They just assume that nothing bad could happen to them.
Dead on. The thing that always gets me is why wouldn't they? If I ever got a girl pregnant, I wouldn't know what to do and my family wouldn't be to pleased either. You know what my parents would say to me? "We can't help you, it's your fault." And they have every right to do so.
Just be happy with French kisses and then wait until you're 18 to get it on.
I agree. i've met guys whos live's were totally ruined by getting a girl pregnant at the age of 16. i mean really, think about it. you've got a kid, so you have to take care of him/her. means money for food and crap. most likely you will be forced to drop out of highschool. if by some chance you get through highschool like that, college would be simply impossible.
You dont really have to NOT have sex.... just have something besides intercourse. There are 101 different sexual acts you could have fun with and have 0% chance of getting her pregnant
There is a problem with birth control. It is a drug. Not all girls are comfortable taking birth control while others take it regularly for the sake of having lighter periods.
The problem with teen pregnancies is that many teenagers don't know how to use protection properly. Teaching them about protection or making protection more available is not necessary. Protection is already easy to get and many girls do use birth control from their mid teens.
Abstinance of course is the best course of action. Some people say that more teens need to be taught about abstinance while other people say that sex is natural and abstinance is a joke. Both these conclusions are situational, therefore they are both generally wrong. It depends on culture that determines the right time for people to have sex and when they should bear a child.
I don't know how to fix the teen pregnancy problem because I don't know why most teenagers are becoming pregnant. That is the important question. Rather than asking how to fix the problem, people should ask why there is a problem.
It depends on culture that determines the right time for people to have sex and when they should bear a child.
Exactly. Sex is natural, but it depends what culture you live in as to when you should have it. Saying that it is natural is an invalid argument in a society that believes sex should be saved for adults.
I don't know how to fix the teen pregnancy problem because I don't know why most teenagers are becoming pregnant.
Because teens are stupid...
Really, I think it's because they don't believe that they will become pregnant. It's just...everyone else, how could it happen? And as Talo has showed us...they also don't know the chances of getting pregnant from different acts. Like I said before, you never know what could happen. They think they can't get pregnant from doing this or that, a month later the pregnancy test shows up as positive, and they know what happened.