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ForumsThe TavernEverybody's talking 'bout spaming and spammers, locking and mocking, modding and modeling...

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5,043 posts

So everybody here on ArmorGames seems to do their best on here to have their fun. I have noticed this before but now is the time to say somethig. Everyone needs to worry a little less about spammers and spam, moderators doing their jobs, and molding everyone into an idea member.

When you see someone posting off topic don't say "Hey, don't spam," say "Hey, post on topic." When you see someone posting all over the place tell them to focus on posting only a few good comments and not a lot of crappy ones. Don't even mention the word spam. Just let them know it is annoying.

Now sometimes we must use the word spam and sometimes we need to address something is spam, but for almost every 2 spam comments theres another one telling them not to spam and sadly a lot of people don't get the message if they are told they are spamming. They need the problem spoon fed to them, thats what we need to do. Tell them what they are doing directly.

Lets not lie, everybody wants to become a moderator, set an example, do something good, cure the problem of spam. All of which I just mentioned is great but when you focus on all that, then how do you plan on posting for fun? How do you plan on making yourself an example and post inturesting posts and keep every thread a delight to post in? You can't get there by worrying about that and a bunch of other stuff. Everybody is trying to do good but not trying to have fun and we don't care if people do good but we want people to have fun just as long as they aren't doing anything bad.

See some dumb posts in a thread? Leave a comment on the person's profile if you think they should pute more effort into their posts, don't post about their post in the same thread. It drags everything off topic and we really do need to learn to stay on topic enough so that its fun, but get off topic in a way where it is still fun and easy to get back on topic. When people stumble off topic saying "that is spam" then we see about 6 other people follow saying random things or replying to people a page or two before. That is never fun.

My message for everyone is to simply have fun. You can be a good member but everyone is stressing about spam and trying to protect AG from spam. It is no fun worrying about spam let me tell you but it's my job. I said this before, but there are benefits to being regular members over being mods.

So if you want to change AG, forget everything you think you know about being a member and start all over. When you first joined the community you thought you would be going topic to topic reading a bunch of funny comments and inturesting stories. Now everyone posts short boring answers and try to find new ways to have fun forgeting that we have a forum that should be plenty for us!

  • 72 Replies
5,043 posts

Anybody willing to change their ways, worry less about being this or that and if it is or is not spam, post here and let this be step one to becoming a more enjoyable member.

I am bound to the whole spam issue but everyone else is not.

I shall however, for now on, be more easy going and try to have more fun and worry about the rules a little less myself. Even us mods can go overboard.

8,051 posts

last year i kept telling some people "you spammed telling other people not to spam" on their profile

it's so annoyinggg

i am a bit puzzled as to why everyone is crazy about spam and have to point it out like captain obvious
i mean i know they want to be mods and all but thats going little overboard isn't it?

563 posts

I totally agree with everything said. Some people will jump on even the smallest thing. Going to someones profile, and saying hello in a nice way, explaining that you want to talk somebody, and getting a "Dont spam on my profile." Doesnt help. Especially if the user is new, and doesnt know the rules that well.

563 posts

I also beleive that sometimes people take a comment the wrong way. When you are on the web, the other person cannot hear the way you say it, so may take offense at a certain comment, or just call it spam because they are a finatic, and really really want to be a mod.

2,636 posts


First how much time did you take to write this?

Beign myself a person that worries to much with spammers, when I read this text I spent five minutes thinking about what you wrote.

Now what?

You're right.

Maybe I should stop worry about spam and have a little more fun.

I'll continue flagging coments tough.

When people stumble off topic saying "that is spam" then we see about 6 other people follow saying random things or replying to people a page or two before. That is never fun.

True but if people do that it must be because they are worried 'bout something that some user did.

But as you said people shouldn't worry so much.

[quote]So if you want to change AG, forget everything you think you know about being a member and start all over.


*Iniciates memory erasing process, current memory files: 100

Current files deleted: 99...100

Memory erased*

Whats ap? Whats community? whats spam? whats a mod? :P

Just joking.
3,176 posts

Anyone can just tell someone not to spam, but for those that detect spam, you should clearly follow these instructions. Just look in the "spam" section. That's what all of us should be doing! Not just openly saying that the reply was spam, because you just turned yourself into a giant hypocrite!

Now, I'll say this right now, because this situation happened to me. I wouldn't comment on their profile suggesting to make more constructive comments. This leads to flaming. I'm not saying you shouldn't, but I'm saying that this is usually what follows. Just do what the rules and NoNameC68 said: be a good role model and post constructive and informative posts about the topic, not the "I agree with xxxxx, I didn't read the topic, and I really don't care, I just want AP, so I'm going to agree with the person above me" posts.

2,636 posts

In my post there are some things that are not well written.

That last quote should only be:

So if you want to change AG, forget everything you think you know about being a member and start all over

Not that big quote.

I accidently quoted my own sentence.

Just for you to know.

4,375 posts

Wow, thank you noname. The rets of AG will "hopefully" Stop saying stuff is spam and simply tell them on there walls. As for your "everyone wants to be a mod" thats not enirely true. I don't. I takes to much responsibility, and time...which I have neither, and i know that.

Anyways, thanks for makeing this topic, may it cure people of there spamyness.

5,642 posts


lol, I'm a spelling nazi .
Anyways, this entire speech is very good, it states the facts and guts the chicken A.S.A.P. It's very true how we're always tripping over spam, and come to think of it, I wonder why other people were.
To say the truth, I always have fun on AG, whether it's writing on The Story of Faceless (which no one seems to read), developing/answering to the ZSC, and even just saying "go away" to some neir-do-well upon the forums. I should start saying WHY they should go away or stop spamming, hm. Not quite sure why I haven't thought of that really.
563 posts

People really need to just have fun. That is why it is called, Armor GAMES. so you can play games, and have fun.

9,434 posts

*pours honey on thread*
Oh my, how sticky.

Important message is important to understand, yes. Good job writing this, NoName~

1,568 posts

I agree.

5,642 posts

I agree.

uh dude, no 2 word comments on a thread about tripping over spam? lol.
I'm pretty sure we all agree though.
20,591 posts

Sometimes it seems kind of unfair that they get away with it for the time being, but this is supposedly the right way to go...

1,568 posts

uh dude, no 2 word comments on a thread about tripping over spam? lol.
I'm pretty sure we all agree though.

I agree.
Showing 1-15 of 72