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3,675 posts

What my peers here think?

I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.

My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.

Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?

  • 1,508 Replies
1,523 posts

Is this what you were looking for Zophia?

The fetus is causing direct, physical harm to a woman, and she has the right to separate herself from anyone or anything which is causing her direct physical harm, EVEN if that person or object cannot continue to exist without her.
If I require your lung to live, I cannot simply take it on the grounds that my "right to life" trumps your rights to self-defense. If I make some attempt to use your lung against your will, you are within all legal and moral right to remove yourself from me, EVEN THOUGH it means my death -- not my lung, not my choice. By the EXACT same token, no fetus is entitled to a uterus belonging to someone.
If the fetus IS human, then it STILL has no right to use the woman's uterus against her will, making the debate STILL pointless. So whether or not it is human, it has NO RIGHT to stay inside the uterus if the woman who OWNS her own uterus wants to be removed from the fetus. She cannot be deprived of that right, as it is the first tenet of ALL self-defense.
To deny women the right to defend herself against unwanted harm being done to her body, then you subjectively value women less than a fetus and award all fetuses the right to an organ belonging to another human being -- a right which NO other form of human enjoys. This is impossible on two measures: sexism and ageism.
Only women have uteri, therefore allowance of the use of a uterus against its owner's wishes is sexist; the rule would therefore have to be expanded to something non-discriminatory, such as "organs." The ageism is showing favoritism towards those who are less than 0 minutes past birth, which is reverse-discrimination, and also illegal; therefore the age limit would have to be expanded -- say, all people who have a specific physical need to live. Now all people are equally represented -- and organ donation becomes compulsory based on the need of another individual in order to live. That is the only legal result from illegalization of abortion.

11 posts

For me, abortion only in cases of Rape, Underisable baby ands insulficient funds to help the baby.
i think it.

9,434 posts

Yep, that's the one. Good points there.

Does other countries have that pill too? *wikies* Emergency contraception...

229 posts

That thing was *shudders* that would have to hurt

10,816 posts

There is too much misinformation here:


Wearing a condom will not give you 100% reduction in risk of getting an STI. However it will give you very near to that! As opposed to not wearing one at all.

@zophia and those who asked:

So much for...

Is an English idiom meaning "it's useless" or "it's hopeless". "So much for US sex education" means "sex education in the US is a total failure."

Re: the pill

'The pill', as in the female contraceptive device, works by affecting hormonal cycles (mainly the estrogen-progesterone axis). In some cases it is handy because the menstrual cycle can either go haywire or be completely insane and intolerable all of its own accord, and can be controlled by the pill. That is to say 'the pill' is not necessarily purely a conctraceptive measure, but also a hormonal therapy. Sometimes it's used to control horrible acne, which can be caused by a rampant hormonal cycle, as this may be a safer alternative than Roaccutane, which is known to carry a considerable risk of precipitating suicide and is a class X teratogen.

I dunno about age laws elsewhere, but Australian laws are that a girl may request to be prescribed the pill of their own accord at the age of 14, which given the above, seems perfectly reasonable. A GP may apply to the court on grounds of maturity on behalf of the subject in isolated cases where a girl has good grounds to be on the pill, understands the risks but is under the age of 14. Neither of these cases would require parental consent.

Speaking of which Prop. 4 is a horrible idea. Who the hell thought it up?
10,816 posts

And one other thing: the "emergency contraception pill" is definitely sold in Australia and should also be readily available in the US. Known as "morning after pill" or the "whoops I did it again" pill.

111 posts

Of course regular birth control pills (some kinds) can be used as emergency contraception as well, granted with a lower success rate but there it is.

1,101 posts

k um i forget who said this, but someone said giving oral gives STI's... Um yea maybe cold sores around the mouth. Uhhh you cant get infections around your mouth. You cant get crabs (unless maybe if you have a mustache not sure thow). And you cant get AIDS unless they cut there vag or dic... Oral doesn't give STI's its only unprotected sex. Which of course is without a condom.

506 posts

Oral doesn't give STI's its only unprotected sex.

I sincerely hope nobody is taking what you write to heart. You can get many STDs from oral sex.
List of STD's you can get from oral sex.[quote]
506 posts
Learning to quote is fun haha[quote]
9,434 posts

Shall we take the reason for it being possible to get STDs via oral sex?
Just the HIV/AIDS thing... The virus is in both the sperm and vaginal fluids... So getting them in you mouth means you can catch the virus from them...
Meh, I don't even bother explaining properly, this really oughta be common knowledge (and since it apparently isn't, I should provide information, but I'm tired).

1,523 posts

Known as "morning after pill" or the "whoops I did it again" pill.

Yeah, I think women can get a medical prescription for it if they plan to have unprotected sex. However, it only has an 85% rate of efficiency, so it is obviously not reliable unless the girl doesn't mind getting pregnant.
10,816 posts

k um i forget who said this, but someone said giving oral gives STI's... Um yea maybe cold sores around the mouth. Uhhh you cant get infections around your mouth. You cant get crabs (unless maybe if you have a mustache not sure thow). And you cant get AIDS unless they cut there vag or dic... Oral doesn't give STI's its only unprotected sex

What the hell?

Dude, just forget that paragraph above. It's a total load of s***.

Just click on kris' link. I'm also too tired to fix this.
9,434 posts

Yeah, I think women can get a medical prescription for it if they plan to have unprotected sex. However, it only has an 85% rate of efficiency, so it is obviously not reliable unless the girl doesn't mind getting pregnant.
It's not supposed to be used as a contraceptive.
It's supposed to save you from the accidents so you won't need to get an abortion.
The efficiency rate is, well... Just too bad if you're one of the last 15%, I guess.
1,523 posts

It's not supposed to be used as a contraceptive.

Unfortunately, it's prescribed as such.
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