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ForumsWEPRWorst War in History

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29 posts

I think it would have to be world war 2 because of all the lives that were lost

  • 617 Replies
13,817 posts

Any war that wasnt started for "defensive" purposes.

(I mean like as an example, the Turkish war of independence (check it out in Wiki if you dont know it) just had to be done. I "wouldnt be" here right now otherwise. (In fact, im being serious.))

WW1, WW2, any kind of inquisitions... All for ridiculous purposes. Millions of innocents died for no reason in such short amounts of time...

All wars are started with defenders and attackers. In WWII, Germany attacked Poland and nations began declaring war on each other.

The Turkish War of Independence is not an invasion it is a revolution.

After the Allies partitioned to Ottoman Empire after WWI, the Turks rebelled and after a few years the Allies renegotiated a treaty, granting Turkish independence and the establishment of Turkey.
The Inquisition is not a war. There are many inquisitions. Please tell us which one you are talking about. The Spanish Inquisition?
278 posts

I think it would have to be world war 2 because of all the lives that were lost

I agree that world war 2 was the worst for the world, but for the United States I would say the Vietnam War. I say this because of the young men who were drafted and lost there lives and sanity. BILLIONS of dollars were lost from the dragged out war. May I mention we LOST. We all know that this war took place in Vietnam but there was a war in our own country. The riots..., the major one Kent State shooting. Ohio National Gaurd members shooting 11 college students killing 4.
13,817 posts

The Vietnam War was horrible but the US didn't suffer much in terms of casualties. About fifty thousand Americans died and three hundred thousand missing. The Vietnamese were the ones that truly suffered since both North Vietnam and South Vietnam lost millions. The Americans did not lose but withdrew. A few years later South Vietnam loss. The Americans did not lose but were seriously damaged and the Vietnam War had a serious impact on the US. Not only that, It is an embarrassment that the US wasn't able to destroy them since the US and allies lost less troops than the opposing side and were stronger. Riots are not wars.

44 posts

i think it was greneda cause it was too short

3,880 posts

Obviously WW2

13,817 posts

Of course Drace is right.

i think it was greneda cause it was too short

What is grenada?
53 posts

Defensive purposes? The Turks were the instigators. Part of the punishment of them being on Germany's side in WW1 was the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in accordance with Wilson's policy of Self Determination. Seizing land which does not rightly belong to a nation doesn't sound like self defence to me.

You should study history a bit more. =P

The Ottoman Empire originally didnt want to be involved in WW1. Germans got them into it.

And the Wilson Principles? Come on, thats irrevelant.
Ok checked it to be sure and WW1 ended in 1918, which is the year Wilson' s Principles got announced the first time.
And its not like the Ottoman Empire took all the non-Turks as slaves or something.

Additionally, you think really all that Europe and/or USA wanted is the freedom of those nations? You got to be kidding me. They literally made plans about how to share Anatolia etc..

All wars are started with defenders and attackers. In WWII, Germany attacked Poland and nations began declaring war on each other.

Yeah but what i mean is like, the World Wars and the like all started because of some dickheads wanting more power.
And yes, actually when saying "war for defensive purposes" i meant more like revolution. But the war of independence is some kind of war after all, right? The war is a part of the whole struggle which is the revolution.

The Turkish War of Independence is not an invasion it is a revolution.

Is "war" = "invasion" ???
The struggle for independence is the revolution but it includes the war of independence where we threw out all the invading soldiers or whatever, via war.

After the Allies partitioned to Ottoman Empire after WWI, the Turks rebelled and after a few years the Allies renegotiated a treaty, granting Turkish independence and the establishment of Turkey.

Yes but i said, it included war. Warfare and such... Two sides shooting eachother. =P May be not invasion or something, and a part of a revolution. But its war after all, am i mistaken?

The Inquisition is not a war. There are many inquisitions. Please tell us which one you are talking about. The Spanish Inquisition?

Well according to Wiki, any kind of inquisitions (the words meaning) are something started by the Catholic Church against "heretics".

Ok, i dont really know, but that doesnt sound right to me.

"The Catholic Church against heretics in the middle ages..." reminds me directly of all the meaningless kills.
2,180 posts

Part of the punishment of them being on Germany's side in WW1 was the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in accordance with Wilson's policy of Self Determination. Seizing land which does not rightly belong to a nation doesn't sound like self defence to me.

Wilson's points had precious little to do with the outcome. Britain and France didn't pay him much mind. If anything, the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was a result of their imperialist tendencies. Why else did Britain get Palestine and France Syria?
588 posts

Harharharhahrhahrhar. This thread makes me lulz.

It was obviously Dubya 2.

I mean it had the most lives.

The most in damages

nations were destroyed and divided

nukes, and shiz

13,817 posts

Wilson's points had precious little to do with the outcome. Britain and France didn't pay him much mind. If anything, the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was a result of their imperialist tendencies. Why else did Britain get Palestine and France Syria?

Indeed, the European powers were still in the age of imperialism. Anyway, they were eager to divide the spoils of war and had to partition the Ottoman Empire equally to avoid conflict. The territory they gained was not of much use since by the late twentieth century, the empires of the past were now non existent.

Well according to Wiki, any kind of inquisitions (the words meaning) are something started by the Catholic Church against "heretics".

Ok, i dont really know, but that doesnt sound right to me.

"The Catholic Church against heretics in the middle ages..." reminds me directly of all the meaningless kills.

I also went to Wiki and I know that but I meant to make my statement simple. The Catholics thought that they could kill those who didn't want to follow them.

Yeah but what i mean is like, the World Wars and the like all started because of some ****heads wanting more power.
And yes, actually when saying "war for defensive purposes" i meant more like revolution. But the war of independence is some kind of war after all, right? The war is a part of the whole struggle which is the revolution.

You meant to say it was a revolution. Well I am mistaken then. The Turkish War of Independence is a revolution but can also be called a war.

Is "war" = "invasion" ???
The struggle for independence is the revolution but it includes the war of independence where we threw out all the invading soldiers or whatever, via war.

Well, wars usually include invasions and sieges. The struggle for independence is revolution and war. Technically it is revolution but it can be called war. The Europeans were more like occupiers than invaders in the revolution, since they already invade the Ottoman Empire.
26 posts


278 posts

Riots are not wars

when the national gaurd members are pointing m16's to your face telling you to stand down, then your on the ground with half your head missing; ya I think you can consider that some type of violence cause by the war...

three hundred thousand missing

Hopefully you meant wounded.

The Vietnamese were the ones that truly suffered

Ya not sure I can agree to that. 58,159 U.S soldiers dead, and the number is still rising... Soldiers loosing their sanity to this war. The term Booby traps played one of the biggest roles in this war. Not to mention the "innocent" South Vietnamese, a majority of them whom were working for Viet Cong.
13,817 posts

Ya not sure I can agree to that. 58,159 U.S soldiers dead, and the number is still rising... Soldiers loosing their sanity to this war. The term Booby traps played one of the biggest roles in this war. Not to mention the "innocent" South Vietnamese, a majority of them whom were working for Viet Cong.

Ahem. 60,000 dead Americans, 300,000 missing not wounded Americans and about 220,000 dead South Vietnamese, 1.2 million wounded South Vietnamese, 1.2 million dead/missing North Vietnamese, 600,000 wounded North Vietnamese.
653 posts

WWI was the most horrifying war in history plus it basically caused WWII because of the treaty Germany was basically forced to sign

"Even when buried, shells disinter the bodies, then reinter them, chop them to pieces, play with them as a cat plays with a mouse... you found the dead embedded in the walls of the trenches, heads, legs and half-bodies, just as they had been shovelled out of the way by the picks and shovels of the working party."

13,817 posts

61 posts

Wood - Squire


WWI was the most horrifying war in history plus it basically caused WWII because of the treaty Germany was basically forced to sign

"Even when buried, shells disinter the bodies, then reinter them, chop them to pieces, play with them as a cat plays with a mouse... you found the dead embedded in the walls of the trenches, heads, legs and half-bodies, just as they had been shovelled out of the way by the picks and shovels of the working party."

WWI did not directly cause WWII. Somehow when the chancellor died, Hitler became chancellor and declared himself the dictator of Germany. Then, in a few years he began hostilities but by 1939 in the invasion of Poland, the other countries felt that they had enough of Hitler's desire to expand his nation and they declared war on him. If Hitler didn't enter politics or if he was killed then, WWII would of not happened.
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