I'm just saying nirmally the side that doesn't start off the conflict has the moral highground, but in this context i think conflict was inevitable and since then both sides have been doing 'wrong'. I think its all about perspective really.
Well in the Nazis' opinion the Soviets, Jews, Blacks, Socialists, Communists, Capitalists, Hewbrews, ect. ect. , were all a people who were "sub-human" and needed to be exterminated. They thought they were doing the "right" thing for the world. But outside powers other than Italy, Japan,Spain,Finland and most South American countries besides Argentina said it was pure evil.
Just wondering. How do Americans view the situation? Its obvious the government supports Israel. And I'm sure they portray the Palestinians as the bad guys, but does the media have much of an impact on the mind of the typical person on this issue?
Well in the Nazis' opinion the Soviets, Jews, Blacks, Socialists, Communists, Capitalists, Hewbrews, ect. ect. , were all a people who were "sub-human" and needed to be exterminated. They thought they were doing the "right" thing for the world. But outside powers other than Italy, Japan,Spain,Finland and most South American countries besides Argentina said it was pure evil.
So? They are different issues completely. Also Hitler didnt hate capitalists, how can you hate capitalists and communists at the same time?
Just wondering. How do Americans view the situation? Its obvious the government supports Israel. And I'm sure they portray the Palestinians as the bad guys, but does the media have much of an impact on the mind of the typical person on this issue?
Indeed most of the people who have posted on here in support of Israel have been American. Most people( I say most there are only a few) who have posted in support of Palestine have been non US, so I would say it makes a big difference.
Well,for a change,I'm from Greece and my country's general opinion(I don't express all of Greece)is with Palestine.Anyways THE U.S goverment support Israel obviously not out of good will but they have something to gain.They can gain more from Israel because it's wealthier than Palestine.Plus,I believe the media play and important in the opinion that the people have for the two opposite chanell.The channels that exist in my country prefer to show the Gaza strip which,obviously,things are bad for Palestinians.Now if Americans support Israel,then their channels should show the death that Hamas caused to Israel.So to end,I support Palestine.It hasn't hurt Israel as much as Israel hurt Palestine,specialy with the newly-launched-infantry attack.
The U.S. back Israel because when Britain and the allies borowed money from America in WWII the American government got the money from rich Jewish business. after the war all the allies kinda owed one so helped to set up israel (helping the Zionist movement). its kind of a you sctatch my back... thing.
Indeed most of the people who have posted on here in support of Israel have been American. Most people( I say most there are only a few) who have posted in support of Palestine have been non US, so I would say it makes a big difference.
yea i know the american media pollutes the mind of a person soo much. they believe that ALL muslums now r terrorist. now heres the corruption nd i dont mean to offend any african americans on this.
u know u can get jumped badly nd i mean badly not by just a regular beating if u r muslum. nd mostly african americans do this in my neighborhood. they have heard sooooo much from the media that the muslums are terrible and want to kill them that they even forgot that their background is filled with the muslum ppl!! for example i was talking to my friend (who is african american) nd he found about im muslum. he said some things about them and it kinda offended me, but he was just tryn to. meanwhile another day, he admited that his whole family is muslum and hes not because he sees them as terrorist. tell me, thats wrong
srry to get off the conversation, but yea the US media is so corrupted and makes anybody, even some muslums, think that muslums are terrorist. nd they only believe in the media meanwhile they have no proof of any of this. this is just not right.
an american plz reply nd tell me: this is happening in the US.