A planned economy is what socialism is about. No one can accurately plan a whole economy for the future. What if there is a harsh winter? Well, too bad, the planned economy only allows for 75% to buy heaters! What happens if 100 million tires are needed, but the planned economy called for 50 million? Tough cookies. You can't break what the government orders, or else it's treason.
Let's say I sell cars. I work my rear end off and sell 50 cars in a week. The guy across the street sells 2. Who should make more money? Me! But under pure Socialism, we both make the same. So there is no reason for me to work hard.
Almost every country who has tried to work under a Socialist model has failed. They eventually try to make drastic reforms and turn into a "State Capitalist" country. But that system is pretty bad too. The only countries that still operate under Socialism have to put an extreme grip on power. There is no freedom of speech, religion, expression, or movement.
Another reason why socialism won't work is because people will have to make sure they don't have a big family. Maybe they wanted 5 kids but they can't have that many because of how money would go around. They might of had good jobs before socialism was put it but now their paychecks are lower so they can only really afford 2-3 kids. It just seems unfair to me.
I don't think it's an either/or. I often see people critiquing a communist extreme which virtually doesn't exist (nor can it) when they purport to be banishing all that is socialist. Likewise, pure capitalism would be undesirable without the socialist reforms that many zealous capitalists take for granted in their own countries. The countries that rank the highest on the Genuine Progress Indicator, and other socio-economic measures that transcend the overly simplistic and misleading GDP comparisons, mostly seem to be the ones that integrate such reforms.
Let's say I sell cars. I work my rear end off and sell 50 cars in a week. The guy across the street sells 2. Who should make more money? Me! But under pure Socialism, we both make the same. So there is no reason for me to work hard.
Yes you don't have to work hard. But, everyone is poor because the money is distributed equally. In a capitalistic , the only homeless uber poor ones are the lazys. But in a socialistic, everyone is lazy and poor. And skinny because food is scarce. Also, with socialism (AKA COMMUNISM), the Dictator often pillages the countries "wealth" and supplies.
Let's say I sell cars. I work my rear end off and sell 50 cars in a week. The guy across the street sells 2. Who should make more money? Me! But under pure Socialism, we both make the same. So there is no reason for me to work hard.
Good example, but in a socialist state people cannot buy cars - the government supplies them (which goes to show the "diverse" market eh?)
I think that capitalism is way better. I think a person has a right to work there @ss off to earn more than someone who is to lazy to work. Also, with communism if someone works the butt off for the government, they still only get as much as everyone else. That is why communism is such a failure with almost all countries.
Why work harder. When you know working harder isn't gonna give you any more money, why work harder lol? Just do whats required of you and your done. I mean you dont work harder here in a job for more money...If your job is to clean the park, how can you do it better? And if you do whos gonna pay you more? Lets say you work as an accountant. Your just gonna do whatever is required of you so you dont get fired...cmon your not gonna work harder.
And the SU actually had different wages for jobs.
Poor people are not lazy... You think Bill Gates who has 60 billion dollars is better then... lets see a person can live a good life here if they earn 3 million in their life time. 60 billion = about 20,000 people.
With all the money that the rich have, you can cure a bunch of friggen diseases lol.
I want to be rich as Bill Gates.
And since now everything is about $$$, companies will deceive people for more.
Yes, because he should give up his hard-earned dollars to someone else. he already donates millions of dollars, get off his sack.
"Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity"
-Karl Marx
Drace wins the random Marx quotation contest! Yay! Wait, there was no contest? Hm, I guess you aren't a winner after all. Sorry, but thanks for playing! Join us next time when TotalReview will quote Confucius straight from his fortune cookie!
There, maybe now it will sink in. It was hard-earned. If you have seen the documentary about Bill Gate's life you will known that he went through some really rough times before he hit it big. What he did takes a lot of education, hard work, and devotion. He put everything he had into his dream and made it possible for most of us to have what we have today. Now he has people to help him, but one man can not do everything by himself.
I ignored the rest of what you said because I didn't feel that a response was needed. I mean, socialism sucks and that's pretty much what you said.