Remember that God is all-knowing and perfectly just. Because He is omniscient, He sees from all perspectives and is able to judge perfectly. Now, I'm not saying because God is omniscient, God is perfectly just. He has the potential to judge perfectly. Nevertheless, God is righteous and fair in judgment.
No, He isn't. You don't seem to understand the problem here. Perhaps I can illustrate:
Person A: Donald Trump is just what America needs. He's infinitely more honest and dependable than any other president we've ever had.
Person B: Actually, that isn't true at all. As you can see from what he said here, here, here, here and there, his plans on this, his entire platform, and virtually everything he did there.
Person A: I get what you're saying, but we must remember that Donald Trump is infinitely more honest and dependable than any other president we've ever had. He always tells it like it is.
Person C: I don't think you do get it. Nothing he says is reliable. As Person B has shown, Trump regularly contradicts himself and clearly has no idea what he's even talking about most of the time. What reason would we have to trust him?
Person A: Remember that Donald Trump is honest and dependable. He would never mislead us, because that is not in his nature. He is a reasonable and honest person ...
This, ad nauseam, is what you're doing, only with God in place of Trump.
We can all agree that we have all sinned, right?
Wrong. Sin is an arbitrary and subjective construct.
To illustrate, think of your conscience. If you have done anything against your conscience, you have violated a moral law. This is a sin.
No, it isn't; it's cognitive dissonance. Furthermore, this cognitive dissonance can only apply if you're trying to adhere to a moral code in the first place.
God hates sin because he is holy and righteous and just. He is morally perfect so He can't stand moral imperfection. He wants His creation to act according to his preceptive will, but we turn our backs on Him. He is just so justice will be dealt. I hope I have made myself clear.
See, that's what you were supposed to verify
in the first place. It cannot verify itself.
Perfection is a real concept.
Just like communism, perpetual motion, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
In your definition, a perfect being does not hurt others. In fact, if that were the case, why should we, people created by God who deny God in His holiness and wage war and hate others and even just call people bad names for being ugly or stupid, deserve exemption from punishment?
His punishment, you mean? Well, it's because He is ultimately responsible for literally all of it and His ideas of "
punishment" tend to be more about indiscriminately subjecting people to horrific deaths than it is about showing them the error of their ways.
And before you claim that God also does these things without reason (for example wage war), know that God will use the sin of a people to punish the sins of others. He uses our sin, our decisions, in His plan.
Which only further demonstrates His cruelty.
You are only a child of God when you accept Christ as your Savior from sin and punishment. Therefore, He still has the obligation as a holy judge to punish anyone outside of the kingdom of God.
That has nothing to do with it. The fact remains that you don't teach people a lesson by completely destroying them, nor can you make them better people by tormenting them for eternity with no means of redemption. That is not how punishment works.
However, since all my punishment has been payed for on that cross, I don't have to worry about punishment. Instead, God will discipline me (like a "Father" ) when I sin. The difference is that discipline is done out of love and out of hope that the receiver of discipline will grow in righteousness.
Which means that eternal salvation is dependent upon nothing but
credulity and circumstance, which is
not just by any means.
These things aren't bad in and of themselves. Envy is a sin, but not jealousy. The difference is that envy comes from the desire to have something someone else has.
And jealousy is the resentment of someone else for having something.
God is jealous because He deserves our praise.
No, He doesn't. He does not warrant praise, He does not need praise, He doesn't even need to be the only object of praise, and if we accept the premise that He can do whatever He pleases and has done so since the dawn of time, He certainly doesn't need us to give Him that praise and has no valid reason to demand it of us.
Finally, God is prideful and rightfully so because He created the entire universe and He created beautiful creatures like you and me. God also has pride in His holiness, righteousness, love, compassion, mercy, and grace.
None of those are valid reasons for pride. Pride is a character flaw, and one which a divine being should not have any use for. It's also a basic behavioural trait, so unless He specifically intended humans to be prideful, He shouldn't have put that in there.
Yet, Christians are called to share the gospel to those people but more importantly to love them. This is not the fault of anyone because maybe it is not in God's decretive will that some of those people are saved.
It's a fault of God for making it nigh impossible for most of those people to reach salvation due to His inexplicable favouritism of another group.
All of God's wrath was poured out on Jesus during his crucifixion.
Why? There is absolutely no point whatsoever. We might expect that sort of flippant caprice from the ancient Greek mythos, but
Almighty God should be above such petty grievances; not controlled by them. He should not have any need to smite before He can forgive.