ForumsForum GamesBeat the User Above You With a Random Power

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Welcome to Beat the User Above You With a Random Power! The game based on the Superpower Wiki.

The game is simple, roll three random powers by clicking this link and battle the user above you with your set. If you think your set of powers is no match for the user above you just say "I lose" or something to that effect.


R2D21999: I got Oil Manipulation

User 1: Ha, that's no match for my Water Manipulation.. I'll wash your oil away.

User 2: I got Fire Attacks I might be able to put up a good fight for a little while, but ultimately I'll be no match against your Water Manipulation.

By the way, please don't keep rerolling until you get an OP set. Remember, this is RANDOM powers. It pretty much defeats the purpose of the game if your powers aren't random.

If there aren't any questions, I'll just got started.

, Dance Manipulation, and Demonic Beam Emission

Let's see someone try to beat me.

  • 92 Replies
660 posts

I'm back! And apparently fighting myself solely to revive this game.

DNA Replication So I can basically Ben 10 myself into any person or creature I desire. Interesting.

Pressure Strike I can send pressure waves across distances with bullet-like results.

Supernatural Properties Manipulation Jackpot! This grants me all sorts of sorcery abilities. I can make stuff, I can fly, I can erase or bestow other powers.

So, to the fight: Current me could straight up blast my past self into next week with Pressure Strike. The Conceptual Ice Manipulation could be an issue, but my current Supernatural Properties Manipulation could simply negate it, or send it right back. And, possibly best of all, current me could just copy all of my past self's powers via DNA Replication. I don't think current me can lose.

287 posts

i can handle a revive and maybe this fight lets see... here we Go!

1. Conceptual Light Manipulation with this i can use light to my advantage by either blinding you with light by using Absolute light or using it to make Light attacks to attack you, and more.

2. Combat embodiment i can all forms of combat masterfully, so i can easily with any regular fight. i am in perfect condition, can defend from any attack, and can release an unblock-able attack.

3. Shield Construction this is self-explanitory for the most part. i can make a shield out of everything/anything i want. and i mean ANYthing. power, concepts, matter, energy, etc.

my offence and your defence: 1st i could formulate an amazing strategy. next i could blind you with light and then use light attacks. if you escape i can use Light warp to reach you and use an absolute attack. you can defend by replicating anything you, depending on the arena. what i mean is a entity needs to exist for you to replicate it so, you need to find a powerful person to turn into *that can be stored in genetic code*. you would also use S.P.M.(Supernatural Properties Manipulation) to make a shield or something else.

your offence and my defense:
you could use pressure strike to strike me, if you can aim and i don't use my absolute defense. and here we go your main ability. S.P.M. you can use it to hit me with any super natural effect in a object or being, of course if you can aim and i don't use absolute defense

game changing things:None

extra things to remember:
DNA Replication cant replicate my powers as the power is genetic code, not exact copy.
my shield construction wasn't use due to its lack of use compared to absolute defense

im pretty sure i win this fight

660 posts

Cryokinetic Cloning I can replicate things via ice.

Strength Infinitum My strength continually increases.

Psychic Metal Generation I can create metal with psychic properties.

If I have a supply of ice (which we'll assume I keep on me), I can create an army. You're powerful, but that could cause you some issues. I could use them to block your attacks or just swarm you. Your Combat Mastery could be a problem, but I could just summon metal around myself or around you to slow you down. I could also blast you with metal, or reflect your light back at you. And that's ignoring my Strength Infinitum, which means that a) I'm already likely quite strong, and b) I'm just going to keep getting stronger as the fight goes on. I could probably punch you out. The only real problem might be your Shield Construction, but I can probably work around that. Overall, I think I win.

660 posts

And the paradoxical fights begin again! Okay, so:

Crystal Spike Protrusion I have crystal spikes coming out of my body that I can use as weapons.
Psionic Embodiment I am the living embodiment of psionic powers, and am therefore in possession of them all.
Paper Imprisonment I can bind anyone in place by surrounding them completely with paper.

My past self's cloning could easily be mitigated with my current prison power. The strength is powerful, but won't probably be an issue as I can imprison and/or use telekinesis/telepathy disable my past self. The metal generation is the only one that might even remotely cause problems, but between my crystal claws and my psionics, I'm not to worried. Current me wins.

102 posts

Tranquil Emotions I am able to do stuff goodly even when emotional.
Pain Inducement I can inflict pain to anyone.
Divine Empowerment I am empowered by a god.

Dragon's powers could be mitigated if he has a low pain threshold. If he does, i can just inflict pain and then destroy him with my god blessings. If not, then I would inflict pain that wouldn't incapacitate him but would weaken him a bit. I would then use my powers and injure him to the point where pain inducement would incapacitate and maybe knock him out. I would then destroy him. Paper imprisonment would do probably nothing, as if I get a blessing from the right god, I could burn or disintegrate the paper. The psionic embodiment would cause some problems, but with the right god powers, I can kill him easily.

29 posts

Telekinetic Defense: I can ONLY defend (No Attacking) myself and others with telekinetic powers.
Virtual Particle Manipulation: I can create and manipulate Virtual Particles, which are almost exactly like real particles, but only exist for a limited amount of time until they turn into real particles which are harder to manipulate. It takes time and concentration to make these virtual particles. I can use these V-particles to make anything I want. (Sorry for the long explanation, but this one is a bit complicated)
Mucus Generation: Exactly what it sounds like.
The Battle begins!
Your Tranquil Emotion power would most likely be useless, so I can just ignore that one. However, that pain inducement would be very annoying (And not to mention painful!) since it would disrupt my concentration and stop me from making V-Particles. So, I would cover you in mucus, which, if I was lucky, would suffocate you. If it doesn't, I would go on to use my telekinetic defense in order to stop your pain inducement and make time to summon some V-Particles. After that I would try to finish the battle as quickly as possible since my V-Particles would eventually degrade into uncontrollable R-Particles. With my V-Particles, I would create a superhuman whose power would be Demonic Empowerment and would be completely loyal to me. 1 should be enough to cancel out your divine empowerment, but if it isn't I'll just make more. Eventually, you would be defeated Planetary, no matter how long it took. (If one of V-Humans reverted to R-Particles, I'd have more to subdue that one. After the battle, I would unmake all of them)

18,319 posts

I know I'm necro-ing a thread but it won't hurt anything.

Spatial Tuning Oh neat. I can create a field in which I can control reality inside of it. That's pretty nifty.

Vasopressin Manipulation I can manipulate Vasopressin which I guess is a hormone. Hmmm doesn't seem that useful really.

Vacuum Impale I can impale using a vacuum. So I guess I can shoot what's essentially just bullets made of air. Neat.

So, I think if I don't rely on my spatial tuning I wouldn't really get anywhere. As in theory you could probably defend yourself from my vacuum impale with your telekinetic defense. Really all I need to do is to get you in a field of my spatial tuning to make your defenses useless and then I've pretty much won the battle from either impaling you or just warping that reality.

8,256 posts

Stance Manipulation - I can create and control different stances, which would be an advantage in a 'regular' brawl but I don't see any advantages here.

Altered Physics - This one is good since it might protect me from your reality bubble; since I'm governed by different physical laws, you might not be able to manipulate me in the same way as the rest of reality. The only drawback is, I might not be able to control anything myself. And the results may be pretty random.

Bubble Bomb Generation - I can generate floating bubbles that explode.

This fight has a lot of potential for complete chaos and randomness. Since I'm not affected by physics in the same way, you can't know how your Spatial Tuning might affect me, if at all; and I can create a minefield of floating grenades. All while looking fabulous while I'm dancing in my different stances. Who knows who would win this?

675 posts

I'm glad this game was revived.
Magnetism Symbiosis - The ability to gain powers through a symbiotic relationship to a magnetic being.
Box Manipulation - Exactly as it sounds; what could possibly be more useful.
Autonomous Body Parts - The ability to control recall separated body parts/biological matter.
This fight would be very interesting because of altered physics obviously. First, one must determine what would happen to the other five abilities in a universe with alternative physics. Since altered physics is the ability to be governed by different physics, I'll assume @Hahiha will select the physics most advantageous to himself. That's still quite a lot of possibilities; @Hahiha can always at least draw by switching to a singularity universe with no electromagnetic force thereby cancelling all three of my abilities and us both stranded forever. Can he win though? Hm, well lets say he changes physics to a less than three dimensions of space universe with no electromagnetic force (otherwise I would arguably win). Then it comes down to whether my autonomous body parts beats his stance manipulation. His best bet is arguably a 2-d Mortal Combat I universe with robot like creatures running off of some force other than electricity. Then his stance manipulation ability would arguably carry the day; my only hope therefore would be that he doesn't think of how to use his Altered Physics powers in time. However, unless he's very dull he can fast switch to a singularity-draw universe that I have described previously; then switch to a 2-D Mortal Combat no electromagnetic force, no biological material, instant-death universe and out-stance manipulate me. Consequently, its virtually certain that I lose here.

137 posts

Death Force Generation: The power to generate the pure essence of death. Uh. Wow.

Darkness Bullet Projection: The power to fire bullets of darkness/shadows. Uh. Wow.

Serenity Constructs: The power to create constructs out of the emotional energy of serenity. What even does that mean?

I mean...I just kill you with the essence of death itself. I don't know why I even need the other two things. What are you gonna do, not die?

8,256 posts

Void Creation - "User can create true, absolute voids, spaces that are empty/absent of anything/everything that we can understand including form, shape, dimension, time, matter, energy, distance, sound, motion, concepts, etc. "

Word Scrambling - roflmao

Absent Energy Manipulation - "The user can create, shape and manipulate absent energy, or the absence of energy, such as heat, light, sound, etc. "

Absent energy manipulation goes very well together thematically with Void creation, and gives me a more fine-tuned option rather than just creating absolute void all the time. Though still very powerful, especially if you want to go down the rabbit hole of considering the applications of e=mc^2 to all that...

This being said, considering how over-powered Void generation is the rest feels redundant. I can simply trap you in a void bubble, where spacetime and everything else stops existing for you. Not even your darkness or death forces - which are still something - would help.

18,319 posts

Anti-Force Manipulation: So this is quite good. It means I can create and manipulate negative forces. For example, an anti-gravitational force would repel things instead of attract. I can also apparently cause nuclei to explode with an anti-strong force.

Coffee Generation: I can generate coffee. Too bad I don't like coffee lol

Conditional Transformation: I can transform under certain conditions. I suppose I could combine this with my coffee generation, and transform into something if I drink coffee.

I think it'd be cool to see a fight of Anti-Force Manipulation and Absent Energy Manipulation. However even with that being said it'd be pretty difficult to beat your void creation unless I was quick enough to beat you before you used it. So I think 9 times out of 10 you have me beat.

675 posts

I'll give this another try but basically it comes down to being lucky and getting the best power.
Infantization - The ability to transform others into babies.
Fur Generation - The ability to possess or generate a hair like substance over the entire body.
Easter Entity - The power to use the traits of an Easter entity. Sweet how appropriate to my username.
So what does this fight look like; I don't see how I can lose against the three above powers if I just keep rising from the dead over and over again. All I have to do to win therefore is just keep trying over and over using conventional fighting tactics until @R2D21999 doesn't use his powers in time. This is my first win.

2,875 posts

Alright, why not give this one a try. I got:
Eldritch Location Manipulation - The ability to manipulate eldritch locations and everything within them.
True-Self Projection - The power to become the manifestation of your inner self.
Muscle Manipulation - The ability to manipulate the muscular structure of myself and others.

Alright. So, uh. Let's just start from the back end. True-Self projection would allow me to become what I truly am. Erm. Yeah, wouldn't use that one if I were myself. About as useful as Fur Generation, I assume. Fur generation could at least keep you warm.
The clash between "Muscle Manipulation" and "Infantization" is obvious. Whichever one is quicker on the draw would end up winning.

But the real duel is behind Soggy's Jesus powers and my Eldritch manipulation powers. Depending on the scope of my powers, I assume I could create an eldritch realm, then command the elder gods to obey me, then bring them forth into my realm. My power would be, by proxy, incomprehensible to the human mind.
I do believe the outcome of this battle is incomprehensible. And resurrection can be comprehended.
Unless Soggy transforms me into a baby first, of course.

18,319 posts

Organic Weaponry I can create weaponry through organic material. So I can turn my arms into guns and whatever.

Head Manifestation I can have and grow multiple heads. This is actually quite useful in addition to my organic weaponry as I can just keep on growing an endless supply of weapons.

Death Weaponry I can create or wield weapons with power over death force. Apparently this also grants me death force abilities by association. I feel like this now makes my organic weaponry useless if I can just make one with death force.

So, I think this could honestly go either way depending on how our powers work. Like, if I choose to change my entire body into a weapon of death, would your muscle manipulation still have control over me? If you can, then I lose. If you can't, then I assume I win so long as I can deal with your Eldritch powers.

And that's also another thing, it also depends on if whatever is summoned by your powers and if they're affected by death force powers. With this being said, I think this fight could really go either way.

Showing 76-90 of 92