discussion on the gameplay and rules of "Count to 100".


Once you reach 100, you start this Sisyphean task all over again back at 1. Users should notify the Commissioner of the Count (HahiHa) that the count reached 100 and the Commissioner will review it to make sure there were no mistakes or cheating. If there were no mistakes or cheating, then the users who took part in the successful count to 100 will get a shiny new Quest!


bold = counted 100, italics = previous winning participant, [#] = # of total wins, (#) = # of times counted 100

Highest Count: 15!
1. 9! - 3865 (2533) pages / 286 days, Feb 13, '15 at 5:49pm, 3 users, 6 minutes.
Gantic, Ferret, weirdlike
Note: Earned by handicap.

2. 14! - 2135 pages / 937 days, Sep 08, '17 at 1:25pm, 3 users, 6 mins.
Moegreche, nichodemus, UnleashedUponMankind
Note: Earned by handicap.

1. 100! - 537 (355) pages / 94 days, Aug 6, '14 at 9:28pm, 16 users, 14 hrs 33 mins.
apldeap123, Azywng, Crickster, Chryosten (as Darkfire45), Darktroop07, evilsweetblock, JACKinbigletters, kalkanadam, Loop_Stratos, MPH_Complexity, Omegap12, Patrick2011, R2D21999, Snag618, Tactical_Fish, Voyage2


50. 100! - February 12, '24, 11 users, 52 days.
sciller45 (5)[17], HalRazor [5], saint_of_gaming [5], JimSlaps (1)[2], TheMostManlyMan (1)[14], Solas128 [3], nichodemus (2)[9], Widestsinger [5], SirLegendary (2)[22], skater_kid_who_pwns, disastermaster30 (3)[5]

51. 100! - March 17, '24, 11 users, 35 days.
JimSlaps (1)[3], sciller45 (5)[18], saint_of_gaming [6], TheMostManlyMan (1)[15], Strop, skater_kid_who_pwns [2], GhostOfMatrix [4], WidestSinger (1)[6], HalRazor [6], SirLegendary (2)[23], Solas128 [4]

  • 78,621 Replies
347 posts

8. Yeah, my family said that we weren't getting another cat but we adopted Lou back in 2014. we moved to a different house across town and we rented out our old house (ironically, that house was newer than the one we currently live in) to a young man in his 30's from a big city. During that time, he got a baby kitten but one day, he abruptly left town. (He got "homesick".) Didn't even take anything with him, not even his kitten. So my dad, who wasn't planning on getting a new cat after our last one was absolutely freaking crazy, asked us if we wanted to take him in which we did. Now, Lou is a fully grown cat, and I'm his favorite hooman.

This is Lou.

In unrelated news, I'm getting surgery this Friday to get my wisdom teeth removed (my top teeth are fine, however, my bottom teeth are growing SIDEWAYS and INWARD! Regardless, both my top and bottom teeth are getting taken out.) Never had surgery before but I'm weirdly not feeling nervous. I'm just not looking forward towards the pain and pills, and I hate this rinse stuff that I'm supposed to use twice a day for two weeks.

16,463 posts

9. We used to have dogs when I was a child...
like, my family has really had MANY dogs in total (even since before I was born), but like, when I was 8 years or so, we had 2 dogs at home, it was nice, and one of them was like, INSANELY docile and pretty cute as well (I liked both though)

We've had them for I think 2 years, both my mother and I really liked them, but when I was 10 I quickly became allergic (not only to dogs, but to like, ANY animal that has fur) and we couldn't keep them anymore (if I remember correctly we gave them to a friend of my mother)

never had pets since then, but I still like dogs and sometimes kinda wish I had one

15,595 posts

10. I like seeing dogs, don't think I'd like to own one though. I've always had cats since a young age, more used to their temperament and self sufficiency. My wife really wants a dog once we move from an apartment to a house though...

1 posts

11 (edited)

I can't see any posts, when I click "Last" and previous pages are empty as well...

So I say... 11...

302 posts
1. Read the rules. It really isn't that hard.

2,870 posts

2. I know it's against the rules, but I can't blame him. Maybe there should be a rule for it. You're allowed to screw up once if you only saw empty pages. At least until all this gets fixed. It'll be fixed eventually right? Right?
In other news, I saw an owl for the first time this Sunday. I see hawks flying overhead constantly, and I have heard hooting since I was a wee lad. I was walking around an old abandoned water-mill in my village (after my dog who got a bit too curious), and heard branches shaking up in a tree. Wouldn't you know it - there's the owl who I've only heard of until now. I saw him in the middle of hunting a rodent a couple of moments later, too. The mill was wonderful, too. In a little valley, so it felt really secluded despite the house only being about 15 metres off the road into the village. The grass was really overgrown, though. It would make a nice home if a little care was put into it.

when I was 10 I quickly became allergic and we couldn't keep them anymore.

That's a shame. I'm lucky I'm not allergic to anything. At least, not yet. Hey, now you have an excuse to get a snake. Wait, what do snakes eat...

Alright, I googled "What do snakes eat", and Google showed me a picture of a lion - which is furry, so I reckon you can't have snakes...

You can have an Axolotl! They're cool little dudes, not to mention their little head frills! Another positive - if you happen to accidentally rip off a leg or two (Really easy 'cause their bones are made of cartilage), they just grow back. Hell, they'll live forever! Probably.

2,869 posts

3. I'm pretty sure axolotls are very protected species, and if you did somehow happen to get your hands on one it's probably illegal to keep it.

108 posts

4. Is therapy/going to a doctor always the best option when it comes mental health?

2,870 posts

4. Actually, they're perfectly legal! There was probably a scientist that thought "Hey, that's neat. I wonder if he'll regrow if I throw it in a blender." And another scientist went "Wait, those are our only two ones! What if he doesn't regrow?"
So, they made sure the two made a lot of baby axolotls. Those babies had babies, hopefully not amongst each other, and eventually, people bred the captivated ones as pets. As long as you don't partake in the illegal axolotl trafficking ring (which is actually real. Just maybe not with that name), it's OK.
Unless you're in California, Maine, New Jersey or Virginia. They're wanted in those states. I don't know why. Might want to remember that they can hide something sinister under those smiles...

You know they're hiding something...

Edit. Do I call it an edit? I'll call it an edit. Never thought I'd almost get ninja'd nowadays: If you're worried about having a mental disorder, visit a psychologist. Go to the doctor. It's probably much harder to heal with a doctor, or to heal in an earlier stage than go alone or fall into a hole.
I have no experience with disorders or psychologists, sadly.

Oh, yeah. 5.

2,869 posts

6. Oh come on, they're not hiding anything... They're perfectly innocent cute creatures. I don't happen to live in one of those states, but I haven't even been able to adopt a cat or ferret, so I don't think trying to get one of those would go very well.

108 posts

7. Do kids count as pets

2,869 posts

8. Do you feed them with small bowls on the floor?

347 posts

9. I have no idea what those are but they look adorable!

Is therapy/going to a doctor always the best option when it comes mental health?
Yes, if you are struggling mentally health, you should seek help. A few months ago, I was constantly hating myself and telling myself that I was worthless so I saw a therapist at the college. Thankfully, it was free so I didn't have to pay a cent. We continued our meetings via Zoom after the campus closed down. We had our last meeting in May, but I noticed an improvement in my mental health from the sessions.
108 posts

Thats awesome im glad you are better now, I hope it will go even better in the future.
I meet a lot of people who go online instead to seek help and I think it has its appeal, its anonymous, easy to acces and you can find people who relate to you. But I still think its always better to go to the experts for these type of things.

2,870 posts

1. Also, it's an Axolotl, an endangered salamander native to Mexico. They're special because:
a) They don't go through metamorphoses like most frogs and other amphibians
b) They have impressive healing abilities
c) They're adorable.

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