I figured let's create a master thread for the world event of the year. After all, who won't be watching people jockey viciously for the position of most powerful person in the world?
As of now the situation is as thus:
Republican - Trump running ahead of the pack surprisingly.
Democrat - Less clear, Clinton and Sanders are still duking it out, though Clinton has many more super-delegates to her name.
So this is a thread to post about anything related to the race. Have a favourite candidate to plump for? Feel the system is biased? Angry at the political establishment? Post it here. Hopefully we can get more discussion going when things get heated up!
Personally of all the candidates, I like Clinton the most, and failing that, Trump. Of course, like is a very subjective and relative word.
I'm going for Bernie Sanders. He seems like the most reasonable and apt candidate for the presidence. And, I feel like yes, the election seems biased. Donald trump is.. how do you say it.. has "exotic" points. He is controlling the media and people to make them follow. I'm worried about him becoming president.
These elections are going to make history.
I believe that IF Trump becomes the Republican candidate, the rich parasites (pharmaceutical cartel, the Koch brothers, Insurance companies, and other criminals) who control the party will try to stop him at their national convention.
This will cause a fracture in the party and the Republican voters who wants him to run will FINALLY realize that their votes don't count because this party is own by rich criminals who could care less about the voters' opinion.
Some of them will vote Democrat to spite the party and the majority of the minority will certainly vote Democrat as well.
Hopefully, it will kill this party and force the Conservatives to rebuild it by electing completely new people who won't be controlled by those rich criminals.
Interesting to note that Trump has been toning down his rhetoric, making back tracks on some issues, as well as trying to present himself as a unifier.
Contested convention seems likely on the GOP side though. Trump was only barely projected to get enough delegates even when he was doing well a couple weeks ago, and his numbers have slipped quite a bit since then.
I voted on Monday.
I can't wait for the elections to be over.
If Hillary Clinton wins, I hope she'll ask the NSA to investigate those traitors Trump,Pence, and all the weasels and racists who are part of this team who work with dictator Vladimir Putin and that Jullian Assange maggot.
I can't wait for the CIA to get their hand on this rat.
Is it just me, or there are more people around who think that these "Elections" became much more like a fair or parade that event where people will choose their future leader?