Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.
ok. well that's not everything don't use words you don't mean. And magic still works. in fact this is where the discussion sort of grinds to a halt because you will believe what you will I won't have a theory to explain everything I'll have rules and laws that govern all of existence they are studied in the subject of physics. Some aspects of physics are theories they have no actual proof and they don't explain everything at once. But physics as a whole does, sure it has some holes but what doesn't? And I can live with holes I won't lose my mind wondering exactly what Dark Matter is I can live with not knowing.
Ok not that I don't believe in evolution it's just that the teacher I had who taught it to me forced us to think it was real. There was a lot of kids who didn't believe and got bad grades for it. Not really liking it in school so much...
Don't pray in my school and I won't think in your church.
this is such a common worthless argument come think in my church i welcome new experiences i want you to challange my beliefs and i will challange yours. Also I think everyone in my church thinks.
deas are actually studied into and not acceptd because some floating man in the sky said it was.
you can offend a lot of people with a statement like that. you dont have to believe, but never insult.
Creationism shouldn't be taught in science classes, because it isn't a science
right, its theology, and it should be a choice to take, not an obligation. maybe they shouldnt teach evolution, and it should also be opinionated as well. its also not proven, just like religion.
No, it isn't. It has been studied for nearly a centuary now and still is studied, ideas are actually studied into and not acceptd because some floating man in the sky said it was.
Ever read anything on creationism?an unbiased book would tell you that both have scientific merit. Remember evolution while being a new theory has had more time to be actualy studied than creationism because almost everyone already believed in a creator.
No. Darwin was the first to publish the theory in a complete manner, he did not pioneer the theory of evolution, nor did he claim to.
I agree i know about this but he did father the modern version
right, its theology, and it should be a choice to take, not an obligation. maybe they shouldnt teach evolution, and it should also be opinionated as well. its also not proven, just like religion.
There was a post somewhere back on this thread that someone thought the evolution was the ONLY way we got here he didn't know there were other theroys getting to my point both should ATLEAST be mentioned in science.
And i have read more of the bible and other christian books and attended more church more then you will in your hole life.[My parnets are HxC Christians]
Considering the fact i doubt ill turn away from my faith again...i really doubt that mabey right now you have but i don't know your age and can't say for sure but hey mabey ul come back or start.
Evolution use to be illegal until people relised it had some sense to it.
Could i have a link to that please?sorry i've just never heard that.