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ForumsForum GamesCount to 100: Games Chat

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11,891 posts

The original "This Thread is Currently About" is back! Yes, it's Count to 100!


1. Count by ones from 1 to 100 in 100 consecutive posts according to the Core Rules.
2. Restart the count from 1 after:
a. a Moderator (or an Administrator) makes a stopping post (post without counting) if users and Knights are counting..
b. a user or Knight or Warden makes a stopping post (post without counting) if Moderators and Administrators are counting.
c. breaking a core rule, spamming, or cheating.
d. reaching 100.
3. Announce why you restart the count so other counters don't get confused.
NOTE: For the time being, Moderators are allowed to help Users count, so as long as the other rules are observed you do not need to restart the count if you see a mod count. However, if a Moderator makes a stopping post, i.e. a post without counting (not the same as a non-count post since they're technically different teams), it is considered an interruption and the count will restart.


No mistakes. A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100, save for exceptions noted.
No double-counting. No counter may count two consecutive numbers.
No back-to-back counting. No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.
Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
Okay: P1 P2 reset P1 P2
No editing. No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows on a count, the attempt is forfeit.


No "spamming". Please don't post only the number and please don't post gibberish, either.
Multiple one- or two-word counts may also disqualify a count.
No "cheating". This shouldn't need to be said. Counting to 100 doesn't count if you cheat.
This is an exercise in teamwork, not rule bending.
No "spoiling". Don't mess with the count. Posts should start with the correct number.
Posts with no numbers should be ignored. See also: No non-counts.
Posts with intentional mistakes should be ignored.
No "spilping". If this is your first post in this thread, please post "I'm new and here to count to 100!"
No non-counts. No counter may post without a counting number or make a post without bolding that number if that counting number is not at the start of the post.

Please refer to the complete set of rules for additional information and examples of what is valid or invalid.
Please also check out the discussion thread for new gameplay or rule proposals or general discussion on the gameplay and rules of "Count to 100".


Once you reach 100, you start this Sisyphean task all over again back at 1. Users should notify the Commissioner of the Count (HahiHa) that the count reached 100 and the Commissioner will review it to make sure there were no mistakes or cheating. If there were no mistakes or cheating, then the users who took part in the successful count to 100 will get a shiny new Quest!


bold = counted 100, italics = previous winning participant, [#] = # of total wins, (#) = # of times counted 100

Highest Count: 15!
1. 9! - 3865 (2533) pages / 286 days, Feb 13, '15 at 5:49pm, 3 users, 6 minutes.
Gantic, Ferret, weirdlike
Note: Earned by handicap.

2. 14! - 2135 pages / 937 days, Sep 08, '17 at 1:25pm, 3 users, 6 mins.
Moegreche, nichodemus, UnleashedUponMankind
Note: Earned by handicap.

1. 100! - 537 (355) pages / 94 days, Aug 6, '14 at 9:28pm, 16 users, 14 hrs 33 mins.
apldeap123, Azywng, Crickster, Chryosten (as Darkfire45), Darktroop07, evilsweetblock, JACKinbigletters, kalkanadam, Loop_Stratos, MPH_Complexity, Omegap12, Patrick2011, R2D21999, Snag618, Tactical_Fish, Voyage2


50. 100! - February 12, '24, 11 users, 52 days.
sciller45 (5)[17], HalRazor [5], saint_of_gaming [5], JimSlaps (1)[2], TheMostManlyMan (1)[14], Solas128 [3], nichodemus (2)[9], Widestsinger [5], SirLegendary (2)[22], skater_kid_who_pwns, disastermaster30 (3)[5]

51. 100! - March 17, '24, 11 users, 35 days.
JimSlaps (1)[3], sciller45 (5)[18], saint_of_gaming [6], TheMostManlyMan (1)[15], Strop, skater_kid_who_pwns [2], GhostOfMatrix [4], WidestSinger (1)[6], HalRazor [6], SirLegendary (2)[23], Solas128 [4]

  • 78,621 Replies
16,463 posts

4. yes, I guess you're right...
I reckon humanity is slowly reaching a point where everyone is starting to completely run out of new ideas TBH, I mean... how many original things completely different from each other can be created? It's a finite number, so we'll eventually reach that point sooner or later, won't we?

But well, until then, some people will still have brilliant ideas though

and also,

... Avatar, that came out over a decade ago ...

You're making me feel old, man¹ T_T

¹ woman

2,869 posts

5. What about all the Pixar movies? Those are cool new ones.

243 posts

6. ello Good Men and Women I shall be more active once again on this fine website

75 posts
Grand Duke

7. Hey guys i'm here again as always. Try to finish this game...

But it's takes so long... (i hate grinding...)

Anyway @Yellowcat as you say, Pixar Animation St. still fun also Illumination Entertainment too.
@Hunter902 welcome back ^^

347 posts

8. Yeah, I really do enjoy Pixar movies. Illumination Entertainment's pretty good too though...

Anyways, for all the Americans here, my parents are SUPER excited for the football game on Sunday (American football, I mean) for the Chiefs against the Titans. My parents are big fans of the Chiefs and this would be the first time in 50 years that we've gone to the Super Bowl if we win next Sunday. (For the Non-Americans, the Super Bowl is an American football championship game held annually and it is a huge event with a half time performance - Jennifer Lopez is performing this year - and is probably the only time when people actually enjoy watching the commercials during commercial breaks.) While I'm not a huge football fan (actually, I don't care at all for the sport), it is still pretty exciting.

75 posts
Grand Duke

9. Yeah you r right @RebelGamer_98 American Football not very well known in batch of country, i mean game rules, game tactics and play techniques (etc.) completely different from normal football. But i think Super Bowl is one of the great event in the world as like World Cup finals.

It is a great marketing success if it is better examined. With live shows, special commercials, with tv advertising and promotions kind of things. Same as Burning Man Festive. Americans is best in sales and marketing techniques.

2,870 posts

Edited by Sciller4 after he found the game he played
10. I'm just gonna sit here and pretend I know what the Chiefs are...
But I do know the Super Bowl from the commercials. I played a game in 2013 methinks? (edit: Sling Baby) Based on a Doritos Commercial.
I willingly watched a lot of those commercials on YouTube. Alongside all of Terry Crews' Old Spice commercials.

Bit late, but I don't think people are running out of ideas. There are plenty of ideas, but the producers are going for safe bucks (And people are fine with it), instead of trying anything original.
Avatar's getting a sequel? The only thing I remember about the movie is glowing hair and the fact it looked good.

107 posts

11. Just making a quick appearance to add to the count and say the Chiefs have my support now that the Vikings have been eliminated. Patrick Mahomes has those dreamy curls!

2,870 posts

12. WOO! Wee! GO... GO Chiefs! Guess I support them now. Though, I gotta say, Tennessee's Jack Daniels has some mighty fine whiskey!

75 posts
Grand Duke

13. @sciller45 i think all old "Old Spice commercials" funny

So guys whos win? All Chiefs here?

347 posts

14. Well, they won the game against the Titans last Sunday so the Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl!

3,165 posts

15. Sorry for intruding the conversation, I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I saw a video on youtube called "Flash Games Nostalgia Bait" and it gave me the urge to come and see how things are going. Also the fact that it's 1 AM and I have nothing better to do might have helped.

347 posts

16. Nah, you're fine @Gogotank. Any contribution to the count is always appreciated (as long as they're following the rules). I'm just killing time before I go to my next class. Also, my roommate recently got a kitten - she's a emotional support animal as pets aren't allowed in dorms - so I got to play with her a little bit when my roommate came back so that was nice.

155 posts

17. Sorry I haven't checked in since we got to 100 last time, (at least I think it was last time?) Anyway, kittens are great. 10/10 would recommend. Keep up the good work fellas.

2,870 posts

18. Emotional support animal? Hm. I wonder if I could bring in one of my cows and say "Hey, don't worry guys. It's not a pet(Google says: An animal kept for companionship or pleasure), it's there for milk" Or maybe bring a calf in and say "It's there to bleat me emotional support!".

Also, did someone say "Man, I want to see some of Sciller's mundane adventures?" No? Well, here you go, Sciller's mundane adventure anyways! Enjoy!
I just returned from a 2-hour walk. Have to say, it's been an emotional journey. Even before leaving my home village, I saw a deadly pest, eating away at a field's worth of grass. I was lucky the bunny didn't spot me. I've heard the stories of Arthur, the knights of the round table and the Caerbannog bunny.
I was making my way to a lake. Well, it wasn't a lake, more of a water reservoir built I believe not long before I was born, with a streamlet feeding into it, then passing through. That streamlet then passes underneath a little bridge in the middle of my village.

As I passed over the bridge, I noticed the water was VERY shallow. Maybe a foot at its deepest point. I was afraid there was no lake to even see.
So as I passed a little house controlling the reservoir water, I climed up the stairs and I see Ah, great! There is water!
But something that did not expect, despite it being a relatively warm day, ICE. The whole lake was covered in it! As I went down to the coast, my two doggos started walking on the lake! I wondered if I could stand on the ice, and I could! I took some pictures, walked along a steel walkway (Which felt like it would collapse).

Now, that building I told you about? It was locked. And you know what else? I heard loud doggo-footsteps coming from the direction of the building and my dog whining. "OOOHHH BOY. Good thing I brought my phone so I can call for help". And as I went closer to the building, turns out, he was out of sight, walking on top of the building's roof whining 'cause he couldn't get to a critter he'd heard inside. God, was that a relief.

I saw an open manhole cover and decided to go inside. As a rational person does. I thought it was just an extension of the water pathways and that I would see the light from underneath. Instead, I heard my dog banging on the ceiling of the building still looking for that critter! I was inside!

Sadly, I didn't bring my flashlight nor my courage, so I decided to extended the visit of the inside to another time.

It's kind of amazing what you can find on just a short walk. Plus, it was nice to head out. Might even make it a weekly occurance. I could find out what's inside that abandoned house, maybe check out the forest in more detail. Just gotta find something to explore...

And something I think I'll do, is create my own website where I catalogue my daft adventures.
AND YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN WEBSITES, TOO! By going to Squarespace.come/SCILLR you can get 20% off your next website. That's Slash S-C-I-L-L-R dot com! Build your very own website, today!

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