I think that if you do it you shouldint do it in a well public place or jsut dont do it in public at all. Even though I dont like the U.S I still have respect enough not to burn it but iam to tired to think hard lol
Why should it be? It's a piece of cloth. It's a lame gesture anyway. You can't destroy the country so burn the cloth which is a symbol of the country. A lame gesture for lame people who aren't original enough to think of another way to protest a cause.
And about this being flagged: firstly, I hope that was a "no pun intended" statement, and secondly, this is a politics area, and Flag burning was the most recent attempted amendment to the US constitution. It failed by one vote, I was wondering what other people thought
Yes it should. Burning your own flag in your own country would be as close to treason as you can get w/o actually committing treason. By burning the flag you are making a statement that you do not believe the Country to which you belong is rightfully there or rightfully existent...or at least close to that effect
A symbol is very important to anything. For instance, in math, one symbol off can be a huge mistake. Same with a country. A flag represents the country, and all in it. We should take pride in that "iece of cloth" because it defines the country. When you see the flag, the first thing you think of is "USA", not "iece of cloth" anyways, so don't tell us its just a useless rag.
Think of the flag as a subsitude of your country. When you go to war, you can't lug a huge piece of land with you, so you use a symbol, AKA, the flag. A flag tells others who you are, what you believe in, and what you are fighting for. A flag is important, it is a country. You wouldn't burn where you live, therefore, bad to burn a flag.