I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
It all depends on the situation you're in. It really depends on age. If you're 30 or something and you don't want another kid or one at all it would be an easy option to put the child up for adoption. If you're in your teens or college and it was an accident that can really impact your life dramatically and abortion would be the best option.
Enough of this adoption crap. So instead of "murdering" the baby you want to flood the system even more with unwanted babies until the system gets even MORE out of control. There are already too many kids in the foster care program. Though the program is government funded that doesn't mean they always get everything they need. Stop being so close-minded and realize that bad and/or sad things happen every day. At some point in time you people are going to have to take your thumbs out of your mouths, grab a Kleenex for your "boogies" and grow up. I would rather have my parents abort me then grow up in a broken system full of bad people with little kids not knowing or knowing very little of my real mother. Way to screw their lives up, besides those rich white people are too busy adopting little babies from Ethiopia to care about your little bundle of joy.
I had to go pretty far back since the new one is locked. We should have some sort of rule that a repeat topic is okay if the original is more than a month back as there is no forum search feature anymore.
@ the debate over whether a fetus is a person in the new version- Let's look at this from a philosophical point of view. Aretaic Theorists/ Virtue Ethicists could argue that the fetus has no character as of yet and as such has no intrinsic moral value; conversely they could say that abortion violates the fetus' teleological purpose. Utilitarians would argue that the unborn incapable of feeling pleasure and displeasure. The consequence of the abortion does not result in unhappiness for the fetus, so the act has no moral value regarding the fetus, only the mother's happiness should be part of the decision calculus. Deontologists talk about duties to other members of society, such as never, ever kill/lie/steal etc. but the problem here is whether or not unborn fetuses are members of society. It seems though that most arguing against abortion are arguing under the related standard of Divine Command Theory, however others would argue that the fetus is part of the woman's body and she has an absolute right to her body, therefore the fetus does not matter until it becomes a separate entity. You could also look at moral anti-realism like Nietzsche and J.L. Mackie, who would say that the baby has no moral value. There are many other ways to view this like feminist ethics and aesthetics. In the end, I would have to say that whether or not the baby is considered alive is irrelevant, because the mother's choice outweighs this, seeing as the fetus is completely dependent on its mother it wouldn't live otherwise.
As i said in the other abortion one my pastor was counseling a woman who had been raped and my pastor was like well i know that i can't change your mind on aborting a baby you don't want but she said no i'm not going to abort this baby i am not going to murder this baby just because of what that man did it shouldn't have to die just because of his sin adn she kept it adn gave it away for adoption so you see it is the mother's choice but a good mother always make's the right choice
(rape is sin? I don't see that in the 10 commandments... oh well)
Well... there are many views as to how this can be interpreted. Some say that as soon as the two cells are joined, it is living. Others say until the embryo contains a heart. Others say until it is a month old, but it is entirely up to the person as to what she wants to do with the baby, it is her right to choose.
But do you not see teh beauty in it? she didn't care if she didn't want it in teh first place she knew that she needed to do what was right what a morally pure person.
Why does it matter if it is living or not? You cannot make universal laws of morality.
You cannot make arguments out of moral statements and/or build up on such as do they do not exist and are completely fallacious. Morals contain no logic!
The point of a moral is to have things be run for the better, more specifically, what makes the people happy.
So the morale "Killing people is wrong" is justified because it serves to better society. "Killing unborn babies" is not bad for anything unless you regard a morale as a universal law, which itself has no justification. So the statement is completely meaningless .