Welcome to Slap the Cheese, a cheese-slapping game where you slap cheese.
1. Generate a Cheese if the cheese is dead by rolling d4 for hardness 1 = 10 HP = Soft 2 = 50 HP = Medium 3 = 100 HP = Hard 4 = 500 HP = Brick!
2. Update the cheese HP.
Optional: Narrate the above poster's action.
3. Roll d20 for Slap Damage.
You've successfully poked the Nano Cheese to it's death.
Nano Cheese HP: -2/500 @Gogotank, you don't know what Little Sisters and Leadhead Splicers are? Thank have some BioshockCheese = 4!
You should've probably used the Damage Upgrade and Armor-piercing ammo.
Bioshock Cheese HP: 498/500
I "WouldYouKindly = 14" ask the Bioshock cheese to hurt itself. Yes, again.
Your penguins have something about 75% of the max EVE, so they're do a bit of damage after all.
Bioshock Cheese HP: 460/500
I use [roll 1d20 GravityWell] to harm the cheese a bit.