In these troubling times we see in the news that more and more people are losing their jobs. Hence, we see a rise in criminal activity. There was a news article that just recently caught my attention in the Wall Street Journal, âBusinesses Say Theft by Their Workers Is Up.â Here is the link to the article if you wish to see it, just copy and paste it in your search bar:
All this thread shows is that pretty much everybody in it is either a liar, has no will to live or just really doesn't know what they're capable of. It's human nature, it's in every animal and if you dig deep enough it's in humans too. Once you shed away all the boundaries of our society as it is, like in a life or death situation, everybody, and I mean everybody that wants their life enough will kill, steal and do whatever it takes to make sure themselves and their family stay alive.
if you have no choice and i mean really no choice like when you cant get help or a job and you would starve if you didnt its ok(never good) but otherwise never
Well, if you steal because you do not have anything to live (money, food and such) i think that sealing is acceptable even that people think that you are a thief.
But.. Its there fualt.. that they have no money cus maybe they werent taking school srsly.. So i think its bad since its there fault but ill also feel sad for them since they starving.
Stealing is bad either way. Stealing is stealing. I feel bad for the people who have to steal to survive but that still doesn't make it alright. I would suggest praying every now and then. Maybe God can help you. If you're atheist, you'll just have to find some other way to get things.
In most cases of survival their are alternatives to stealing for examples: Soup kitchens for food or in a more rural area you can trap wild game, there are many salvation army stores that offer clothes for free, and homeless shelters can allow you to have a dry place to stay. There is no reason to resort to a crime just because you don't have everything it doesn't make it any more righteous, morally acceptable, etc.
One year ago, I started this topic. I'm just un-earthing this subject to see what the new members of Armor Games.
Last year I think this site my have had maybe 100,000 members; I do not remember right off hand. But after some time, the number of members has grown to over 600,000.
Anyway, I have returned!
I tested the address from page 1 and it still works. I figured this would be an interesting subject during our difficult economy.
So what do you think of it, new folks?
This is also for the people who have already responded as well. Has your opinion changed since then?
I don't think stealing objects from others to sell for money is good in any situation, but I say this because I'm very possessive about my own possessions and would hate it if I lost anything. Now stealing in food stocks to fight your hunger, for example, is probably 'good' if you only have this option left or if other options are 'worse'.