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ForumsWEPRWorst War in History

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29 posts

I think it would have to be world war 2 because of all the lives that were lost

  • 617 Replies
563 posts

probaly one of the world wars. Most liley two.

254 posts

Definitely the War of the Worlds. The aliens really took a toll on every country. Poor, poor Tom Cruise...

As for the worst REAL war, define worst. If it were which one made the biggest difference for the worse, it could be the Spanish Inquisition. If it were the most deaths, WWII. If it was the worst way to die, possibly a war from the Middle Ages where you were more likely to bleed to death than from the actual attack. If by worst you mean the longest war, then the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be the worst. All in all, I think that the answer may vary along with the definition of "Worst".

5,838 posts

If by worst you mean the longest war, then the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be the worst

Surely the Hundred years war is the longest (technically 116 years). However I cannot find a definant start date of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. THough since the longest war od th 20th cenrury was the sudanese civil war at 55 years and counting I guess the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ins't that high up on the list of longest wars.
13,817 posts

Definitely the War of the Worlds. The aliens really took a toll on every country. Poor, poor Tom Cruise...

As for the worst REAL war, define worst. If it were which one made the biggest difference for the worse, it could be the Spanish Inquisition. If it were the most deaths, WWII. If it was the worst way to die, possibly a war from the Middle Ages where you were more likely to bleed to death than from the actual attack. If by worst you mean the longest war, then the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be the worst. All in all, I think that the answer may vary along with the definition of "Worst".

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is not the worst war. It is not the longest either.

If by worst you mean the longest war, then the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be the worst

Surely the Hundred years war is the longest (technically 116 years). However I cannot find a definant start date of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. THough since the longest war od th 20th cenrury was the sudanese civil war at 55 years and counting I guess the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ins't that high up on the list of longest wars.

The Hundred Years War is the longest war, but is rather a series of conflicts that were not continuous but were linked closely together. I obviously affected the English deeply. England lost it's territories in France and was restricted to the British Isles. Anyway, by the 1500s the English began expansion abroad and ultimately by the 1800s the British Empire dominated! Then WWI and WWII and the end of the imperial age left the British without their beloved colonies and once again restricted to the Isles.
5,838 posts

We still have a pretty large empire comparatively. Though most of them are commonwealths od some type.

Thge 100 years war is still technically a war even if it was broken up. ( stange that it was started because of a haircut). We didn't loose all our lands however. We kept Calais which was the most important place for us. Luckily in those days France wasn't the same thing as it is today so we could better defend ourselves by helping out Brittany to keept them on oursides, "divide and (not) rule" I suppose.

13,817 posts

Thge 100 years war is still technically a war even if it was broken up. ( stange that it was started because of a haircut). We didn't loose all our lands however. We kept Calais which was the most important place for us. Luckily in those days France wasn't the same thing as it is today so we could better defend ourselves by helping out Brittany to keept them on oursides, "divide and (not) rule" I suppose.

Calais though, fell after some time. If the English kept France they could of been the most powerful European nation during that time. If they invaded other countries or even began the 1500s and seized foreign colonies while possessing France, they would be much more powerful.
5,838 posts

I know, it is such a shame bcause England could have become so much more powerful. Unfortuneatly instead it lead to the Wars of the Roses; leaving us with a weak monarchy, Bastard Feaudalism (if that is starred out I will cry) and all kinds of other problems. It would be almost 50 years before Henry VII gained stability on the throne. Then again I think Richard III would have done it if it wasn't for the way he got into power (princes in the tower etc.). Edward IV did ok but had too many people wanting the throne to be succesful and relied on Richard ro much to run the North and eventually the whole country once he implemented his ideas (e.g. the kings chamber) nation wide.

13,817 posts

The War of Roses was a waste of thirty years. England would not rise as a dominant world military power until the 1500-1600s when they displaced the Spanish and began conquering and establishing colonies. They enjoyed the 1700s and 1800s with huge power and dominion over the world, with the loss of the American Colonies. Then the twentieth century came and in only less than fifty years, they lost most of their empire, except for the British Isles of course.

5,838 posts

I completly agree with you. Thanks for the discussion. Though I fear we didn't get much closer to getting the wosrst war.

I wonder what the first war was. Surely the invention of war could be said to hold a claim to being the worst. Not that you can really invent such a thing.

13,817 posts

Humans are naturally, always are going to fight. Whether you believe in the Creation or the Big Bang or other religions, humans are always going to fight. Quarrels, disputes, claims, competitions, fights can lead to war. So no one invented war, humans are naturally like this. We are prone to conflict since we homo sapiens always are in disagreement. The worst war causes the most death, affects the most people and destroys the most of everything else. It leaves devastation that lasts a long time and cripples the economy of many countries. The worst war redraws the map and destroys races, countries and civilizations. A war is usually fought between two or more sides. Now can anyone suggest a war they think is the worst aside from WWII? There are many wars, ancient and modern so there is always something to say.

53 posts

Any war that wasnt started for "defensive" purposes.

(I mean like as an example, the Turkish war of independence (check it out in Wiki if you dont know it) just had to be done. I "wouldnt be" here right now otherwise. (In fact, im being serious.))

WW1, WW2, any kind of inquisitions... All for ridiculous purposes. Millions of innocents died for no reason in such short amounts of time...

3,139 posts

Worst war in history? -considers.
Perhaps world war two, not for the length, nor the amount of people killed, simply because even though hitlers thinking was pre-existant, he was so forward with it that i believe it made people think it was something new and provided a go ahead for his ideals, bringing them into not only wars, but everyday life.
Maybe that just makes sense in my head.

3,139 posts

Worst war in history? -considers.
Perhaps world war two, not for the length, nor the amount of people killed, simply because even though hitlers thinking was pre-existant, he was so forward with it that i believe it made people think it was something new and provided a go ahead for his ideals, bringing them into not only wars, but everyday life.
Maybe that just makes sense in my head.

3,139 posts

dammn sorry for that posting twice.

2,662 posts

(I mean like as an example, the Turkish war of independence (check it out in Wiki if you dont know it) just had to be done. I "wouldnt be" here right now otherwise. (In fact, im being serious.))

Defensive purposes? The Turks were the instigators. Part of the punishment of them being on Germany's side in WW1 was the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in accordance with Wilson's policy of Self Determination. Seizing land which does not rightly belong to a nation doesn't sound like self defence to me.
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