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3,675 posts

What my peers here think?

I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.

My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.

Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?

  • 1,508 Replies
29 posts

Are all you anti-abortionists vegans or vegetarians? Adult pigs have more intelligence than newly born babies, and yet you harp on about life. Well unless you are vegans and don't wear leather shoes or eat meat, then you are all hypocrites.

1,523 posts

could hear something it was a baby or fetous however you prefer it crying it was still alive but had a hole in it's chest

I highly doubt that someone was paid to "throw out the fetus'".

Also, I highly doubt that a 20-week year old fetus with a hole in it's chest would have enough lung capacity to cry at a level audible to an elderly lady.

As far as my beliefs in abortion goes, I believe that it should be the woman's choice. I think that there should be pretty strict regulations on who can perform the procedure, however. If an abortion is handled incorrectly, the woman could be harmed.

As far as outlawing it because it's "murder" goes, you might as well outlaw shooting and hunting. Oh, wait that would be going against the Bill of Rights. Whoops.
1,523 posts

I highly doubt that someone was paid to "throw out the fetus'".

Sorry for the double post, but what I meant to say was "I highly doubt that someone just goes and throws away the aborted fetus'. There's definitely a secure way of handling them, rather than just throwing them in the dumpster."
396 posts

well i think abortion is not a crime guys

85 posts

to me its the womens choice but its still wrong

329 posts

well i think abortion is not a crime guys

I have to disagree. Like I said before, abortion is taking life. Therefore, it is a crime.

3,880 posts

Its a crime to make it a crime o.O
Its taking away a women's choice.

1,523 posts

Like I said before, abortion is taking life.

This depends, really, as there is no set definition of "life," and morality (At what point is it not okay to kill the fetus?) differs between each person. Since there's so many different philosophies that exist on the topic, the only hope is to make it legal and set strict regulations on how abortion is handled.
29 posts

Right on Drace, I completely agree. Hey Jahson, are you a vegetarian? If not, you better turn yourself in, you're taking 'life'!

9,434 posts

Heh, as a vegetarian I guess I'm one of those you people seem to think have a valid reason for finding it wrong...
But actually I don't.

We need strict rules for abortion and how/when it is allowed to do. Not only because the fetus at some point becomes so much of a human that it would be possible to keep alive (and doctors usually have this weird 'if we can keep it alive, we will keep it alive' policy with humans of all ages), but also because of the traumatic experience it is for a woman to have a pregnancy cut off.

The world has too much of a population already.

Shall I rant more?
I think there are more pros than cons with the subject.

29 posts

People who go on about there being 'too many people on earth' are never the ones who volunteer to help reduce population by topping themselves, so I don't think that's a very valid argument.

In terms of 'trauma', any psychological trauma experienced with regards to abortion is social and not inherent, social because of all this hysteria women are subjected to by the right wing bigots who want them to have no control over their bodies.

This question is not about life, and should never be about life, because if it is, it's ceding ground to anti-abortionists who want to make it a moral argument and take away women's rights. It is a political question as to what a woman can do with her own body, not a moral one.

And criminalising abortion doesn't eradicate it, it just forces women who need abortions to seek backyard operations, putting their lives at much higher risk. Hense 'ro-life', the name is a lie; they don't care if women die. That's right, I'm a poet.

Anyway, if the government forces a woman to have a baby and she is against adoption, who the hell's going to take care of it? well, it certainly won't be the government. Once it's alive the government couldn't care less about it. no, all the caring and support is left up to the mother, and that is why women should be supported for being able to choose. This reinforces all those disgusting stereotypes that say women are naturally caring, nurturing, and always love their children unconditionally, and belong in the home. If you are against abortion you are against women being independent and against them having a say over the most intimate decisions as to what happens to their bodies.

9,434 posts

People who go on about there being 'too many people on earth' are never the ones who volunteer to help reduce population by topping themselves, so I don't think that's a very valid argument.

Possibly not... Actually, Denmark is having troubles with a too low birth rate, and adoption is way too complicated to solve it by adopting unwanted children from other countries.
Then again, that's a whole topic of its own...
In terms of 'trauma', any psychological trauma experienced with regards to abortion is social and not inherent, social because of all this hysteria women are subjected to by the right wing bigots who want them to have no control over their bodies.

So you are saying the only traumatic thing about it comes from other peoples opinions?
This whole subject is not so much of a discussion in the country I live in. The trauma is far more emotional loss than social something... No, I haven't had an abortion myself, but I have had friends who did. It is not a fun thing to go through. It's not something that is just done and then over with.
The woman have to live with her decision for the rest of her life, but it can still be better than having her whole life turned upside down by an unwanted child.

I like the rest of your post.
3,176 posts

Abortion is not something to be taken lightly guys. People have been torn in half because of the situation and choice. For the people who couldn't stay being abstinent, I pity you, no offense. For those that had to go in a situation where a person committed carnal knowledge without consent, that's where I feel for you. After all if it's the choice you made in the beginning before everything started, you need to accept your decision and make the best of that decision. For the latter story, it really is up to you, nobody is going to judge you left from right if that actually happens.

3,880 posts

People have been torn in half because of the situation and choice.

Well forcing them to keep the baby surely isn't going to make them feel any better!

Like Socialist and I as well have said, its no moral issue. Its not even something of which anyone should care about.
Its the fetus, and her mother. No one else plays a role in that particular women's abortion.

It does not cause harm to society, nope, nothing! Her pure choice.
3,176 posts
Nomad I just got through telling, its entirely your choice, abortion isn't illegal. It's if you want to keep the child or not. And I meant nothing as to 'forcing' the mother to keep the baby. No one can force the mother to do anything in the matter.

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