I will make sure to read it again because it means a lot share the truth. I appreciate it your effort.
Hahiha Question was: Why the gender of the bear who was unknown suddenly be female ?
I actually have no idea haha. Maybe it was gendered in the original texts and translated to "just" bears and the author forgot to mention it? Never mind idk.
I asked you how can God be perfect If he committed awful action in the past, they weren't justifyed at all, he want all to forgive but he can't forgive itself ?
He wants all to forgive because He has forgiven them. Themes about love and forgiveness are especially made in the New Testament when Jesus gave himself up on the cross. In the Old Testament, we get to see God's justice in action.
About that quote you posted last. I'll try to make my point compact and concise. We modern, "enlightened" men, as the website puts it, have what is called a judicial or legal system based on an idealistic and humane notion of justice. It identifies a crime, and gives an appropriate sentence taking into account the perspectives of both the accused and the accuser. This system is meant to protect people from abuse, but otherwise does not judge if no one is harmed.
As opposed to that, the Christian God appears to operate on a very indiscriminate premise of "an eye for an eye" or worse, and is based on His own personal, arbitrary notion of justice. He is not content to merely give appropriate judgment to the culprit; He frequently punishes a whole group of people by killing them in various horrible ways, even condoning the killing of innocents in the process. His reactions are not what we would call appropriate, instill a climate of fear (arguably on purpose?) and He even punishes people for not acting the way He would like them to act.
Does it make sense now why some of us see it justified to criticize God's behaviour as portrayed in the Bible?
Remember that God is all-knowing and perfectly just. Because He is omniscient, He sees from all perspectives and is able to judge perfectly. Now, I'm not saying because God is omniscient, God is perfectly just. He has the potential to judge perfectly. Nevertheless, God is righteous and fair in judgment. He will deal with all sin accordingly (unless He decides to demonstrate his love and mercy for His glory).
We can all agree that we have all sinned, right? Even the best of people, the kindest people, have sinned. To illustrate, think of your conscience. If you have done anything against your conscience, you have violated a moral law. This is a sin. But ultimately, when we sin, we sin against God. God hates sin because he is holy and righteous and just. He is morally perfect so He can't stand moral imperfection. He wants His creation to act according to his preceptive will, but we turn our backs on Him. He is just so justice will be dealt. I hope I have made myself clear.
Perfection doesn't exist because1) It's subjective to the perception.
Perfection is a real concept. Perfection also exists where it can be found in God. We might think it doesn't exist because we don't experience it in this lost and dying world.
2) Even God who's said as " perfection" make really crual things, and doesn't follow all of his laws
A perfect being if it was real, isn't judging anything or punishing (wiping in that case) anything
In your definition, a perfect being does not hurt others. In fact, if that were the case, why should we, people created by God who deny God in His holiness and wage war and hate others and even just call people bad names for being ugly or stupid, deserve exemption from punishment? And before you claim that God also does these things without reason (for example wage war), know that God will use the sin of a people to punish the sins of others. He uses our sin, our decisions, in His plan.
3) People doesn't changes by force, they need to understand their errors and think deep to a way of how can they learn with their experimentations, it make more or less time depending to the persons. So a creator couldn't show up and said ! You were bad I will destroy you, that not makes cense as a "Father" you don't kill your child because he's doing bad stuff you can just try to show him the way but it's depend of him, Killing them for not been the things you wanted makes you a psychopath, egomaniac and a Dictator.
You are only a child of God when you accept Christ as your Savior from sin and punishment. Therefore, He still has the obligation as a holy judge to punish anyone outside of the kingdom of God. However, since all my punishment has been payed for on
that cross, I don't have to worry about punishment. Instead, God will
discipline me (like a "Father" ) when I sin. The difference is that discipline is done out of love and out of hope that the receiver of discipline will grow in righteousness.
Last question for me how can someone couldn't accept any Sins ? And being a sin by himself ? Jealousy, Wrath, Pride seems God is all of that even maybe more by what I've see. At least is how the people seems to present him in the story. So his just values to have for people ? God is like all politicals far upset the law ? Sounds incorrect for me, it's like disguised Dictature at least it's what I think.
These things aren't bad in and of themselves. Envy is a sin, but not jealousy. The difference is that envy comes from the desire to have something someone else has. God's jealousy comes from the inclination to have something that rightfully belongs to Him. God is jealous because He deserves our praise. Alternatively, we practice idolatry, giving more time and effort to your own cause rather than to God's preceptive will.
God also has the right to His wrath because he uses it for good. He uses it for justice. God's wrath and divine punishment go hand and hand.
Finally, God is prideful and rightfully so because He created the entire universe and He created beautiful creatures like you and me. God also has pride in His holiness, righteousness, love, compassion, mercy, and grace.
The reason we cannot be prideful is because either 1) we don't have these attributes 2) if we do have these attributes, it comes from God or 3) we did not create time and space in which all things exist. We don't have the right to wrath because God tells us to put away our anger because He knows we have selfish motives. We cannot be "jealous" because we do not deserve the things we long for.
One thing who makes me sad is: Religion tend to makes peoples waiting for a better life, but in my opinion if we want a better world we just need to built it, we don't need to waiting for be saved after dying, instead we must save us now and enjoy our life as much as possible ^^ !
That is very true, but we have to trust in God and follow His will. In this broken world, only a perfect God can save it.
P.S. I feel like I wrote a book haha and there's still plenty to talk about. I will try to get to the rest of your questions, but in the meantime thanks for your patience.