ForumsForum GamesCount to 100: Games Chat

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The original "This Thread is Currently About" is back! Yes, it's Count to 100!


1. Count by ones from 1 to 100 in 100 consecutive posts according to the Core Rules.
2. Restart the count from 1 after:
a. a Moderator (or an Administrator) makes a stopping post (post without counting) if users and Knights are counting..
b. a user or Knight or Warden makes a stopping post (post without counting) if Moderators and Administrators are counting.
c. breaking a core rule, spamming, or cheating.
d. reaching 100.
3. Announce why you restart the count so other counters don't get confused.
NOTE: For the time being, Moderators are allowed to help Users count, so as long as the other rules are observed you do not need to restart the count if you see a mod count. However, if a Moderator makes a stopping post, i.e. a post without counting (not the same as a non-count post since they're technically different teams), it is considered an interruption and the count will restart.


No mistakes. A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100, save for exceptions noted.
No double-counting. No counter may count two consecutive numbers.
No back-to-back counting. No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.
Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
Okay: P1 P2 reset P1 P2
No editing. No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows on a count, the attempt is forfeit.


No "spamming". Please don't post only the number and please don't post gibberish, either.
Multiple one- or two-word counts may also disqualify a count.
No "cheating". This shouldn't need to be said. Counting to 100 doesn't count if you cheat.
This is an exercise in teamwork, not rule bending.
No "spoiling". Don't mess with the count. Posts should start with the correct number.
Posts with no numbers should be ignored. See also: No non-counts.
Posts with intentional mistakes should be ignored.
No "spilping". If this is your first post in this thread, please post "I'm new and here to count to 100!"
No non-counts. No counter may post without a counting number or make a post without bolding that number if that counting number is not at the start of the post.

Please refer to the complete set of rules for additional information and examples of what is valid or invalid.
Please also check out the discussion thread for new gameplay or rule proposals or general discussion on the gameplay and rules of "Count to 100".


Once you reach 100, you start this Sisyphean task all over again back at 1. Users should notify the Commissioner of the Count (HahiHa) that the count reached 100 and the Commissioner will review it to make sure there were no mistakes or cheating. If there were no mistakes or cheating, then the users who took part in the successful count to 100 will get a shiny new Quest!


bold = counted 100, italics = previous winning participant, [#] = # of total wins, (#) = # of times counted 100

Highest Count: 15!
1. 9! - 3865 (2533) pages / 286 days, Feb 13, '15 at 5:49pm, 3 users, 6 minutes.
Gantic, Ferret, weirdlike
Note: Earned by handicap.

2. 14! - 2135 pages / 937 days, Sep 08, '17 at 1:25pm, 3 users, 6 mins.
Moegreche, nichodemus, UnleashedUponMankind
Note: Earned by handicap.

1. 100! - 537 (355) pages / 94 days, Aug 6, '14 at 9:28pm, 16 users, 14 hrs 33 mins.
apldeap123, Azywng, Crickster, Chryosten (as Darkfire45), Darktroop07, evilsweetblock, JACKinbigletters, kalkanadam, Loop_Stratos, MPH_Complexity, Omegap12, Patrick2011, R2D21999, Snag618, Tactical_Fish, Voyage2


50. 100! - February 12, '24, 11 users, 52 days.
sciller45 (5)[17], HalRazor [5], saint_of_gaming [5], JimSlaps (1)[2], TheMostManlyMan (1)[14], Solas128 [3], nichodemus (2)[9], Widestsinger [5], SirLegendary (2)[22], skater_kid_who_pwns, disastermaster30 (3)[5]

51. 100! - March 17, '24, 11 users, 35 days.
JimSlaps (1)[3], sciller45 (5)[18], saint_of_gaming [6], TheMostManlyMan (1)[15], Strop, skater_kid_who_pwns [2], GhostOfMatrix [4], WidestSinger (1)[6], HalRazor [6], SirLegendary (2)[23], Solas128 [4]

  • 78,623 Replies
155 posts

20. Depends. Who deleted it? Actually, its either a troll or an accident so nah.

2,869 posts

21. The mods deleted it (well a mod).
And I don't think I'd ever change my armatar at this point since I can't change it back to this one.

347 posts

21. I would probably restart it as I think that post #16 was made by @YellowCat, as he was also upset by getting demoted right back down to Treasurer, just like me...
Oh, and on a unrelated note, I honestly have no idea where the second emoji on my last post came from. Weird. Also, a fly keeps flying around me and won't stop bothering me for the past few days. Totally wish I had a fly swatter right now as he keeps evading my attacks.

347 posts

1. Okay, now officially restarting the count now!

2,870 posts

2. Oh, yeah, that happened to me. Then I remember I can roll up a newspaper and use that instead of a flyswatter. Then, all is good.

That emoji comes from a peculiarity with the forums. It's incredible how many...peculiarities this forum has. In this case, quotation marks and parentheses are the issue, and so you have to space them out.
This &quot
Versus this " )

Also, to bring back some CT100 jargon, there is no double posting, but there is getting ninja-ing. Er, I guess that's the infinitive... you got ninja'd by Yellowcat. It was sort of forgotten because the count was a lot faster, and there were a lot more opportunities for getting ninja'd.

P.S. You are not allowed to swear. Not one bit, not even if it's censored. That's why his post got deleted and why I got banned multiple times. (I only figured out why now. It said on the little red box I was circumventing the filter when it should've said "banned for profanity&quot [ADJECTIVE][NOUN] showed the "****" of a swear. I think there's a technical word for the "****" things, but I can't remember it.
Note to the mods: I didn't swear, I just wrote four of these stars *.

155 posts

3. Imagine if they delete it anyway. Also, it looks like you fell prey to the quote mark glitch you were describing; how ironic! Speaking of chatrooms, the discord for AG is pretty inactive, so it'd be nice if we talked there as well.

347 posts

4. I'm usually good at copying my post, refreshing the page, then pasting my post and change the number if I had to. Last post, I didn't refresh the page since the previous count was most likely invalid anyway. Also, the little star *, the technical word is asterisk. As for the cussing thing, even though I cuss like sailor in real life (which I've been told is "improper" and "unladylike", which I honestly don't care as long as I'm not around children or in a professional setting), but I rarely cuss on the internet, mainly because kids often use it to make themselves sound grown up and mature but really end up sounding very immature and idiotic. Plus, a potential employer can possibly read what you say and not hire you as a result.

243 posts

5. Yes just for that reason (the future employers part as well as being the oldest of 7, cursing can get old,), I try to not even curse unless around really good friends and family. It's almost become a ritual of my trust when I curse around you. (Also apparently it's surprising when I cuss because I "don't look like [I] cuss" ... well what should I look like? huh??)

2,870 posts

6. Very ironic. I honestly forgot the thing screws up with [quotation mark][dot] as well.

The AG discord? Oh, yes, remember that MattEmAngel thing? It's all about the discord. I'm somewhat-barely-semi active on Matt's Illegal AG server. Last I checked, the AG server was only used by beta-testers though... Anyway, I don't think you're in the secret counting room, so please join Meaosome!

RG, you don't have to copy-paste anything. What I do is middle-mouse-button-click the refresh button, then exit the old tab. Site should be updated, and text should be in the box. It's as easy as one-two-th... Well, actually, yeah, just one-two.

a potential employer can possibly read what you say and not hire you as a result.

I er... I think I've done written enough for someone to report me to the Feds about now. So, hey, I'm past the point of no return. That's my excuse.

No, not asterisk. "****"! or maybe "!#$@" (as frequently seen in comics) I found it! They're called "Grawlixes"!

Not cussing sure has the benefit of the shock factor after you actually cuss. Like in a comment section of some youtuber filled with people in disbelief. My God! 3kliksphilip is aware that the f-word exists?
Midwesterners are a curious bunch. I've seen people swear like sailors around them, but the moment someone says the G - D word... *gasp*

IRL, I'll cuss as long as there's someone to listen to me. And none of those pesky authority figures around.

16,463 posts


which I honestly don't care as long as I'm not around children or in a professional setting

That's usually what I do, like, in real life, I really do cuss a lot, and I mean, I see nothing wrong with that tbh, I just avoid doing it near children

which I've been told is "improper" and "unladylike"

unladylike? now that's something I had never heard anyone say about cussing, like, why would ladies not be allowed to cuss? it just makes no sense in my opinion...

2,870 posts

8. "unladylike" reminds me of those cheesy period dramas. Never heard anyone say that. And I know it's not an old people thing because my grandparents used it for effect as well.

I think being taught swears is part of growing up with older siblings. Real funny to my cousins. They definitely taught me far, far worse things as well. I will leave that as an exercise of the imagination to the viewer.

108 posts

9. Armor u should send me an invite back to the allegal server, my discord is sithril

2,870 posts

10. Welp, all subtlety's out now. Here you go, the portal to the Allegal Gargmorgames Uerver. Step right in, only two coins per trip across Styx. I sure hope no one gets murdered over this...

Click his hand. You know you want to...

155 posts

11. I have accepted his offer and taken his hand. May the gods forgive me. On another note, there is no way I'm gonna read all the posts before this so the NEW topic is movies! What is your favorite B-movie?

2,870 posts

12. Last summer, I planned on watching a movie every single day, no matter what.

I failed; I couldn't decide which movies to watch, but I did watch more movies than I would have. Hofstadter's law at its finest.
This also means I didn't watch any B-movies, so I'll have to rely on the few movies I watched, whether Sundays on public broadcasting and those which I found out through friends.

I have much more fond memories of movies I found out about through TV or friends than by scouring for the "best movies in the world". Maybe it's because I watched those with my friends and family, while I watched the first ones on my own. It didn't even matter whether we talked through the movie.

Alright, to the question. My favourite one must be Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. I don't recall much, but I remember that it was universally panned by critics. It ended up becoming a cult classic. It wasn't a conventionally good movie, but it was a very fun, silly, unapologetic action film.
Another one I remember is The Villain. I don't know much about it, but I watched it when I was a kid and thought it was hilarious. So it deserves a mention at least. Also, it's the second of a whole two B-movies whose names I can remember, so it must count for something.

You know M0istN00dl, I think you would've enjoyed being here a few years ago when the forum was much more active.
Watch out for the B2B.

Showing 75586-75600 of 78623