The objective of this game is to roll dices until they sum up 1000 or more, when that happens, everyone wins
1) Every user has to roll four 20-sided dices in every post, then, the result of the dices is added to the count
user 1: 0) *rolls 4 dices and they sum 50*
user 2: 50) *rolls 4 dices and they sum 8*
user 3: 58) ...
2) The count goes back to zero whenever a post has 3 words or less, when a when the count reaches 1000 or more, when a roll "fails", when the wrong dice is used, when a 1 is rolled from the dices at least twice in the same post, or when a 1 is rolled once, then, in the next post another 1 is rolled.
User 1: 900) *rolls 4, 12, 19 and 1*
User 2: 936) *rolls 19, 20, 1 and 9*
User 3: *reset*
User 1: *rolls 1, 4, 1 and 13*
User 2: reset
This rule was changed in November 22nd, 2015; before whenever a 1 was roled there was a reset