Vietnam was too long, too costly, and without widening the war with Laos and Cambodia and risking a fight with the Red Chinese or Soviet Union (as did happen in Korea)...the war was unwinnable.
NO!!!!! it was a time of tension between the US and USSR(now Russia) but really it was a competition of democratic v. communist political governments.It led to at least two wars that included America(Korean and Vietnamese) but was not an epic battle,unless you have a different interpretation on what a battle really is.
Anyways I see the Crusades as one of the worse,because of its basis,and how the Church in a way lied to its followers,just to gain soldiers to fight for land in the name of God,even though they were slaying other people who worshiped the same God,with a different prophet.
Anyways I see the Crusades as one of the worse,because of its basis,and how the Church in a way lied to its followers,just to gain soldiers to fight for land in the name of God,even though they were slaying other people who worshiped the same God,with a different prophet.
The Crusades were bad. In one Crusade, the Crusaders ended up sacking Constantinople. They were supposed to protect the Byzantines. The Childrens' Crusade is another thing to mention. The Crusades attained success, but were not able to hold on. So much for "killing in the name of God". The Crusades were meant to protect Christianity and it's followers from hostile Muslims. Sometime, everything went wrong. Though a good thing that came out of this is the fact that Europeans learned much about the Eastern civilization which would prove useful so something came out of the Crusades. It was still horrible by the way.
Let's not forget the Stalinist war against the Kulaks (wealthy Ukrainian landowners). The Red Army seized 25 million private farms in order to "re-distribute" the food. The Kulaks retaliated by burning their crops. Poor economic planning, retaliation, and bad rainfall led to 7-8 million deaths in one year... mostly from starvation. War Communism was brutal and led to more deaths in one year than most genocides can produce in dozens of years.
It's different for all nations. For us (Hungary) The battle of Mohacs was the worst, because our king died, and the Turkeys went inside our country, and they were there from 1526 to 1711
Let's not forget the Stalinist war against the Kulaks (wealthy Ukrainian landowners). The Red Army seized 25 million private farms in order to "re-distribute" the food. The Kulaks retaliated by burning their crops. Poor economic planning, retaliation, and bad rainfall led to 7-8 million deaths in one year... mostly from starvation. War Communism was brutal and led to more deaths in one year than most genocides can produce in dozens of years.
Stalin..... That cannot classify as the worst war, even if it is horrific.
It's different for all nations. For us (Hungary) The battle of Mohacs was the worst, because our king died, and the Turkeys went inside our country, and they were there from 1526 to 1711
So that is the worst war ever for Hungary?
In this thread, we are supposed to talk about the worst war in history. The worst war must cause damage in more than one place. So, WWII is the worst war so far.
I think there isn't another war that was as bad as WWII. That's what tops my list... The second would be the American Civil War. Only due to the amount of human casualties. Which, when not including civilians, almost surpasses WWII.
I think there isn't another war that was as bad as WWII. That's what tops my list... The second would be the American Civil War. Only due to the amount of human casualties. Which, when not including civilians, almost surpasses WWII.
The American Civil War is the worst war that has affected the United States. It is not the worst war in history though.
From what I have seen, about 620,000 soldiers died in the American Civil war while about 25 million soldiers died in WWII. Are you specifically speaking about American casualties?
It is only one factor of many but if you want to just look at casualties then:
1. WWII with 40,000,000 deaths 2. An Shi Rebellion with 33,000,000 deaths 3. Mongol Conquests with 30,000,000 deaths 4. Manchu conquest of the Ming Dynasty with 25,000,000 deaths. 5. Taiping Rebellion with 20,000,000 deaths.
This thread should be renamed as "Worst War/Armed Conflict in History, since some people are mistakenly considering armed conflicts which are not wars, as wars.
I think Snakebite is referring to American casualties.
I agree that the thread title is restictive but would widening it get more answers most people have already stated their answer whether it was technically a war or not.
The American civil war is no where near the worst in history. "Only" (and I use that term uneasily) 620,000 miliaty deaths (I'm not sure why it is significant that they are Americans). I personally feel that WWI was worse than WWII. Yes WWII had more deaths in total but WWI had a higher death ratio and was far more deadly. The conditions of the trenches were awful as well as the ignorance (at the start at least) of the leaders to new 20th century war tactics.
On a slight side note does anyone have a clue what the first war ever was?