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3,675 posts

What my peers here think?

I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.

My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.

Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?

  • 1,508 Replies
336 posts

I don't think abortion should be allowed. If a woman is pregnant, and she doesn't want to take care of the child, then you just destroy a life? People always say that the woman has the right to choose about having an abortion, but did the child have a say in it? If someone murdered someone else, wouldn't you want them to go to jail? It's exactly the same with abortion, your still killing a human being.

The law disagrees with your position. With very few exceptions, the legal definition of life is deemed to begin at birth, not conception.

This nation is founded on freedom of choice and conscience. If one does not believe in abortion, they do not have to get one. Abortion should not be considered a method of birth control, but it should be a private medical decision between a doctor and their patient.

What happens when abortion is made illegal? It goes underground, becomes unsanitary, and leads to more deaths. It also means more children are born to impoverished and unfit families, which will likely contribute to an increase in criminal activities. More will suffer. It is one thing to have noble ideals, it is another to employ them in an impractical attempt to legislate morality.

If "Pro-Lifers" were so concerned with ending abortion, they would concentrate more energy on preventing unwanted pregnancies. Instead, they want to turn the whole issue into an overly melodramatic "moral crusade" that hurts more than it helps.
70 posts

If I was aborted, I wouldn't care at all, because I never would have cognitively acknowledged my own existence.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you don't start thinking until your born. And wouldn't you rather have not been born as apposed to causing the parent financial issues. And in the case of molestation, I'm completely unapposed to abortions - you don't have to have a kid until you're ready to.
23 posts

This nation is founded on freedom of choice and conscience. If one does not believe in abortion, they do not have to get one. Abortion should not be considered a method of birth control, but it should be a private medical decision between a doctor and their patient.

So, if this nation is founded on freedom of choice, shouldn't the child's opinion matter also? Should not the child also have a choice to live? Many children are killed just because many people don't want the responsibility of a child. And, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't classify murdering a child before or during birth as a 'medical' decision.

What happens when abortion is made illegal? It goes underground, becomes unsanitary, and leads to more deaths. It also means more children are born to impoverished and unfit families, which will likely contribute to an increase in criminal activities. More will suffer. It is one thing to have noble ideals, it is another to employ them in an impractical attempt to legislate morality.

Yes, that is true, but there is always another way to look at something. If you have fewer children, what happens to our future? Children are the future of our country, if you kill them, guess what? Our country goes down the drain.
1,523 posts

So, if this nation is founded on freedom of choice, shouldn't the child's opinion matter also?

Well, first off, it's a fetus, not a child. Second, this sentence isn't plausible because a fetus cannot think for itself or make it's own decisions. The fetus is living only with the help of the woman's uterus. Seeing as it is her uterus, it is her choice whether or not to abort it.

And, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't classify murdering a child before or during birth as a 'medical' decision.

If it was actually murder, abortions would have been made illegal far long ago. A huge majority of abortions are made before electrical impulses are sent through the brain, which I believe is when most biologists constitute "life" beginning.

If you have fewer children, what happens to our future? Children are the future of our country, if you kill them, guess what?

People have been getting abortions for decades, and none of that has stopped our population from growing.
45 posts

So, if this nation is founded on freedom of choice, shouldn't the child's opinion matter also?

No. Fetuses (not a child!) don't have rationality, reason, concious thought or goals, so it is impossible for it at that stage of developement to form a thought, let alone make a choice. No choice, no opinion, therefore that would be a weak argument in favour of abortion.

And, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't classify murdering a child before or during birth as a 'medical' decision.

Again, fetus, not child. You can't start giving rights to potential life; if that were so, every time you cut your fingernails, you'd have to take them to a lab to have fetuses (feti? what's the plural on that?) created from them, every hair follicle too. Women would need to be pregnant all the time, and guys: forget about auto-erotica, since that's hundreds, thousands, millions of potential lives being wadded up in a tissue or sock and tossed. So, I wouldn't classify destroying a group of cells which could form a potential fetherless biped being "murder".
4,871 posts

No it's not potential life it's alive, also them we wait til the child can make a rational decision and see if it choses life or death.

33 posts

abortion is a good way to stop lame nerd and annoying geeks from living it also cure overpopulation.

1,523 posts

No it's not potential life it's alive, also them we wait til the child can make a rational decision and see if it choses life or death.

When a fetus is actually "alive" is a matter of opinion. However, biologists agree that the period when the fetus becomes "alive" is around 26 weeks into the pregnancy.

And why would a woman wait until it's a full-grown child, capable of deciding it's own life's value to make the decision? Abortions are performed because the situation is urgent. Your point is invalid.
4,871 posts

And why would a woman wait until it's a full-grown child, capable of deciding it's own life's value to make the decision? Abortions are performed because the situation is urgent. Your point is invalid.

How is the situation "urgent"?
4,871 posts

welll there is a baby being bored, why are you such a noob

It's being bored? Oh so next time your bored ill make sure I kill you to.
4,871 posts

born u *******...and you cant kill me your christian that against christian rules

Law's and maybe i would consider it abortion because according to you that isn't murder.
1,523 posts

How is the situation "urgent"?

Gee, I don't know, because pregnancy doesn't last forever?
9,434 posts

How is the situation "urgent"?
Ever thought about what a massive life changing event having a child or even just a pregnant belly is??

And stop flamin., or I retain the right to call you all knobs*! No more asterisked out words people. >:|

*insult stolen from Strop-
660 posts

I don't get what the debate ius about, it is the parent's choice and if they want to do that they must not be suitable parents for what ever reason.

4,871 posts

Gee, I don't know, because pregnancy doesn't last forever?

ok and?I'm asking what is so urgent about this that you have to terminate the fetus?
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